
上传日期:2023-07-09 07:31:57
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  基于kotlin+tornadoFx的跨平台密码学工具箱.包含编解码,编码转换,加解密, 哈希,MAC,签名,大数 运 算,压缩,二 维 码功能,ctf等实用功能,支持插件,
(Cross platform cryptology toolbox based on kotlin+tornadoFx. It contains practical functions such as encoding and decoding, encoding conversion, encryption and decryption, hash, MAC, signature, large number operation, compression, two-dimensional code function, ctf, and supports plug-ins,)

LICENSE (738, 2023-09-20)
app/ (0, 2023-09-20)
app/build.gradle.kts (2510, 2023-09-20)
app/src/ (0, 2023-09-20)
app/src/main/ (0, 2023-09-20)
app/src/main/kotlin/ (0, 2023-09-20)
app/src/main/kotlin/me/ (0, 2023-09-20)
app/src/main/kotlin/me/leon/ (0, 2023-09-20)
app/src/main/kotlin/me/leon/Constants.kt (533, 2023-09-20)
app/src/main/kotlin/me/leon/Digests.kt (3192, 2023-09-20)
app/src/main/kotlin/me/leon/Resource.kt (434, 2023-09-20)
app/src/main/kotlin/me/leon/Styles.kt (1317, 2023-09-20)
app/src/main/kotlin/me/leon/ToolsApp.kt (4315, 2023-09-20)
app/src/main/kotlin/me/leon/classical/ (0, 2023-09-20)
** (288, 2023-09-20)
** (1820, 2023-09-20)
app/src/main/kotlin/me/leon/classical/AffineCipher.kt (1359, 2023-09-20)
app/src/main/kotlin/me/leon/classical/AlphabetaIndex.kt (1036, 2023-09-20)
app/src/main/kotlin/me/leon/classical/Atbash.kt (340, 2023-09-20)
app/src/main/kotlin/me/leon/classical/AutoKey.kt (1059, 2023-09-20)
app/src/main/kotlin/me/leon/classical/BaconCipher.kt (2548, 2023-09-20)
app/src/main/kotlin/me/leon/classical/Beaufort.kt (635, 2023-09-20)
app/src/main/kotlin/me/leon/classical/Bifid.kt (1040, 2023-09-20)
app/src/main/kotlin/me/leon/classical/CitrixCtx1.kt (1455, 2023-09-20)
... ...




Visitors :eyes:

ToolsFx :: Visitor's Count Leon406:: Visitor's Count

------ ## Function ### Encoding [wiki]( - [x] base64 - [x] urlBase64 - [x] base16/32/36/45/58/62/85/91/92/100 - [x] base58check - [x] UrlEncode - [x] Unicode - [x] js hex(\x61)/js octal(\140) - [x] binary/octal/decimal/hex - [x] custom base serial dict - [x] puny code - [x] quote printable - [x] uuEncode - [x] xxEncode - [x] escape/escapeAll - [x] auto decode(crack) ![encode](./art/encode.gif) ![one key decode](./art/one_key_decode.gif) **String Process(e.g. Split)** ![encode_split](./art/encode_split.gif) ### Encoding Transfer (not raw data) - [x] Transfer ![encode](./art/encode_transfer.gif) ### Digest(Hash) support file, big file which is larger than 8Gi - [x] md serial - [x] sha1 - [x] sha2 - [x] sha3 - [x] SM3 - [x] RIPEMD - [x] whirlpool - [x] Tiger - [x] dictionary hash mapping(crack) - [x] etc. ![hash](./art/hash.gif) ### MAC #### HMAC - [x] md serial - [x] sha1 - [x] sha2 - [x] sha3 - [x] SM3 - [x] RIPEMD - [x] whirpool - [x] Tiger - [x] etc. #### CMAC - [x] AESCMAC - [x] BLOWFISHCMAC - [x] DESCMAC - [x] DESEDECMAC - [x] SEED-CMAC - [x] Shacal-2CMAC - [x] SM4-CMAC - [x] Three-fish-256CMAC / Three-fish-512CMAC / Three-fish-1024CMAC #### GMAC #### POLY1305 - [x] POLY1305 - [x] POLY1305-AES - [x] POLY1305-ARIA - [x] POLY1305-CAMELLIA - [x] POLY1305-CAST6 - [x] POLY1305-NOEKEON - [x] POLY1305-RC6 - [x] POLY1305-SEED - [x] POLY1305-SERPENT - [x] POLY1305-SM4 - [x] POLY1305-Twofish ### Symmetric Crypto(block cipher) #### Encrypt Algorithm - [x] DES/3DES - [x] AES - [x] SM4 - [x] Blowfish - [x] Twofish - [x] RC2 - [x] etc.
support mode
  • ECB
  • CBC
  • OFB(n)
  • CFB(n)
  • SIC (also known as CTR)
  • CTS (equivalent to CBC/WithCTS)
  • CCM (AEAD)
  • EAX (AEAD)
  • GCM (AEAD)
  • OCB (AEAD)
support padding scheme
  • No padding
  • PKCS5/7
  • ISO10126/ISO10126-2
  • ISO7816-4/ISO9797-1
  • X9.23/X923
  • TBC
  • ZeroByte
  • withCTS (if used with ECB mode)
![sym](./art/sym.gif) ### Symmetric Crypto (stream cipher) - [x] RC4 - [x] HC128/HC256 - [x] ChaCha/ChaCha20/ChaCha20-Poly1305 - [x] Salsa20 - [x] XSalsa20 - [x] VMPC - [x] Grain v1 - [x] Grain128 - [x] Zuc128 - [x] etc. ### Asymmetric Crypto RSA - [x] support pkcs1 /pkcs8 key - [x] support 512/1024/2048/3072/4096 bit - [x] support plain text length longer than key size - [x] support public key encrypt and private key encrypt - [x] support openssl pkcs1/pkcs8 private key format - [x] support certification cer file - [x] support pem and pk8 format :new: ![sym](./art/asy.gif) ### Digital Signature - [x] RSA serial - [x] DSA - [x] ECDSA - [x] EC - [x] EdDSA(ED448/ED25192) - [x] SM2 - [ ] other ### Classical Crypto (for CTF) - [x] caesar - [x] rot5/rot13/rot18/rot47 - [x] affine - [x] virgenene - [x] atbash - [x] morse - [x] qwe keyboard - [x] polybius - [x] bacon 24/bacon 26 - [x] one time pad - [x] socialist core value - [x] ADFGX/ADFGVX - [x] Auto Key - [x] rail-fence normal /rail-fence w-type - [x] playfair - [x] brainfuck/troll/ook - [x] Braille - [x] alphabet index - [x] 01248 - [x] BubbleBabble - [x] Element Periodic Table - [x] PawnShop Cipher - [x] Handy code - [x] Beaufort - [x] Porta Cipher - [x] Bifid/Trifid/FourSquare Cipher - [x] Gronsfeld Cipher - [x] Gray code - [x] Buddha Says(佛曰) - [x] Hill Cipher - [x] 新佛曰/兽音/熊曰(online) - [x] rabbit - [x] aaencode/jjencode - [x] RSA crack (nec,pqec) - [x] etc. ![ctf](./art/ctf.gif) ![rsa_nec](./art/rsa_nec.gif) ### PBE ![pbe](./art/pbe.gif) ### misc模块 - timestamp to date - date to timestamp - uuid - port scan - ip scan - ping - tcping ### Others - [x] Qrcode/OCR - [x] String Process - [x] Big Integer Calculator - [x] ECC Calculator - [ ] TBD ### Features - [x] support drag file - [x] Symmetric Crypto support base64/hex encoded key, iv - [x] Digest and Symmetric Crypto support multi files - [x] i18n - [x] CTF related - [x] PBE - [x] module configurable,support online url [bouncy castle document]( ## Downloads [GitHub release]( [gitte mirror(for Chinese user)]( download boost code:52pj plugin download 提取码:ax63 ### Issues, PRs are welcome!!! ## Version Choose - with jre environment (for developer) - jdk8 ---- choose suffix with jdk8-all-platform - jdk11+ ---- choose suffix with jdk17-no-jfx-all-platform & also need to config javafx environment - w/o jre environment(Windows user only,normal user) - 64bit Windows ---- withjre-win-x64(latest LTS version) - 32/64bit Windows ---- jdk8-withjre-windows-x86 (if have no idea, choose this) - beta (jar file, for geeker) copy jar file to lib directory and delete ToolsFx-xxx.jar or app-xx.jar - [github action nightly(same as beta,build when code change)]( [nightly download ]( ## How to Run - Linux/macOS double-click ToolsFx in root directory - Windows double-click ToolsFx.bat or vbs file(remove black command window) ## How to Config When Application is running ,it will generate automatically , just modify the value. Below are the details. | key | value | | ----------------------- |------------------------------------------------------| | isEnableClassical | Classical module switch,default is false | | isEnablePBE | PBE module switch,default is false | | isEnableSignature | Signature module switch,default is true | | isEnableMac | MAC module switch,default is true | | isEnableSymmetricStream | Symmetric( Stream) module switch,default is true | | isEnableQrcode | Qrcode module switch,default is true | | isEnableInternalWebview | Internal Browser switch,default is false | | offlineMode | offline mode, hide online functions,default is false | | uiScale | Application UI scale rate, default is -1 | | extUrls | Internal Browser favourite urls, spit with comma | ## [PLUGIN]( - ApiPost Network Debug Tools ## CHANGE LOG see []( ## CREDIT [bouncy castle]( [tornadofx]( [JetBrains]( [badge maker]( ## DONATE [donate]( (now only support alipay and wechat pay) ## Stargazers over time [![Stargazers over time](]( ## LICENSE ``` ISC License Copyright (c) 2021, Leon406 Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ``` [Go Top](#top)


