
上传日期:2022-05-17 14:32:57
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  ReactPHP的流式zlib压缩器和解压缩器,支持GZIP、zlib和原始DEFLATE格式的压缩和解压缩。,
(Streaming zlib compressor and decompressor for ReactPHP, supporting compression and decompression of GZIP, ZLIB and raw DEFLATE formats.,)

文件列表: (3104, 2023-08-04)
LICENSE (1082, 2023-08-04)
composer.json (962, 2023-08-04)
src/ (0, 2023-08-04)
src/Compressor.php (2614, 2023-08-04)
src/Decompressor.php (3306, 2023-08-04)
src/TransformStream.php (3830, 2023-08-04)

# clue/reactphp-zlib [![CI status](]( [![installs on Packagist](]( Streaming zlib compressor and decompressor for [ReactPHP](, supporting compression and decompression of GZIP, ZLIB and raw DEFLATE formats. **Table of contents** * [Support us](#support-us) * [Quickstart example](#quickstart-example) * [Formats](#formats) * [GZIP format](#gzip-format) * [Raw DEFLATE format](#raw-deflate-format) * [ZLIB format](#zlib-format) * [Usage](#usage) * [Compressor](#compressor) * [Decompressor](#decompressor) * [Install](#install) * [Tests](#tests) * [License](#license) * [More](#more) ## Support us We invest a lot of time developing, maintaining and updating our awesome open-source projects. You can help us sustain this high-quality of our work by [becoming a sponsor on GitHub]( Sponsors get numerous benefits in return, see our [sponsoring page]( for details. Let's take these projects to the next level together! ## Quickstart example Once [installed](#install), you can use the following code to pipe a readable gzip file stream into an decompressor which emits decompressed data events for each individual log file chunk: ```php $stream = new React\Stream\ReadableResourceStream(fopen('access.log.gz', 'r')); $decompressor = new Clue\React\Zlib\Decompressor(ZLIB_ENCODING_GZIP); $stream->pipe($decompressor); $decompressor->on('data', function ($data) { echo $data; // chunk of decompressed log data }); ``` See also the [examples](examples). ## Formats This library is a lightweight wrapper around the underlying zlib library. The zlib library offers a number of different formats (sometimes referred to as *encodings*) detailed below. ### GZIP format This library supports the GZIP compression format as defined in [RFC 1952]( This is one of the more common compression formats and is used in several places: * PHP: `ZLIB_ENCODING_GZIP` (PHP 5.4+ only) * PHP: `gzdecode()` (PHP 5.4+ only) and `gzencode()` * Files with `.gz` file extension, e.g. `.tar.gz` or `.tgz` archives (also known as "tarballs") * `gzip` and `gunzip` (and family) command line tools * [HTTP compression]( with `Content-Encoding: gzip` header * Java: `GZIPOutputStream` Technically, this format uses [raw DEFLATE compression](#raw-deflate-format) wrapped in a GZIP header and footer: ``` 10 bytes header (+ optional headers) + raw DEFLATE body + 8 bytes footer ``` ### Raw DEFLATE format This library supports the raw DEFLATE compression format as defined in [RFC 1951]( The DEFLATE compression algorithm returns what we refer to as "raw DEFLATE format". This raw DEFLATE format is commonly wrapped in container formats instead of being used directly: * PHP: `ZLIB_ENCODING_RAW` (PHP 5.4+ only) * PHP: `gzdeflate()` and `gzinflate()` * Wrapped in [GZIP format](#gzip-format) * Wrapped in [ZLIB format](#zlib-format) > Note: This format is not to be confused with what some people call "deflate format" or "deflate encoding". These names are commonly used to refer to what we call [ZLIB format](#zlib-format). ### ZLIB format This library supports the ZLIB compression format as defined in [RFC 1950]( This format is commonly used in a streaming context: * PHP: `ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE` (PHP 5.4+ only) * PHP: `gzcompress()` and `gzuncompress()` * [HTTP compression]( with `Content-Encoding: deflate` header * Java: `DeflaterOutputStream` * Qt's [`qCompress()`]( and [`qUncompress()`]( uses the ZLIB format prefixed with the uncompressed length (as `UINT32BE`). Technically, this format uses [raw DEFLATE compression](#raw-deflate-format) wrapped in a ZLIB header and footer: ``` 2 bytes header (+ optional headers) + raw DEFLATE body + 4 bytes footer ``` > Note: This format is often referred to as the "deflate format" or "deflate encoding". This documentation avoids this name in order to avoid confusion with the [raw DEFLATE format](#raw-deflate-format). ## Usage All classes use the `Clue\React\Zlib` namespace. ### Compressor The `Compressor` class can be used to compress a stream of data. It implements the [`DuplexStreamInterface`]( and accepts uncompressed data on its writable side and emits compressed data on its readable side. ```php $encoding = ZLIB_ENCODING_GZIP; // or ZLIB_ENCODING_RAW or ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE $compressor = new Clue\React\Zlib\Compressor($encoding); $compressor->on('data', function ($data) { echo $data; // compressed binary data chunk }); $compressor->write($uncompressed); // write uncompressed data chunk ``` This is particularly useful in a piping context: ```php $input->pipe($filterBadWords)->pipe($compressor)->pipe($output); ``` For more details, see ReactPHP's [`DuplexStreamInterface`]( ### Decompressor The `Decompressor` class can be used to decompress a stream of data. It implements the [`DuplexStreamInterface`]( and accepts compressed data on its writable side and emits decompressed data on its readable side. ```php $encoding = ZLIB_ENCODING_GZIP; // or ZLIB_ENCODING_RAW or ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE $decompressor = new Clue\React\Zlib\Decompressor($encoding); $decompressor->on('data', function ($data) { echo $data; // decompressed data chunk }); $decompressor->write($compressed); // write compressed binary data chunk ``` This is particularly useful in a piping context: ```php $input->pipe($decompressor)->pipe($filterBadWords)->pipe($output); ``` For more details, see ReactPHP's [`DuplexStreamInterface`]( ## Install The recommended way to install this library is [through Composer]( [New to Composer?]( This project follows [SemVer]( This will install the latest supported version: ```bash composer require clue/zlib-react:^1.2 ``` See also the [CHANGELOG]( for details about version upgrades. This project aims to run on any platform and thus does not require any PHP extensions besides `ext-zlib` and supports running on PHP 7 through current PHP 8+. It's *highly recommended to use the latest supported PHP version* for this project. The `ext-zlib` extension is required for handling the underlying data compression and decompression. This extension is already installed as part of many PHP distributions out-of-the-box, e.g. it ships with Debian/Ubuntu-based PHP installations and Windows-based builds by default. If you're building PHP from source, you may have to [manually enable]( it. We're committed to providing a smooth upgrade path for legacy setups. If you need to support legacy PHP versions and legacy HHVM, you may want to check out the legacy `v0.2.x` release branch. This legacy release branch also provides an installation candidate that does not require `ext-zlib` during installation but uses runtime checks instead. In this case, you can install this project like this: ```bash composer require "clue/zlib-react:^1.0||^0.2.2" ``` ## Tests To run the test suite, you first need to clone this repo and then install all dependencies [through Composer]( ```bash composer install ``` To run the test suite, go to the project root and run: ```bash vendor/bin/phpunit ``` ## License This project is released under the permissive [MIT license](LICENSE). > Did you know that I offer custom development services and issuing invoices for sponsorships of releases and for contributions? Contact me (@clue) for details. ## More * If you want to learn more about processing streams of data, refer to the documentation of the underlying [react/stream]( component. * If you want to process compressed tarballs (`.tar.gz` and `.tgz` file extension), you may want to use [clue/reactphp-tar]( on the decompressed stream.


