
上传日期:2023-06-18 11:35:02
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  支持序列化器反序列化器的PocketBase包装器,
(PocketBase wrapper with serializer deserializer support,)

LICENSE (7652, 2023-06-18)
branding/ (0, 2023-06-18)
branding/logo.png (6600, 2023-06-18)
branding/logo.xcf (13189, 2023-06-18)
dub.json (331, 2023-06-18)
dummy.json (2337, 2023-06-18)
source/ (0, 2023-06-18)
source/libpb/ (0, 2023-06-18)
source/libpb/driver.d (22913, 2023-06-18)
source/libpb/exceptions.d (1161, 2023-06-18)
source/libpb/package.d (74, 2023-06-18)

![]( libpb ===== #### _PocketBase wrapper with serializer/deserializer support_ ---- ## Example usage View the full API documentation (methods etc.) [here]( ### Server initiation Firstly we create a new PocketBase instance to manage our server: ```d PocketBase pb = new PocketBase(""); ``` ### Serialization This is just to show off the serialization method `serializeRecord(RecordType)` which returns a `JSONValue` struct: ```d import std.algorithm.searching : canFind; import std.string : cmp; struct Person { public string firstname, lastname; public int age; public string[] list; public JSONValue extraJSON; public EnumType eType; } Person p1; p1.firstname = "Tristan"; p1.lastname = "Kildaire"; p1.age = 23; p1.list = ["1", "2", "3"]; p1.extraJSON = parseJSON(`{"item":1, "items":[1,2,3]}`); p1.eType = EnumType.CAT; JSONValue serialized = serializeRecord(p1); string[] keys = serialized.object().keys(); assert(canFind(keys, "firstname") && cmp(serialized["firstname"].str(), "Tristan") == 0); assert(canFind(keys, "lastname") && cmp(serialized["lastname"].str(), "Kildaire") == 0); assert(canFind(keys, "age") && serialized["age"].integer() == 23); debug(dbg) { writeln(serialized.toPrettyString()); } ``` ### Deserialization This is to show off deserialization method `fromJSON(RecordType)(JSONValue jsonIn)` which returns a struct of type `RecordType` (so far most features are implemented): ```d import std.string : cmp; struct Person { public string firstname, lastname; public int age; public bool isMale; public JSONValue obj; public int[] list; } JSONValue json = parseJSON(`{ "firstname" : "Tristan", "lastname": "Kildaire", "age": 23, "obj" : {"bruh":1}, "isMale": true, "list": [1,2,3] } `); Person person = fromJSON!(Person)(json); debug(dbg) { writeln(person); } assert(cmp(person.firstname, "Tristan") == 0); assert(cmp(person.lastname, "Kildaire") == 0); assert(person.age == 23); assert(person.isMale == true); assert(person.obj["bruh"].integer() == 1); //TODO: list test case ``` ### Record management #### Normal collections Below we have a few calls like create and delete: ```d PocketBase pb = new PocketBase(); struct Person { string id; string name; int age; } Person p1 = Person(); = "Tristan Gonzales"; p1.age = 23; Person recordStored = pb.createRecord("dummy", p1); pb.deleteRecord("dummy",; recordStored = pb.createRecord("dummy", p1); recordStored.age = 46; recordStored = pb.updateRecord("dummy", recordStored); Person recordFetched = pb.viewRecord!(Person)("dummy",; pb.deleteRecord("dummy", recordStored); Person[] people = [Person(), Person()]; people[0].name = "Abby"; people[1].name = "Becky"; people[0] = pb.createRecord("dummy", people[0]); people[1] = pb.createRecord("dummy", people[1]); Person[] returnedPeople = pb.listRecords!(Person)("dummy"); foreach(Person returnedPerson; returnedPeople) { writeln(returnedPerson); pb.deleteRecord("dummy", returnedPerson); } ``` #### `auth` collections Auth collections require that certain calls, such as `createRecord(table, record, isAuthCollection)` have the last argument se to `true`. ```d import core.thread : Thread, dur; import std.string : cmp; PocketBase pb = new PocketBase(); struct Person { string id; string email; string username; string password; string passwordConfirm; } Person p1; = ""; p1.username = "deavmi"; p1.password = "bigbruh1111"; p1.passwordConfirm = "bigbruh1111"; p1 = pb.createRecordAuth("dummy_auth", p1); pb.deleteRecord("dummy_auth", p1); ``` ## Development ### Dependencies This requires that you have the `libcurl` libraries available for linking against. ### Unit tests To run tests you will want to enable the `pragma`s and `writeln`s. therefore pass the `dbg` flag in as such: ```bash dub test -ddbg ``` Run pocketbase on the default port and then use the schema provided as `dummy.json` to test with (in a collection named `dummy`). ## License See [LICENSE](


