上传日期:2020-10-01 15:08:45
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  RRD工具的Powershell包装器,
(Powershell wrapper for RRDTool,)

LICENSE (1085, 2020-10-01)
RRDTool.psd1 (3865, 2020-10-01)
RRDTool.psm1 (14753, 2020-10-01)

# RRDTool ## This repository is currently RETIRED, UNSUPPORTED, and UNMAINTAINED. #### WARNING *This module is compatible only with rrdtool-1.2.30-win32 right now; 1.2.30 is the last win32 build officialy distributed by Tobias Oetiker* ### Abstract Provide a wrapper around rrdtool.exe (http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/) ### Installation * Download the module from [github](https://github.com/EsOsO/RRDTool/archive/master.zip) * Place the folder RRDTool in your `$PSModulePath` (eg. `%ProgramFiles%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules`) * Download [rrdtool-1.2.30-win32-perl510.zip](http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/pub/rrdtool-1.2.30-win32-perl510.zip), extract rrdtool.exe (rrdtool-1.2.30-win32-perl510.zip\data\rrd2\rrdtool-1.2.30\Release) and drop it in the bin folder inside RRDTool Powershell Module (eg. `%ProgramFiles%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\RRDTool\bin`) ### Usage #### RRD file creation ``` $DataSource1 = New-RRDDataSource -Name cpu_kernel -DataSourceType GAUGE -Heartbeat 120 -Min 0 -Max 100 $DataSource2 = New-RRDDataSource -Name cpu_user -DataSourceType GAUGE -Heartbeat 120 -Min 0 -Max 100 $DataSource3 = New-RRDDataSource -Name cpu_queue -DataSourceType GAUGE -Heartbeat 120 -Min 0 $AVERAGE_0 = New-RRDRoundRobinArchive -ConsolidationFunction AVERAGE -Steps 1 -Rows 1440 # 1 day, 1 min pdp $AVERAGE_1 = New-RRDRoundRobinArchive -ConsolidationFunction AVERAGE -Steps 5 -Rows 2016 # 1 week, 5 min pdp $AVERAGE_2 = New-RRDRoundRobinArchive -ConsolidationFunction AVERAGE -Steps 60 -Rows 720 # 1 month, 1 hour pdp $AVERAGE_3 = New-RRDRoundRobinArchive -ConsolidationFunction AVERAGE -Steps 60 -Rows 8760 # 1 year, 1 hour pdp New-RRD -FileName C:\Temp\cpu.rrd ` -Step 60 ` -DS $Datasource1, $DataSource2, $DataSource3 ` -RRA $AVERAGE_0, $AVERAGE_1, $AVERAGE_2, $AVERAGE_3 ``` #### RRD update values ``` $Values = Get-Counter -ComputerName $ComputerName -Counter '\Processor(_total)\% Privileged Time', '\Processor(_total)\% User Time', '\System\Processor Queue Length' | select -ExpandProperty CounterSamples | select -ExpandProperty CookedValue Update-RRD -FileName C:\Temp\cpu.rrd -Value $Values ``` #### RRD Graph creation ``` $Elements = @( New-RRDDef -Name 'cpu_kernel' -FileName $CpuRRD -DataSource 'cpu_kernel' -ConsolidationFunction AVERAGE New-RRDDef -Name 'cpu_user' -FileName $CpuRRD -DataSource 'cpu_user' -ConsolidationFunction AVERAGE New-RRDDef -Name 'cpu_queue' -FileName $CpuRRD -DataSource 'cpu_queue' -ConsolidationFunction AVERAGE New-RRDLine -Name 'cpu_kernel' -Color '#FE343E' -Legend '% CPU Kernel Time' New-RRDLine -Name 'cpu_user' -Color '#6B46EC' -Legend '% CPU User Time' New-RRDLine -Name 'cpu_queue' -Color '#44F432' -Legend 'Processor Queue Lenght' New-RRDVdef -Name 'cpukernel_max' -RPNExpression 'cpu_kernel,MAXIMUM' New-RRDVdef -Name 'cpukernel_avg' -RPNExpression 'cpu_kernel,AVERAGE' New-RRDVdef -Name 'cpukernel_last' -RPNExpression 'cpu_kernel,LAST' New-RRDComment -Text '\n' New-RRDComment -Text '% CPU Kernel Time:' New-RRDComment -Text '\n' New-RRDGPrint -Name 'cpukernel_max' -Format 'Max:\t%12.2lf%s' New-RRDGPrint -Name 'cpukernel_avg' -Format 'Avg:\t%12.2lf%s' New-RRDGPrint -Name 'cpukernel_last' -Format 'Last:\t%12.2lf%s' New-RRDVdef -Name 'cpuuser_max' -RPNExpression 'cpu_user,MAXIMUM' New-RRDVdef -Name 'cpuuser_avg' -RPNExpression 'cpu_user,AVERAGE' New-RRDVdef -Name 'cpuuser_last' -RPNExpression 'cpu_user,LAST' New-RRDComment -Text '\n' New-RRDComment -Text '% CPU User Time' New-RRDComment -Text '\n' New-RRDGPrint -Name 'cpuuser_max' -Format 'Max:\t%12.2lf%s' New-RRDGPrint -Name 'cpuuser_avg' -Format 'Avg:\t%12.2lf%s' New-RRDGPrint -Name 'cpuuser_last' -Format 'Last:\t%12.2lf%s' New-RRDVdef -Name 'cpuqueued_max' -RPNExpression 'cpu_queue,MAXIMUM' New-RRDVdef -Name 'cpuqueued_avg' -RPNExpression 'cpu_queue,AVERAGE' New-RRDVdef -Name 'cpuqueued_last' -RPNExpression 'cpu_queue,LAST' New-RRDComment -Text '\n' New-RRDComment -Text 'Processor Queue Length:' New-RRDComment -Text '\n' New-RRDGPrint -Name 'cpuqueued_max' -Format 'Max:\t%12.2lf%s' New-RRDGPrint -Name 'cpuqueued_avg' -Format 'Avg:\t%12.2lf%s' New-RRDGPrint -Name 'cpuqueued_last' -Format 'Last:\t%12.2lf%s' ) Out-RRDGraph -FileName C:\Temp\cpu.png -Title 'CPU Usage - Last day' -Start (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) -LowerLimit 0 -UpperLimit 100 -Rigid -Elements $Elements -Verbose ```


