
上传日期:2022-04-10 21:23:29
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说明:  创建简单或复杂表单的新方法–无需编程!,
(Fresh way to create simple or complex forms – without programming!,)

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# Vue Described-Data Form A fresh way to create simple or complex forms – **without programming!** ![]( # Demo Try it yourself in a [Live Demo](! # About vue-dd-form aims to reduce the of time creating forms, while keeping the flexibility and data-model persistence. This project is a first implementation of the **Described-Data approach**. ## What is Descibed-Data? Described-Data is a concept inspired by the [JSON Schema]( Basically, each node in the data set is assigned a **view** (input), which it then represents on the UI. In practise, vue-dd-form only needs your **data** and **descriptions** to render itself! **"I use a JSON Schema, what is the difference?"** - **clarity**: data is described by a dotted-notation, which makes the whole set much more readable - **view-oriented**: each node as assigned a specific view (eg. image-upload), not a general type (eg. string) # Getting started 1. Install the package ``` npm install --save vue-dd-form ``` 2. Import the component ```javascript import ddForm from 'vue-dd-form'; ``` ```javascript components: { ddForm, } ``` 3. And use it! ```html ``` ...inside your `data()` tag ```javascript exampleDataSet: {}, exampleDescriptions: { "name": { view: 'text', label: 'Full name'} } ``` Output of this simple example looks like this: ![]( **More about all params & events below.** --- # Usage ## Descriptions Your JS Data is described by another JS Object targeting all nodes which should be rendered on the screen. Imagine a data model of a IMDB movie: ```javascript { author: { name: "J. Cameron", birth: "2020-09-08T12:11:03.332Z", active: true } title: "Titanic", description: "Lorem ipsum ...", language: "English", genres: ["Action", "Drama"] } ``` ...the descriptions could look something like this: ```javascript { author: { view: "group", label: "Author" }, { view: "text", label: "Name of author" }, author.birth: { view: "datetime", label: "Date of birth" }, { view: "tick", label: "Is the author still active?" }, title: { view: "text", label: "Movie title" }, description: { view: "area", "label": "Description" }, genres: { view: "checkbox", "label: "Genres", options: ["Action", "Comedy", "Drama"] }, language: { view: "select", label: "Original language", "options: ["English", "Spanish", "Korean"] } } ``` **Description paths** So as you can see nodes are targeted by a dotted notation. Each description object has a required value of `view`, which specifies, to which UI element should the node be rendered. Currently there is 11 basic view types, though you can specify your own (see _Custom views_). ### Wildcard paths If you want to describe every array's child, you can use the **wildcard path**. Look closely at this data set: ```javascript { programme: [ // Day 1 { header: 'Friday', subheader: '25th September 2020', items: [ // Item 1 { title: 'Arrival', subtitle: 'please be on time', time: '9AM' }, // Item 2 { title: 'Workshop 1', subtitle: 'hosted by John Doe', time: '11AM' } // Item 3 ... }, // Day 2 ... ], } ``` The wildcard paths can be leveraged like this: ```javascript programme: { view: 'collection' }, programme[*]: { view: 'group', label: 'Day no. {_index}' }, // more about the {_index} at Dynamic values programme[*].header: { type: 'text', label: 'Title' }, programme[*].subheader: { type: 'text', label: 'Short description' }, programme[*].items: { type: 'collection', label: 'Sessions' }, programme[*].items[*]: { type: 'group' }, programme[*].items[*].title: { type: 'text', label: 'Session name' }, programme[*].items[*].subtitle: { type: 'area', label: 'About' }, programme[*].items[*].time: { type: 'text', label: 'Time of start' }, ``` ### Dynamic values Any view type can have a String in description value. If the string is found in provided `functions` set, given function gets executed. The function also receives the child's path and value as a parameter. ```jsx { view: 'group' hidden: '_groupHidden' } ``` ...while in JS code ```jsx data() { return { myFunctions: { '_groupHidden': this.groupHidden, '_groupIndex': this.groupIndex, }, }; }, methods: { groupHidden({path, value}) { return value.item < 0; }, groupIndex({path}) { return this.getIndex(path); } }, ``` Methods can be also put inline to the string. For these cases, the dynamic value needs to be wrapped inside the brackets. ```jsx { view: 'group' label: 'Day no. {_groupIndex}' } ``` Check the [demo's source code]( to see it in use. ### Side note to Descriptions The order of descriptions defines the order of the views on the UI. It is also needed to describe first the Object and then it's sub-nodes. --- ## View types There is 11 basic view types included in this package: - group - collection - text - area - select - checkbox - counter - datetime - upload - radio - tick ## collection Serves as Array container and expects to have multiple inner children. Collection shows just an add-child button by default. It is only an abstraction and has no visual representation. **Usage** ```jsx { view: 'collection', } ``` **Possible value types** _(Array)_: Consumes only `array` **Arguments** - `label` _(String)_: Shows title on the top of the view - `class` _(String or Array)_: View's assigned class - `wrapper` _(String)_: Name of the view's wrapper - `hidden` _(Boolean)_: Hides or shows the view - `draggable` _(Boolean)_: Allows or disallows children dragging - `deletable` _(Boolean)_: Allows or disallows children delete - `addable` _(Boolean)_: Allows or disallows to add children - `defaultValue` _(*)_: Override of view's default value ## group Serves as Object container and expects to have nested children. It is only an abstraction and has no visual representation. **Usage** ```jsx { view: 'group', } ``` **Possible value types** `(Object) or null`: Consumes only `object` **Arguments** - `label` _(String)_: Shows title on the top of the view - `class` _(String or Array)_: View's assigned class - `wrapper` _(String)_: Name of the view's wrapper - `hidden` _(Boolean)_: Shows or hides the view - `append` _(Object)_: Specifies the UI invisible appendant data to be merged with the object (triggered while adding new item to array) - `defaultValue` _(*)_: Override of view's default value ## text Acts as a basic single-line text field. **Usage** ```jsx { view: 'text', } ``` **Possible value types** `String`: Consumes only String **Arguments** - `label` _(String)_: Shows title on the top of the view - `class` _(String or Array)_: View's assigned class - `hidden` _(Boolean)_: Hides or shows the view - `wrapper` _(String)_: Name of the view's wrapper - `defaultValue` _(*)_: Override of view's default value ## select Acts as a drow-down box. **Usage** ```jsx { view: 'select', } ``` **Possible value types** `String or null`: Consumes String or null **Arguments** - `label` _(String)_: Shows title on the top of the view - `class` _(String or Array)_: View's assigned class - `hidden` _(Boolean)_: Hides or shows the view - `wrapper` _(String)_: Name of the view's wrapper - `options` _(Array)_: Field option values - `defaultValue` _(*)_: Override of view's default value - **Plain mode** ```jsx ["Dog", "Cat"] ``` - **Value-text mode** ```jsx [ { text: "Dog", value: "doggo" }, { text: "Cat", value: "caterpillar" } ] ``` ## checkbox Acts as a checkbox set. **Usage** ```jsx { view: 'checkbox', } ``` **Possible value types** `Array`: Consumes Array of strings **Arguments** - `label` _(String)_: Shows title on the top of the view - `class` _(String or Array)_: View's assigned class - `hidden` _(Boolean)_: Hides or shows the view - `wrapper` _(String)_: Name of the view's wrapper - `options` _(Array)_: Field option values - `defaultValue` _(*)_: Override of view's default value - **Plain mode** ```jsx ["Dog", "Cat"] ``` - **Value-text mode** ```jsx [ { text: "Dog", value: "doggo" }, { text: "Cat", value: "caterpillar" } ] ``` ## counter Acts as a counter box. **Usage** ```jsx { view: 'counter', } ``` **Possible value types** `Number`: Consumes a Number **Arguments** - `label` _(String)_: Shows title on the top of the view - `class` _(String or Array)_: View's assigned class - `hidden` _(Boolean)_: Hides or shows the view - `wrapper` _(String)_: Name of the view's wrapper - `min` _(Number)_: Minimum value to select - `max` _(Number)_: Maximum value to select - `defaultValue` _(*)_: Override of view's default value ## datetime Acts as a date-time selection field. **Usage** ```jsx { view: 'datetime', } ``` **Possible value types** `Date or String`: Consumes a Date, String or Timestamp (Firebase) but always returns Date **Arguments** - `label` _(String)_: Shows title on the top of the view - `class` _(String or Array)_: View's assigned class - `hidden` _(Boolean)_: Hides or shows the view - `wrapper` _(String)_: Name of the view's wrapper - `min` _(String_)*: Minimum date value - `max` _(String_)*: Maximum date value - `defaultValue` _(*)_: Override of view's default value _* String in a Date format_ ## upload Acts as a box for file uploads and renders into preview box, if consumable by web (image, video, ...). **Usage** ```jsx { view: 'upload', } ``` **Possible value types** `String`: Consumes a String **Arguments** - `label` _(String)_: Shows title on the top of the view - `class` _(String or Array)_: View's assigned class - `endpoint` _(String)_: API endpoint URL* - `payload` _(Object or String)_: API payload data* - `hidden` _(Boolean)_: Hides or shows the view - `wrapper` _(String)_: Name of the view's wrapper - `defaultValue` _(*)_: Override of view's default value _* Endpoint URL receives a POST call with FormData (`image` and `payload`)_ ** Note from author** File upload functionality is heavily domain-oriented, thus I'd advise you to clone the [ViewUpload.vue]([](, modify it by your needs and use it as a **Custom view**. ## area Acts as a multi-line text field with optional WYSIWYG editor. **Usage** ```jsx { view: 'area', } ``` **Possible value types** `String`: Consumes only String **Arguments** - `label` _(String)_: Shows title on the top of the view - `class` _(String or Array)_: View's assigned class - `hidden` _(Boolean)_: Hides or shows the view - `wrapper` _(String)_: Name of the view's wrapper - `html` (Boolean): Whether or not to allow WYSIWYG features - `defaultValue` _(*)_: Override of view's default value ## radio Acts as a radio button set. **Usage** ```jsx { view: 'radio', } ``` **Possible value types** `String`: Consumes a String or null **Arguments** - `label` _(String)_: Shows title on the top of the view - `class` _(String or Array)_: View's assigned class - `hidden` _(Boolean)_: Hides or shows the view - `wrapper` _(String)_: Name of the view's wrapper - `options` _(Array)_: Field option values - `defaultValue` _(*)_: Override of view's default value - **Plain mode** ```jsx ["Dog", "Cat"] ``` - **Value-text mode** ```jsx [ { text: "Dog", value: "doggo" }, { text: "Cat", value: "caterpillar" } ] ``` ## tick Acts as a single checkbox. **Usage** ```jsx { view: 'tick', } ``` **Possible value types** `Boolean`: Consumes a Boolean **Arguments** - `label` _(String)_: Shows title on the top of the view - `class` _(String or Array)_: View's assigned class - `hidden` _(Boolean)_: Hides or shows the view - `wrapper` _(String)_: Name of the view's wrapper - `defaultValue` _(*)_: Override of view's default value ## Custom views Any custom view can be inserted via `:views` property. Custom views are superior to the default ones, so `text` can be overwritten by a custom one. Usage: - pass a Object of components to `:views` property in dd-form - component will receive `path, value and description` properties - the component must emit a @change event with `value and path` properties ```jsx customViews: { 'text': customTextView, 'generator': generatorView, } ``` ```jsx import customTextView from 'path/to/custom-view'; ``` ...and bind the data in dd-form ```jsx ``` **Check the [demo's source code]( to see it in use.** ### Advanced: Sub-elements Some sub-elements can be replaced too: `button-add`, `button-remove`, `button-submit`, `headline`. ```jsx customViews: { 'collection.button-add': customButtonAdd, 'collection.headline': customHeadline, 'collection.button-remove': customButtonRemove, 'group.headline': customHeadline, 'group.button-submit': customButtonSubmit, } ``` --- ## Other features ### Language customization vue-dd-form provides a `:lang` property, which can rewrite the default language wording. ```jsx ``` ...and the lang object ```jsx customLang: { add: 'Add item', remove: 'Remove item', save: 'Save data' } ``` ### Wrappers (beta) Views can be wrapped inside separate boxes (DIVs) so we can position them in any way. Look at example data: ```jsx { programme: [ { header: 'Friday', subheader: '25th September 2020', items: [ ... ], } ``` If we wanted, for instance, to have header and sub-header on the left side of the screen and items on the right, the descriptions would look as follows: ```jsx programme[*].header: { type: 'text' }, programme[*].subheader: { type: 'text', wrapper: 'left' }, programme[*].items: { type: 'collection', wrapper: 'left' }, ``` In result HTML, the views would look like this ```html
``` Afterwards, only thing to be defined are the CSS classes. Check the [demo's source code]( to see it in use. --- ## Events `@change` fired after any value change, emits path, value changed & current data set ```html change({ path, value, data }) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(path, value); // ex. => 'programme[*].header', 'Friday' console.log(data); // ex. => { ... } }, ``` `@submit` fired after form submit, emits data value ```jsx submit({ data }) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(data); // ex. => { ... } }, ``` `@add` fired after a item is added to a collection, emits path, value added & current data set ```html add({ path, value, data }) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(path, value); // ex. => 'programme[*].options', { header: 'Friday', ... } console.log(data); // ex. => { ... } }, ``` `@remove` fired after a item is added to a collection, emits path, value removed, index & current data set ```html remove({ path, value, data, index }) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(path, value); // ex. => 'programme[*].options', { header: 'Friday', ... } console.log(data); // ex. => { ... } console.log(index); // ex. => 1 }, ``` --- ## Styling Form can be styled in verious ways depending on the depth of the adjustment: - Any view can be assigned a class parameter. Class can be your custom one or one of the helper classes below. - Any view in a group view can be assigned a wrapper parameter (see Wrappers). - If none of above does not fulfill your needs, you can override or define your own views (see Custom views) ### Helper classes - `col--1-3` (sets width to 1/3 of the available space) - `col--2-3` (sets width to 2/3 of the available space) - `col--1-2` (sets width to one half of the available space) - `col--1-1` (sets full-width) - `row` (makes the div's direction inline) - `row--boxed` (makes the div's direction inline & puts it in a shadowed box) - `row--responsive` (makes the div's direction inline, but wraps on mobile) ### Other classes appearing in UI - `view` - `view—root` - `view—branch` - `view—leaf` - `view__container` - `view__container—removable` - `view__wrapper—removable` - `button` - `button—add` - `button—remove` - `button—submit` - `headline` # Conclusion There are many useful things which are still not yet implemented (validation, CDN availability etc.). I'd be very thankful for any contributions! Described-Data would work the best if it was multi-platform so if you feel like cooperating (React etc.), hit me up! # License [The MIT License](


