
上传日期:2022-09-14 20:07:25
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  伪新闻检测器模型的端到端MLOps管道。,
(An End to End MLOps Pipeline for a fake news detector model.,)

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Tests Deploy

# End to End Fake News Classifier This repository contains an implementation of an end to end fake news classifier. It is the final capstone project for [MLOps Zoomcamp course](https://github.com/DataTalksClub/mlops-zoomcamp) from [DataTalks.Club](https://datatalks.club). ## About the Project Misinformation is wide spread. The aim of the project is to train and deploy a model to detect the presence of fake claims in articles. Emphasis is largely placed on the MLOps pipeline. ## About the Data Data source: [Fake and real news dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/clmentbisaillon/fake-and-real-news-dataset) This data consists of about 40000 articles consisting of fake and real news. The data consists of two separate datasets - one for each news category with each dataset containing around 20000 articles. ## Project Solution and Architecture ![Alt text](images/e2e_architecture.png?raw=true "Project Architecture") Tools used include: 1. [Terraform](https://www.terraform.io) is the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool used for creating resources. 2. [MLflow](https://www.mlflow.org) for experiment tracking and as a model registry. 3. [Docker](https://www.docker.com) for containerization. 4. [Prefect 2.0](https://www.prefect.io/opensource/v2/) for workflow orchestration. 5. [AWS Lambda](https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/) for cloud deployment and inference. 6. [Flask](https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.2.x/) for local deployment and inference. 7. [Evidently AI](https://docs.evidentlyai.com/) for monitoring. 8. [Github Actions](https://github.com/features/actions) for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery. ### Machine Learning Model The model builds on ideas from Madhav Mathur's [notebook](https://www.kaggle.com/code/madz2000/nlp-using-glove-embeddings-99-87-accuracy). Words are represented using GloVe Embeddings which is a word vector technique. GloVe incorporates global statistics (word co-occurrence) to obtain word vectors. More info about GloVe [here](https://towardsdatascience.com/light-on-math-ml-intuitive-guide-to-understanding-glove-embeddings-b13b4f19c010?gi=b9a4fd6dc8ff). An LSTM model with 5 layers was trained using Tensorflow and Keras. ## Implementing the Solution ### Pre-requisite Optional - Create a VM with about 8gbs of RAM. This would allow for fast training, downloading the fairly large dataset (~2gb), pulling and pushing of required docker containers. Set up an AWS account. Set up a Kaggle account for getting the data. Install Python 3.9 ``` wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-py39_4.12.0-Linux-x86_64.sh chmod +x Miniconda3-py39_4.12.0-Linux-x86_64.sh ./Miniconda3-py39_4.12.0-Linux-x86_64.sh rm Miniconda3-py39_4.12.0-Linux-x86_64.sh ``` Install aws-cli ``` curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip" sudo apt install unzip unzip awscliv2.zip sudo ./aws/install rm -r awscliv2.zip aws/ ``` Create AWS user with administrator access. Note the `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` and `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_users_create.html Install docker https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/linux-install/ Allow docker to run without sudo https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/ Install docker-compose ``` sudo apt install docker-compose ``` Install Terraform https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/terraform/install-cli ### Getting Started If interested in testing automated deploy capabilities using Github Actions, fork the repository and clone fork to local machine. **OR** To test locally or manually deploy, clone the repository to your local machine. ``` git clone https://github.com/IzicTemi/e2e_fake_news_classifier.git cd e2e_fake_news_classifier ``` ### Preparing your Workspace #### 1. Set Environment Variables Edit [set_env.sh](scripts/set_env.sh) in [scripts](scripts/) folder. - Get `KAGGLE_USERNAME` and `KAGGLE_KEY` following the instructions [here](https://www.kaggle.com/docs/api#:~:text=is%20%24PYTHON_HOME/Scripts.-,Authentication,-In%20order%20to). - `DATA_PATH` is path to store data. Preferrably "data". - `MODEL_BUCKET` is the intended name of s3 bucket to store MLflow artifacts. - `PROJECT_ID` is the tag to add to created resources to ensure uniqueness. - `MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI` is the tracking server url. Default is for local MLflow setup. Leave empty if you want to setup Mlfow on AWS ec2 instance. - `TFSTATE_BUCKET` is the intended name of s3 bucket to store Terraform State files. - `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` and `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` from user created above. - `AWS_DEFAULT_REGION` is the default region for resources to be created. - `ECR_REPO_NAME` is the intended name of ECR registry to store docker images. - `MODEL_NAME` is the name to which to register the trained models. Optional - `MLFLOW_TRACKING_USERNAME` and `MLFLOW_TRACKING_PASSWORD` if using an authenticated MLflow server. Run command: ``` source scripts/set_env.sh ``` #### 2. Create S3 Bucket to store Terraform states This can be done from the console or by running ``` aws s3api create-bucket --bucket $TFSTATE_BUCKET \ --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION ``` #### 3. Set Terraform variables ``` make setup_tf_vars ``` #### 4. Optional - Set up MLflow Server on ec2 instance Manually setup MLflow on an ec2 instance by following instructions [here](https://github.com/DataTalksClub/mlops-zoomcamp/blob/main/02-experiment-tracking/mlflow_on_aws.md). **OR** Run ``` make mlflow_server ``` - The above command creates a free tier eligible t2.micro ec2 instance and installs MLflow on it using Terraform. - It also creates a key pair called webserver_key and downloads the private key to the [ec2 module](infrastructure/modules/ec2) folder in the infrastructure folder. This allows Terraform interact with the ec2 instance. - An sqlite db is used as the backend store. In the future, a better implementation would be to use a managed RDS instance. This could be added later. #### 5. Optional - If AWS default region not us-east-1, run: ``` find . -type f -exec sed -i "s/us-east-1/$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION/g" {} \; ``` ### Instructions #### 1. Install dependencies and set up environment ``` make setup ``` - The above command install pipenv which in turn sets up the virtual environment. - It also installs the pre commit hooks. #### 2. Start virtual environment ``` pipenv shell ``` #### 3. Create S3 bucket to store MLflow artifacts ``` make create_bucket ``` #### 4. Get dataset from Kaggle ``` python get_data.py ``` #### 5. Optional - If running locally, start MLflow server ``` mlflow server --host --backend-store-uri sqlite:///mlflow.db \ --default-artifact-root $ARTIFACT_LOC --serve-artifacts ``` Navigate to http://\/5000 - \ is localhost or if running on PC, else, it's the VM's public IP adress. #### 6. Train the model The model training process performs a hyperparameter search to get best parameters. This could take very long and is memory intensive. If interested in the full training process, run: ``` python train.py ``` For testing purposes, set a small number of optimization trials and lower the number of epochs required to train the model. ``` python train.py --n_evals 2 --epochs 3 ``` - On completion of the optimization and training process, the best run is registered as a model and promoted to Production. This is implemented in the [register_best_model](train.py#L323) function. #### 7. Deploying the Model
  1. Deploy web service locally using Flask.
  2. ``` cd web_service_local ./run.sh ``` - To make inferences, make a `POST` request to - The content of the `POST` request should be of the format: ``` { 'text': text } ``` **OR** Edit and run [test.py](web_service_local/test.py) in [web_service_local](web_service_local/) folder. ``` python web_service_local/test.py ```
  3. Manually deploy web service to AWS Lambda.
  4. **Note:** Ensure you're using a hosted MLflow Server when running this. See [step 4](#4-optional---set-up-mlflow-server-on-ec2-instance) in [Preparing your Workspace](#preparing-your-workspace) above. ``` make publish ``` - The above command uses Terraform to deploy the model to AWS Lambda and exposes it using an API gateway endpoint. - The scripts outputs the endpoint of the Lambda function. - To make inferences, make a `POST` request to the output url. - The content of the `POST` request should be of the format: ``` { 'text': text } ``` **OR** Edit and run [test.py](web_service/test.py) in [web_service](web_service/) folder. ``` python web_service/test.py ``` - If you get a {'message': 'Endpoint request timed out'} error, retry the request; the initial model loading takes time.
### Monitoring A Production Environment is simulated to get insights into model metrics and behavior. To implement this, follow the steps below: #### 1. Spin up the Web Service and a MongoDB database to store requests. ``` make monitor_setup ``` - The above command pulls the MongoDB docker image and runs it on port 27017. - It also starts up the web service from [web_service_local](web_service_local/) on port 9696. #### 2. Run [send_data.py](monitoring/send_data.py) to simulate requests to the model web service. ``` python monitoring/send_data.py ``` - The above script creates a shuffled dataframe from the dataset and makes a `POST` request with text from each row to the model service for prediction. - It saves the real values and id to `target.csv` - To generate enough data, let this run for at least 30 minutes. #### 3. Generate a report from the simulation by running: ``` python prefect_monitoring.py ``` - The above command sets up a Prefect workflow which uses Evidently AI to calculate data drift, target drift and classification performance. - This generates an HTML report `evidently_report.html` showing the metrics. - It also checks the performance of the Production model against the reference and triggers the training flow if poor (difference of 10% set). An sample report is show below ![Alt text](images/example_report.png?raw=true "Example report") #### 4. Stop the docker containers on completion. ``` make stop_monitor ``` ### Workflow Orchestration with Prefect To automate getting the data, training the model and running monitoring analysis on a schedule, we use Prefect deployment capabilities. ``` python prefect_deploy.py prefect agent start --work-queue "main" ``` - The above script uses [Prefect](https://www.prefect.io/opensource/v2/) to automate the deployment using a Cron Scheduler. - Two deployments are currently set up: - One to run the training workflow which is set to run weekly by 00:00 on Monday, - Another runs the model analysis workflow weekly by 00:00 on Thursday - The second command sets up the agent to look for work and runs it at the appointed time. - To change the schedule, edit the [prefect_deploy.py](prefect_deploy.py) file and change the Cron schedule. - To view the scheduled deployments, run: ``` prefect orion start --host ``` Navigate to http://\/4200 - \ is localhost or if running on PC, else, it's the VM's public IP adress. An example of scheduled runs is shown below ![Alt text](images/scheduled_deployment.png?raw=true "Example scheduled runs") ### Tests This runs linting and unit tests on the code. It also builds the web service and ensures that inferences can be successfully made. Ensure you're in the base folder to run these. ``` make test make integration_test ``` ### Continuous Integration and Deployment This allows for automatic tests and deployment by making and pushing changes to the repository. #### 1. Fork repository and clone fork to local machine. #### 2. Switch branch to test-branch. ``` git checkout test-branch ``` #### 3. Perform all steps in [Preparing your workspace](#preparing-your-workspace) above and steps 1 - 6 from [Instructions](#instructions). #### 4. Add Github Secrets to the forked repository as shown in the image below: ![Alt text](images/github_secrets.png?raw=true "Github Repository Secrets") - On the github repo, navigate to Settings -> Secrets -> Actions. - Add new Secrets by clicking on "New repository secret". - Copy the output of the command below and set as the value `SSH_PRIVATE_KEY`. This allows terraform interact with the MLflow Server. ``` cat infrastructure/modules/ec2/webserver_key.pem ``` #### 5. Edit [ci-tests.yaml](.github/workflows/ci-tests.yaml) and [cd-deploy.yml](.github/workflows/cd-deploy.yml) in [.github/workflows](.github/workflows/) folder. - Replace env variable `MODEL_NAME` in [ci-tests.yaml](.github/workflows/ci-tests.yaml#L14) and [cd-deploy.yml](.github/workflows/cd-deploy.yml#11). - Replace env variable `ECR_REPO_NAME` in [ci-tests.yaml](.github/workflows/ci-tests.yaml#L15). #### 6. Commit and push changes to Github. #### 7. On branch develop of the forked repo, create a pull request to merge test-branch into develop. - This triggers the Continuous Integration workflow which runs unit tests, integration test and validates the Terraform configuration. #### 8. After all checks are completed, merge pull request into develop. - This triggers the Continuous Deployment workflow which applies the Terrafrom configuration and deploys the infrastructure. ## Destroy Infrastructure On completing the steps above, destroy all the setup infrastructure by running: ``` make destroy ``` **Note**: This destroys all created infrastructure except the Terraform state bucket. The process includes the destruction of the MLflow Server and models bucket. To prevent destruction of the models bucket, edit the [s3 module](infrastructure/modules/s3/main.tf#L3) in the Terraform configuration and set: ``` force_destroy = false ``` Empty and delete the Terraform state bucket from the console or by running: ``` aws s3 rm s3://$TFSTATE_BUCKET --recursive aws s3api delete-bucket --bucket $TFSTATE_BUCKET ``` ## Acknowledgement - The instructors of the [MLOps Zoomcamp Course](https://github.com/DataTalksClub/mlops-zoomcamp) who taught most of the concepts used in the project. - The [DataTalksClub](https://datatalks.club/) community. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details.


