
上传日期:2022-12-11 10:23:51
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  去中心化一次性密码,
(Decentralized One Time Passwords,)

文件列表: (325, 2016-05-04)
dAuthDemo1.gif (325857, 2016-05-04)
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demo/Caddyfile (86, 2016-05-04)
demo/package.json (1286, 2016-05-04)
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demo/src/app/ (0, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/app/app.jsx (971, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/app/components/ (0, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/app/components/Challenger.jsx (3425, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/app/components/Login.jsx (1750, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/app/components/Main.jsx (452, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/app/lib/ (0, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/app/lib/html5-qrcode-combined.js (65639, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/app/lib/html5-qrcode.js (3306, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/app/lib/html5-qrcode.min.js (47816, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/app/lib/qrcode.js (33234, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/app/scan.js (846, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/www/ (0, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/www/css/ (0, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/www/css/bootstrap-theme.css (26132, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/www/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css (23409, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/www/css/bootstrap.css (146082, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/www/css/bootstrap.min.css (121260, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/www/css/demo.css (235, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/www/css/scan.css (36, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/www/demo/ (0, 2016-05-04)
demo/src/www/demo/index.html (991, 2016-05-04)
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demo/src/www/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff (23424, 2016-05-04)
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# dOTP ##decentralized One Time Passwords __WARNING__ This code has not been audited or vetted in any way. I make no guarantees about its security or safety. This is more of a prototype than a fully baked two factor authentication system. ### Details Based on the LibSodium(NaCL) encryption library, dOTP uses public key encryption to build a challenge and response system for creating One Time Passwords (OTP) [Android Beta]( Android/iOS Client Source Code [mdp/dAuth]( #### Design goals 1. Should be completely decentralized. No third parties involved. - There are plenty of services that provide a second factor authentication solution. These typically are not free and fail if the third party goes down or is compromised. 2. Should rely on public key encryption rather than symmetric - The current open standard for OTP relies on a shared key. This means that both the client and the server must keep this key secret. dOTP means you can safely store a users public key in a database without fear that it's exposure will compromise your security or the security of your users. - Shared keys means that each client must use a different key for each service. dOTP allows users to share their public key with as many services as they like. 3. Should work on mobile - U2F is typically implemented as a hardware USB token, which makes it difficult to use with a mobile device (especially iOS) 4. Should work completely offline - You should be able to airgap your mobile authentication device or autheticate when internet is not avaiable. 5. Is usable as a single factor authentication and as an identity - U2F must always be paired with an identity. dOTP is in and of itself an identity. (There are pros and cons to this) ### Example use for SSH Two Factor Setup: This assumes that we have the [dotp CLI]( installed on the server and SSH setup for enforcing two factor. From our terminal it looks like this: ![Terminal two factor]( And using the iOS app looks like this: ![iOS app]( #### Basic steps to using dOTP 1. Launch the mobile app and create a new keypair if you don't already have one. 2. Export your public key and give it to the authenticating server (Can be [scanned via your laptops webcam]( 3. When logging into the authentication server, the server will encode a One Time Password and encrypt with the users public key. A QR Code will then be displayed for the user to scan with their mobile app. [Example]( 4. The mobile app will decrypt the message using public keys matching secret and display the One Time Password along with the name/hostname of the authenticating server 5. The user will login using the displayed password if the name/hostname matches #### Encoding a Challenge into a QRCode Challenges are meant to be encoded as a QR Code and scanned by the authenticating user. They have the following format (Value[byte size]): Base58Encode(Version[1]|PublicKeyFirstByte[1]|SealedBox[...]) Broken down: - Version: Currently at 0, allows the challenge protocol to change as needed - PublicKeyFirstByte: Lets the client narrow down keys to attempt, but doesn't give away the authenticators public key - SealedBox: the libsodium encoded result for `crypto_box_seal` In JavaScript it looks like this: ```javascript function(recPubKeyFirstByte, challengerPub, box) { var challenge = new Uint8Array(1+1+box.length) challenge[0] = VERSION challenge[1] = recPubKeyFirstByte challenge.set(box, 2) return Base58.encode(challenge) } ``` #### Cryptography behind dOTP The basics are as follows: - Libsodium [crypto_box_seal]( function used to encrypt the name of the challenger and the OTP, passed the following values - The "ChallengerName|OTP" we are encrypting for the recipient/authenticator. eg. "|12345678" - Public Key of the recipient/authenticator `Sodium.crypto_box_seal(otp, publicKey[32 bytes])` __dOTP assumes that the QRCode is displayed via a secure channel (HTTPS/SSH)__ The Challenge QRCode does not prove that the service displaying the QRCode is the same service that created it. The end user must make sure that they are authenticating over a secure channel, and that the challenger name (eg matches where the challenge code is being displayed.


