
上传日期:2016-07-16 04:26:27
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  HTPC服务器自动化与XBMC、新闻组软件、,
(HTPC Server Automation with XBMC, Newsgroups Software,)

Vagrantfile (2321, 2016-03-26)
custom/ (0, 2016-03-26)
custom/custom.yml.sample (3197, 2016-03-26)
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docs/Makefile (6941, 2016-03-26)
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docs/ (38, 2016-03-26)
docs/customisation.rst (860, 2016-03-26)
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docs/dev_and_test.rst (1260, 2016-03-26)
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docs/index.rst (153, 2016-03-26)
docs/intro.rst (1568, 2016-03-26)
docs/ (38, 2016-03-26)
docs/ (37, 2016-03-26)
docs/ (37, 2016-03-26)
docs/quick_install.rst (1458, 2016-03-26)
docs/roles.rst (190, 2016-03-26)
docs/ (34, 2016-03-26)
docs/ (35, 2016-03-26)
htpc-server.yml (1428, 2016-03-26)
inventory/ (0, 2016-03-26)
inventory/server-headless (21, 2016-03-26)
inventory/server-withclient (23, 2016-03-26)
requirements.yml (830, 2016-03-26)
roles/ (0, 2016-03-26)
roles/GR360RY.couchpotato/ (0, 2016-03-26)
roles/GR360RY.deluge/ (0, 2016-03-26)
roles/GR360RY.docker/ (0, 2016-03-26)
roles/GR360RY.docker-kodi/ (0, 2016-03-26)
roles/GR360RY.htpc-common/ (0, 2016-03-26)
roles/GR360RY.htpc-manager/ (0, 2016-03-26)
roles/GR360RY.htpc-nas/ (0, 2016-03-26)
roles/GR360RY.kodi-client/ (0, 2016-03-26)
... ...

## htpc-ansible HTPC Server Automation with [Kodi](, [Deluge]( (Bittorent), [SABnzbd]( (Usenet), [Couchpotato](, [Sickrage](, [HTPC-Manager](, [Tvheadend]( and [nzbToMedia]( ## Overview This project is designed to deploy and configure HTPC software on Ubuntu 14.04. It includes software roles, which can be set up on a single or multiple machines. All roles are customized with single configuration file, correctly deploying all the software. All software packages are integrated together: * Download clients ( Deluge and Sabnzbd ) will be configured and integrated into Couchpotato and Sickrage placing downloaded files into Movies and TV Shows folders. * Kodi's will be configured with appropriate paths and new content will appear automatically in Kodi's Library. * Nzbtomedia will verify downloaded content and notify PVR software if to snatch another release in case the downloaded release is corrupted. * HTPC Manager will be configured with all relevant API Keys and credentials to present a single web interface for managing Deluge, Sabnzbd, Sickrage, Couchpotato, Tvheadend and Kodi. * Media folders and downloads will be shared with LAN clients ( Windows, Linux and Mac ) over CIFS, NFS and AFP. ## Quick installation There are two modes of installation: * Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop - machine is connected to TV/Monitor. Kodi GUI will start on boot. * Ubuntu 14.04 Server - Kodi will run in docker container. In both modes media is shared over CIFS, NFS and AFP and Kodi uses MySQL. Login to your Ubuntu 14.04 machine using gui or console. Run __ONE__ of the below: __Desktop Mode:__ ``` wget --no-check-certificate -O - | sh ``` __Server Mode:__ ``` wget --no-check-certificate -O - | sh ``` __Reboot your machine following the installation.__ Downloads and Media folders layout if used with default variable values: ``` /mnt/media/ # Media path shared over NFS, CIFS and AFP ├── downloads │ ├── complete # Complete Downloads for Deluge and Sabnzbd │ └── Incomplete │ ├── deluged # Deluge Incomplete Downloads │ ├── sabnzbd # Sabnzbd Incomplete Downloads │ └── process # nzbtomedia processing folders │ ├── movie │ └── tv ├── movies # Movies path for Kodi and Couchpotato ├── music # Music library path in Kodi ├── pictures # Pictures path in Kodi └── tv # TV Shows path for Kodi and Sickrage ``` Default Credentials, Settings, Paths and URLs: * __Name Resolution__ - Name resolution between services will be configured using ZeroConf/Bonjour. - HTPC will be resolvable with `hostname.local`. Assuming the hostname of the HTPC is htpc, HTPCManager will be accessible with http://htpc.local/. To enable ZeroConf/Bonjour on Windows, install [Bonjour Print Services for Windows]( ( See customisation part to change this behaviour ) * __HTPC User__ - All services will be run under `htpc` user identified with `htpc` password - Sudo access for `htpc` user will be enabled - SSH service will be configured to start automatically on boot * __Media, Downloads and Network Shares__ - All media and download folders will reside under `/mnt/media` - AFP and Samba read/write access will be available with `htpc/htpc` credentials - `/mnt/media` will be exported with NFS. NFS will "squash" all users to `htpc` uid * __Kodi__ ( Desktop Mode Only ) - `htpc` user will be logged in automatically to Ubuntu desktop on boot - Kodi will start in full screen as part of Ubuntu Desktop * __Kodi__ ( Server and Desktop Modes ) - Kodi Web Service will be enabled on port __8080__ with user `kodi` and without a password - Kodi will be configured to use MySQL as a backend - Mysql user credentials for Kodi MySQL databases will be set to `kodi/kodi` - `movies` and `tv` folders will be configured with default scrappers in Kodi - Create hidden `/mnt/media/.kodi_client_setup` folder with `advancedsettings.xml` for configuring additional Kodi clients * __Deluge__ - Deluge-Web Daemon will be configured to listen on port __8112__ - Deluge Daemon will be configured to listen on port __58846__ - Default Deluge Web password will be set to `deluge` - `tv` and `movie` labels will be configured. - `nzbtomedia` postprocessing scripts will be configured for each label * __Sabnzbd__ - Sabnzbdplus will be configured to listen on port __9000__ - Usenet setup will remain to be completed through configuration wizard - `movies` and `tv` categories will be configured - `nzbtomedia` postprocessing scripts will be configured for each category * __Sickrage__ - Will be configured to listen on port __8081__ - Deluge will be configured as download client - In "Search Providers", torrent trackers that do not require credentials will be configured - Sabnzbd will be configured as download client, but no Usenet "Search Providers" will be defined - Sickrage will sent "Rescan Library" command to Kodi on complete downloads * __Couchpotato__ - Will be configured to listen on port __5050__ - Deluge will be configured as download client - In "Searcher", torrent trackers that do not require credentials will be configured - Sabnzbd will be configured as download client, but no Usenet "Searcher" will be defined - Couchpotato will sent "Rescan Library" command to Kodi on complete downloads * __HtpcManager__ - Use Hellowlol HTPC-Manager Fork - Apache reverse proxy will be configured to serve HtpcManager on port 80 - HtpcManager will be configured to listen on port __8085__ ## Customizing the setup ### Install Requirements ``` sudo apt-get install software-properties-common sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:ansible/ansible sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y install ansible git ``` ### Clone the repository ``` git clone --recursive cd htpc-ansible ``` ### Edit Configuration * Create custom configuration file: ``` cd custom cp custom.yml.sample custom.yml ``` * Open `custom.yml` in your favorite editor and update variable values. * Run Ansible Playbook from your localhost: __Desktop Mode:__ ``` ansible-playbook -i inventory/server-withclient -c local -K htpc-server.yml ``` __Server Mode:__ ``` ansible-playbook -i inventory/server-headless -c local -K htpc-server.yml ``` ## Development and Testing with Vagrant If you want to test out the configuration in VirtualMachine or contribute to htpc-ansible development, install requirements and follow the below guide: ### Requirements * Install [Vagrant]( * Install [Oracle VirtualBox]( * Install [Ansible]( ### Deployment Both __Server__ and __Desktop__ modes can be tested in Vagrant. Vagrantfile presents multimachine environment were only __Server__ VM will be started by default. To test __Desktop__ mode, run `vagrant up fullclient`. ``` ~/dev/htpc-ansible master± vagrant status Current machine states: headless not created (virtualbox) fullclient not created (virtualbox) This environment represents multiple VMs. The VMs are all listed above with their current state. For more information about a specific VM, run `vagrant status NAME`. ``` * Start the VM ``` # Server vagrant up headless --no-provision #Desktop vagrant up fullclient --no-provision ``` * Snapshot the machine. ``` vagrant snapshot save before_provisioning ``` * Deploying htpc-ansible ``` vagrant provision ``` * Reverting snapshot In case you want to redeploy from scratch - simply revert the snapshot back to the machine with desktop installed. ``` vagrant snapshot restore before_provisioning ``` #### Testing and configuring WEB services Vagrant boxes are configured to have bridged eth1 interface. All the web services can be tested and configured as following: * Server Mode [http://htpc-server-vm.local/](http://htpc-server-vm.local/) * Desktop Mode [http://htpc-vm.local/](http://htpc-vm.local/)


