
上传日期:2022-04-19 11:48:35
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  它旨在为WASM提供YAML为JSON提供的服务。面向WebAssembly的编程语言。人性化WAT,
(It aims to be for WASM what YAML is for JSON. Programming language targetting WebAssembly. Human friendly WAT,)

.vscode/ (0, 2022-04-19)
.vscode/launch.json (760, 2022-04-19)
.vscode/tasks.json (705, 2022-04-19)
LICENSE (1076, 2022-04-19)
build.zig (2088, 2022-04-19)
deps.zig (2702, 2022-04-19)
samples/ (0, 2022-04-19)
samples/99-bottles-of-beer.wala (1369, 2022-04-19)
samples/fib.wala (161, 2022-04-19)
samples/fib.wat (282, 2022-04-19)
samples/fizzbuzz.wala (962, 2022-04-19)
samples/gcd.wala (256, 2022-04-19)
samples/gcd.wat (506, 2022-04-19)
samples/hello.wala (359, 2022-04-19)
samples/hello.wat (516, 2022-04-19)
samples/pi.wala (282, 2022-04-19)
src/ (0, 2022-04-19)
src/Expr.zig (5517, 2022-04-19)
src/File.zig (5236, 2022-04-19)
src/IR.zig (5610, 2022-04-19)
src/IR/ (0, 2022-04-19)
src/IR/Linking.zig (4175, 2022-04-19)
src/IR/iters.zig (3395, 2022-04-19)
src/Loader.zig (2031, 2022-04-19)
src/SParser.zig (7361, 2022-04-19)
src/SweetParser.zig (8375, 2022-04-19)
src/TextIterator.zig (2401, 2022-04-19)
src/Wasm.zig (23085, 2022-04-19)
src/Wasm/ (0, 2022-04-19)
src/Wasm/Emit.zig (10931, 2022-04-19)
src/Wat.zig (19449, 2022-04-19)
src/Wat/ (0, 2022-04-19)
src/Wat/Codegen.zig (47667, 2022-04-19)
src/Wat/Emit.zig (10624, 2022-04-19)
... ...

# Wala A language trying to simplify [WebAssembly Text](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/WebAssembly/Understanding_the_text_format) syntax while keeping the full expressiveness and retro-compatibility. Unwittingly becoming a Zig toolchain for WASM. Pronounced `\vwa.la\` as in french voila *(meaning here it is)*. The exact acronym's composition is unspecified but can be interpreted as [WebAssembly](https://webassembly.org/) Language Adaptor or What Another Linguistic Anomaly. ## Philosophy It is implemented as a set of complementary extensions over standard [WebAssembly Text Format](https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/text/index.html) ```wal func $fib export() u64 $n -> ? if {$n <= 2} 1 + $fib{$n - 2} $fib{$n - 1} ``` Is expended to: ```wat (module (func $fib (export "fib") (param $n i64) (result i64) (if (result i64) (i64.le_u (local.get $n) (i64.const 2)) (i64.const 1) (i64.add (call $fib (i64.sub (local.get $n) (i64.const 2))) (call $fib (i64.sub (local.get $n) (i64.const 1))))))) ``` For working [samples](./samples) see: [fib](./samples/fib.wala), [fizzbuzz](./samples/fizzbuzz.wala), [99bottles](./samples/99-bottles-of-beer.wala), ... ## Install ### Prerequisites - [Zig](https://ziglang.org/learn/getting-started) - [Zigmod](https://nektro.github.io/zigmod/) #### Optional - [Binaryen](https://github.com/WebAssembly/binaryen) for additional optimizations - [Wasmtime](https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime) for WASI runtime ### Building ```sh git clone https://github.com/CalmSystem/wala.git cd wala zigmod ci zig build -Drelease-safe PATH=$PATH:./zig-out/bin ``` ## Usage * Run built module *(default WASI engine: `--runtime wasmtime`)* ```sh wala run samples/hello.wala ``` * Convert `samples/fib.wala` to Wasm ```sh wala build samples/fib.wala > fib.wasm ``` ## Features ### Sweet expression Deducing parentheses from indentation based on [Readable Lisp S-expressions Project](https://readable.sourceforge.io/)'s [Spir110](https://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-110/srfi-110.html) #### Curly infix expressions - `{"hello" upper}` -> `(upper "hello)` - `{a + b}` -> `(+ a b)` - `{a * b * c}` -> `(* a b c)` - `{$fn call a b c}` -> `(call $fb a b c}` #### Neoteric expression Like function calls - `cos(v)` -> `(cos v)` - `e()` -> `(e)` - `sum(a b c)` -> `(sum a b c)` - `f{n + 1}` -> `(f (+ n 1))` ### Short const - `42i32` -> `(i32.const 42)` ### Operand type deduction - `(i32.add 35 7)` -> `(i32.add (i32.const 35) (i32.const 7))` - `(i64.add 35 7)` -> `(i64.add (i64.const 35) (i64.const 7))` ### Common operators - `(+ 35i32 7)` -> `(i32.add (i32.const 35) (i32.const 7))` - `(+ 35i64 7)` -> `(i64.add (i64.const 35) (i64.const 7))` ### Ident expansion - `($a_func $a_param $a_global)` -> `(call $a_func (local.get $a_param) (global.get $a_global))` #### Assign operator - `{$a_local = 5}` -> `(local.set $a_local (i32.const 5))` - `{$a_global = 5}` -> `(global.set $a_local (i32.const 5))` ### Interface types numbers - `{42s64 <= 1}` -> `(i64.le_s (i64.const 42) (i64.const 1))` - `{42u64 <= 1}` -> `(i64.le_u (i64.const 42) (i64.const 1))` ### Define - `{$C := 5} (call $func $C $C)` -> `(call $func (i32.const 5) (i32.const 5))` ### Planned #### Result Type Deduction No need to specify blocks and function result types #### Interface integration Allows to define, import and use `wit` declarations. See [fib.wasi.wal](./test/wala/fib.wasi.wal) ## License Distributed under the MIT license to facilitate cooperation and knowledge sharing. However, use with respect to contributors and end-users is strongly advised. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information.


