
上传日期:2022-02-20 11:23:58
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  ROS 2 IP发现+系统监控工具,
(Tool for ROS 2 IP Discovery + System Monitoring,)

Dockerfile (1755, 2022-02-20)
LICENSE (11356, 2022-02-20)
computer_msgs/ (0, 2022-02-20)
computer_msgs/CMakeLists.txt (363, 2022-02-20)
computer_msgs/LICENSE (11357, 2022-02-20)
computer_msgs/msg/ (0, 2022-02-20)
computer_msgs/msg/PcStatus.msg (102, 2022-02-20)
computer_msgs/package.xml (649, 2022-02-20)
computer_msgs/srv/ (0, 2022-02-20)
computer_msgs/srv/PcStatusSrv.srv (77, 2022-02-20)
install.bash (4679, 2022-02-20)
rclshark-smi/ (0, 2022-02-20)
rclshark/ (0, 2022-02-20)
rclshark/package.xml (544, 2022-02-20)
rclshark/rclshark.bash (357, 2022-02-20)
rclshark/rclshark/ (0, 2022-02-20)
rclshark/rclshark/__init__.py (31, 2022-02-20)
rclshark/rclshark/rclshark.py (3220, 2022-02-20)
rclshark/resource/ (0, 2022-02-20)
rclshark/resource/rclshark (0, 2022-02-20)
rclshark/service/ (0, 2022-02-20)
rclshark/service/rclshark.service (225, 2022-02-20)
rclshark/setup.cfg (84, 2022-02-20)
... ...

# rclshark :turtle::shark: [rclshark2](https://github.com/Ar-Ray-code/rclshark2) is released. latest : [v1.0.3](https://github.com/Ar-Ray-code/rclshark/releases/tag/v1.0.3) [解説(Zenn)](https://zenn.dev/array/articles/9fd8cb5941bb94) [紹介ページ(github.io)](https://ar-ray-code.github.io/05_rclshark/index.html) Monitor the status of computers on a network using the DDS function of ROS2. ![rclshark-title](images_for_readme/rclshark-title.png) ## Documents - Zenn : https://zenn.dev/array/articles/9fd8cb5941bb94 - DockerHub : https://hub.docker.com/r/ray255ar/rclshark - Computer_msgs : https://github.com/Ar-Ray-code/computer_msgs - rclshark-smi : https://github.com/Ar-Ray-code/rclshark-smi - Website : https://ar-ray-code.github.io/05_rclshark ## Requirements - ROS2 foxy-base [Installation](https://docs.ros.org/en/foxy/Installation.html) - python3-colcon-common-extensions - python3-psutil - build-essential ## Support - Ubuntu 20.04 (x86_64, Armv8) (Full support) - Raspberry Pi OS (aarch64) (Full support) - Windows 11 (x86_64) (rclshark-smi only) ## 1. rclshark :turtle: :shark: Repository : https://github.com/Ar-Ray-code/rclshark rclshark is an IP address display system that takes advantage of the DDS publishing nature of the ros2 node to the local network, and can recognize any device with ROS2 installed. rclshark is also a service server, and has a function to Repositoryrt computer status using psutil. See [rclshark-smi](https://github.com/Ar-Ray-code/rclshark#rclshark-smi-turtle-shark) for details. --- ### Installation #### ROS-Foxy Installation If you want to know how to install ROS-Foxy , please check [ROS2-Foxy-Installation](https://docs.ros.org/en/foxy/Installation/Ubuntu-Install-Debians.html). ```bash # ROS-Foxy & depends Installation sudo apt update && sudo apt install curl gnupg2 lsb-release python3-psutil python3-colcon-common-extensions build-essential git sudo curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ros/rosdistro/master/ros.key -o /usr/share/keyrings/ros-archive-keyring.gpg echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/ros-archive-keyring.gpg] http://packages.ros.org/ros2/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros2.list > /dev/null sudo apt install ros-foxy-base ``` #### rclshark backend installtion After installation, rclshark will start automatically. ```bash #rclshark installation git clone https://github.com/Ar-Ray-code/rclshark.git sudo bash rclshark/rclshark/install.bash /opt/ros/foxy ``` If you want to enable rclshark immediately, run `$ sudo systemctl start rclshark.service`. #### Stop rclshark ```bash sudo systemctl stop rclshark.service ``` #### Disable rclshark ```bash sudo systemctl disable rclshark.service ``` #### uninstall ```bash sudo bash ~/ros2_ws/src/rclshark/rclshark/install.bash uninstall ``` ### Docker Docker container is used for viewer testing and communication load testing, but can also be used as a Raspberry Pi replacement for trial purposes. ```bash docker pull ray255ar/rclshark ``` RUN docker container ```bash docker run -it --rm rclshark ``` --- ### Quick check of rclshark Since rclshark is an application that uses the basic functions of ROS2, you can find it with the ros2 command. ```bash ## Confirmation rclshark 1 ros2 node list | grep ip_ > /ip_192.168.11.10_end > /ip_192.168.11.22_end ## Confirmation rclshark 2 ros2 service list | grep endcb > /ip_192.168.11.10_endcb > /ip_192.168.11.22_endcb ``` Now you can safely forget your IP address.:wink: ## 2. rclshark-smi (v1.0.0) :turtle: :shark: Repository : https://github.com/Ar-Ray-code/rclshark-smi You can use rclshark to check the hardware status of multiple computers. You don't even need to bother opening htop. Good for you! :blush: IP addresses are sorted in ascending order and are dynamically added and removed. ![rclshark-smi-docker](images_for_readme/rclshark-smi-docker.png) ### Installation rclshark-smi is installed with rclshark. It can also be built and used as a regular ROS2 package. `ros2 run rclshark_smi rclshark_smi` ```bash ## Install git clone --recursive https://github.com/Ar-Ray-code/rclshark.git sudo bash rclshark/rclshark/install.bash /opt/ros/foxy ## Run rclshark-smi rclshark-smi ``` ## Demo (v1.0.0) [YouTube](https://youtu.be/SC5XEYPq4D0) ![](images_for_readme/rclshark-demo.gif) - rclshark-smi v1.0.2 limits the display to only one time. # Extended packages :shark::snake: ## 3. rclshark-bridge Repository : https://github.com/Ar-Ray-code/rclshark-bridge rclshark-bridge performs CSV conversion of data in order to use rclshark on other platforms. ## 4. rclshark-Web Repository : https://github.com/Ar-Ray-code/rclshark-web rclshark-web is data viewer #### Installation Before creating the web server, please set up the Python dependency module and ROS2 environment. ```bash git clone https://github.com/Ar-Ray-code/rclshark-web.git git clone https://github.com/Ar-Ray-code/rclshark-bridge.git pip3 install -r rclshark-web/requirements.txt source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash python3 rclshark-bridge/rclshark_bridge/rclshark_bridge.py & python3 rclshark-web/flask_main.py ``` Access `http://localhost:5000` [Web-GUI Demo Page](https://ar-ray-code.github.io/05_rclshark/rclshark-web/templates/index.html) ![rclshark-web-gui](images_for_readme/rclshark-web-gui.png) ## About author - author : [Ar-Ray](https://github.com/Ar-Ray-code) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Ray255Ar)


