
上传日期:2022-11-28 20:00:18
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  在Excel表和图表中显示数据,并以编程方式更改表和图表的格式。,
(Display data in Excel tables and charts, and programmatically change the formatting of tables and charts.,)

Contributing.md (5165, 2022-11-28)
Excel-Add-in-JavaScript-SalesTracker.yml (502, 2022-11-28)
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SalesTracker.sln (1638, 2022-11-28)
SalesTracker/ (0, 2022-11-28)
SalesTracker/SalesTracker.csproj (3710, 2022-11-28)
SalesTracker/SalesTrackerManifest/ (0, 2022-11-28)
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SalesTracker/SalesTrackerManifest/SharePointProjectItem.spdata (550, 2022-11-28)
SalesTrackerWeb/ (0, 2022-11-28)
SalesTrackerWeb/Content/ (0, 2022-11-28)
SalesTrackerWeb/Content/settings.css (5070, 2022-11-28)
SalesTrackerWeb/Content/tab.bar.css (6752, 2022-11-28)
SalesTrackerWeb/Home.html (25426, 2022-11-28)
SalesTrackerWeb/Images/ (0, 2022-11-28)
SalesTrackerWeb/Images/Charts_blueBackground.png (1718, 2022-11-28)
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SalesTrackerWeb/Images/chartsTablesIcon.png (914, 2022-11-28)
SalesTrackerWeb/Images/chartsTablesIcon2.png (396, 2022-11-28)
SalesTrackerWeb/Images/tablesCharts_Black.png (226, 2022-11-28)
SalesTrackerWeb/Images/tablesCharts_Blue.png (227, 2022-11-28)
SalesTrackerWeb/Images/tablesCharts_Gray.png (261, 2022-11-28)
SalesTrackerWeb/Images/tablesCharts_Green.png (258, 2022-11-28)
SalesTrackerWeb/Images/tablesCharts_Orange.png (231, 2022-11-28)
SalesTrackerWeb/SalesTrackerWeb.csproj (10174, 2022-11-28)
SalesTrackerWeb/SampleSalesData.json (21347, 2022-11-28)
SalesTrackerWeb/Scripts/ (0, 2022-11-28)
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# Excel Web Add-in for Manipulating Table and Chart Formatting Learn how to programmatically format tables and charts, and how to import data to a spreadsheet, in Excel Web Add-ins. Compare with how these tasks are done in the [Tables and Charts](https://github.com/microsoftarchive/msdn-code-gallery-community-s-z/tree/master/VSTO%20-%20Generate%20tables%20and%20charts%20by%20using%20an%20Excel%20add-in) VSTO Add-in. This Excel web add-in also shows how to use the design samples from [Office Add-in UX Design Patterns Code](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Office-Add-in-UX-Design-Patterns-Code). ## Table of Contents * [Change History](#change-history) * [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) * [Design templates used in this add-in](#design-templates-used-in-this-add-in) * [Get the PickADate library](get-the-pickadate-library) * [Run the project](#run-the-project) * [Compare this Excel web add-in code with the VSTO add-in sample](#compare-this-web-add-in-code-with-the-VSTO-add-in-sample) * [Questions and comments](#questions-and-comments) * [Additional resources](#additional-resources) ## Change History November 2, 2016: * Updated code sample to use Fabric JS 1.2.0 * Initial version. ## Prerequisites * Excel 2016 for Windows (build 16.0.6727.1000 or later), Excel Online, or Excel for Mac (build 15.26 or later). * Visual Studio 2015 ## Design templates used in this add-in - Landing page - Brand bar - Tab bar - Settings For more information about the design patterns, see [UX design pattern templates for Office Add-ins](https://dev.office.com/docs/add-ins/design/ux-design-patterns). And for sample implementations, see [Office-Add-in-UX-Design-Patterns-Code](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Office-Add-in-UX-Design-Patterns-Code). ## Get the PickADate library The Office Fabric date picker control has a dependency on the PickADate library. Take the following steps *after* you have downloaded this sample. 1. Download version 3.5.3 of the library from [pickadate.js](https://github.com/amsul/pickadate.js/releases/tag/3.5.3). 2. Unzip the package and navigate to the `\pickadate.js-3.5.3\lib` folder. 3. Copy all the files and folders in that folder, *except* the `compressed` and `themes-source` folders, to the project folder: `SalesTrackerWeb\Scripts\PickADate`. ## Run the project 1. Open the Visual Studio solution file. 2. Press **F5**. 3. When Excel opens, click the **Track sales** button on the right end of the **Home** ribbon. The add-in opens in a task pane. #### Import data 4. On the **Home** page, enter one of the following product names (case sensitive) in the **Product name** box: **Keyboard**, **Mouse**, **Monitor**, **Laptop**, 5. Use the date picker control to pick a date no later than September 16th, 2016, because there are no sales after this date in the sample data. 6. Select the **Get sales data** button. After a few seconds, the workbook will switch focus to a new **Sales** worksheet. #### Change table settings 1. Select **Table** on the tab bar. 2. Deselect radio buttons as needed, to hide the corresponding columns. 3. Select a color for the table. #### Change chart settings 1. Select **Chart** on the tab bar. 2. Select a data source for the chart. 3. Select a chart type. 4. Select a chart color theme. ## Compare this Excel web add-in code with the VSTO add-in sample The code that uses the Office and Word JavaScript APIs is in Home.js and Helpers.js. All of the styling is done with HTML5 and the stylesheet files: settings.css, tab.bar.css and several Office Fabric css files. Compare this code with the code in [Tables and Charts](https://github.com/microsoftarchive/msdn-code-gallery-community-s-z/tree/master/VSTO%20-%20Generate%20tables%20and%20charts%20by%20using%20an%20Excel%20add-in). Note the following: - Excel Web add-ins are supported across several platforms including Windows, Mac, and Office Online. VSTO add-ins are only supported on Windows. - Changing the style of a table is similar in both VSTO and web add-ins. In both cases, your code assigns a style name, such as TableStyleMedium3 to a property. In the VSTO add-in, this is a table object. (See the various `*_CheckedChanged` methods in the TableAndChartPane.cs file.) In this web add-in, the property is in a JavaScript object that is passed to the `setTableOptionsAsync` function. (See the `setTableColor` function in the helpers.js file.) - Toggling the visibility of columns in a table is very similar in the VSTO and web add-ins. Compare the logic of the `ListObjectHeaders_Click` method in the VSTO sample with the `toggleColumnVisibility` function in the web add-in. - To change the style of a chart in a VSTO add-in, you assign an integer to the chart object's `ChartStyle` property. The integer refers to a collection of style settings. See the TableAndChartPane.cs file in the VSTO add-in. In an Excel web add-in you replace the chart with a new one that has the desired style. You can record the current style settings for the chart in a JavaScript object as this sample does in the home.js file. To change a single style setting, your code changes it in the settings object which is then passed to the `changeChart` function in helpers.js. - Changing a chart *type*, such as Line, Area, ClusteredColumn, is very similar in both the VSTO add-in and this web add-in. In both cases a `switch-case` structure is used to assign a value to a type property. Compare the `ChartStyleComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged` method in the VSTO sample with the `setChartType` method in this web sample. - In an Excel web add-in, like this one, when you want to track a *single* value over time (or any horizontal axis), the chart must be built off of a table with only two visible columns; one that provides the horizontal axis (dates, in this case), and a second that provides the value that is being displayed in the chart. For this reason, the add-in creates a *hidden* worksheet with a copy of the sales data table. This table has only two visible columns; the **Date** column, and the column with the chosen data source for the chart. Although the chart appears on the **Sales** worksheet beside the table, it is getting it's data from the table on the hidden (temp) worksheet. - To change the data source for a chart in the Excel web add-in, your code toggles the visibility of the columns on the hidden table. See the `setChartDataSource` method in the helpers.js file. In a VSTO add-in, your code specifies which column in the table is to be used as the data source by calling the chart object's `SetSourceData` function. See the `chartDataSourceComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged` method. - In Office web add-ins, you can leverage HTML5, JavaScript and CSS to make rich UIs like the UI in this code sample. - Because Office web add-ins make asynchronous method calls, the UI never blocks. - Office Web add-ins make AJAX calls to retrieve data from online service providers. This sample simply fetches JSON data from a local JSON file. See the `getSalesData` method in Helpers.js. VSTO add-ins use a WebClient in C# to access online resources. See the `GetDataUpdatesFoOneDataSource` method in TableAndChartPane.cs. ## Questions and comments We'd love to get your feedback about this sample. You can send your feedback to us in the *Issues* section of this repository. Questions about Microsoft Office 365 development in general should be posted to [Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/office-js+API). If your question is about the Office JavaScript APIs, make sure that your questions are tagged with [office-js] and [API]. ## Additional resources * [Office add-in documentation](https://dev.office.com/docs/add-ins/overview/office-add-ins) * [Office Dev Center](http://dev.office.com/) * More Office Add-in samples at [OfficeDev on Github](https://github.com/officedev) ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/). For more information, see the [Code of Conduct FAQ](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/faq/) or contact [opencode@microsoft.com](mailto:opencode@microsoft.com) with any additional questions or comments.


