
上传日期:2022-12-07 10:12:17
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  根据[http: htmls index.html lang=zh##V1文档资源](http: htmls index.html lang=zh##V1%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3%E8%B5%84%E6%BA%90) 开发的适用与react-native的商米扫码启动器。,
(Based on [http: html index. html lang=zh # # V1 Document Resources] (http: html index. html lang=zh # # V1% E6% 96% 87% E6% A1% A3% E8% B5% 84% E6% BA% 90), a quotient meter scanning initiator that is suitable for and reactive.,)

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# react-native-sunmi-inner-scanner文档资源 根据商米V1文档开发打印接口 (React native plugin Referring the sunmi V1 scanner document and demos) [![GitHub license](]( [![npm version](]( _ **Caution: this is not the official project. I share it because I am working on this device but no any official support in react-native It's welcome to ask any question about the usage,problems or feature required, I will support ASAP.**_ ====================================================================================== **Installation:** Step 1. install with npm: [Checks In the NPM]( ```bash npm i react-native-sunmi-inner-scanner --save ``` or you may need to install via the clone address directly: ```bash npm install --save ``` Step 2: Links this plugin to your project. ```bash react-native link react-native-sunmi-inner-scanner ``` or you may need to link manually * modify settings.gradle ```javascript include ':react-native-sunmi-inner-scanner' project(':react-native-sunmi-inner-scanner').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-sunmi-inner-scanner/android') ``` * modify app/build.gradle,add dependenceie: ```javascript compile project(':react-native-sunmi-inner-scanner') ``` * adds package references to ```java import com.sunmi.scanner.SunmiInnerScannerPackage; ... @Override protected List getPackages() { return Arrays.asList( new MainReactPackage(), new SunmiInnerScannerPackage() ); } ``` Step 3: refer in the javascript: *Using the default inner scanner: ```javascript import SunmiInnerScanner from 'react-native-sunmi-inner-scanner'; ``` *Customer your preview with the SunmiScannerView ```javascript import {SunmiScannerView} from 'react-native-sunmi-inner-scanner'; ``` **Usage:** You may need to refer the excamples from the 'examples' folder of the source code. *Using SunmiInnerScanner you can open the scanner with default options: ```javascript async _openDefaultScanner(){ let result = await SunmiInnerScanner.openScanner(); this.setState({result: JSON.stringify(result)} ,()=>{ console.log(this.state.result); }); } ``` or you can specify the options: ```javascript async _openScannerWithOptions(){ let options={ showSetting:true, showAlbum:true, paySound:true, payVibrate:true,// V1 not support } let result = await SunmiInnerScanner.openScannerWithOptions(options); this.setState({result: JSON.stringify(result)} ,()=>{ console.log(this.state.result); }); } ``` *Using SunmiScannerView ```javascript render() { return Scan Result: {this.state.result} { this.setState({ result:JSON.stringify(data) }) } }> } ``` providing the properties definition for referring: ```javascript static propTypes = { ...View.propTypes, xDensity: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.number ]), yDensity: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.number ]), mutilScanEnable: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.number ]), inverseEnable: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.number ]), onCodeScan: React.PropTypes.func }; static defaultProps = { xDensity: 2, yDensity: 2, mutilScanEnable: 0, inverseEnable: 1, onCodeScan: function (result) { console.log(result); }, scanInterval:1000, // interval of scan operation after last record was recongized. mute:0 // mute the "bee" sound on success. 1 - mute;0 - not mute } ```


