
上传日期:2021-03-30 19:11:53
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一个简单的剧本,用于自动设置多个服务器之间的线保护网格,
(An ansible playbook to automate the setup of a wireguard mesh between multiple servers,)

Makefile (168, 2021-03-30)
inventories/ (0, 2021-03-30)
inventories/inventory.yml (599, 2021-03-30)
ping.yml (163, 2021-03-30)
templates/ (0, 2021-03-30)
templates/systemd.netdev (606, 2021-03-30)
templates/ (81, 2021-03-30)
wireguard.yml (2954, 2021-03-30)

# Multi server Wireguard mesh with ansible A playbook which given an inventory file with: * a list of hosts * for each host a `wireguard_ip` variable with the desired host (private) Wireguard IP * `wireguard_mask_bits` variable with the number of the wireguard (private) network mask bits * `wireguard_port` variable with the UDP port to use will: * install wireguard in all hosts * generate public/private key pairs in all hosts * generate the pre-shared keys for all host pairs * create a `wg0` virtual network device and a `wg0` network optionally, when the `ufw_enabled` variable is set to `true`: * enable ufw on all hosts * reject everything by default * allow ssh protocol from all sources * allow traffic from all the inventory wireguard IPs More details and explanation can be found in this blog post: ## Example In this example, we'll create 3 Hetzner cloud CX11 servers (~3/month) using [Hetzner's cli](, 1 in each of their 3 datacenters (Nuremberg, Falkenstein & Helsinki): ```shell env_id=wireguard-test server_type=cx11 image=ubuntu-20.04 args=() for k in $(hcloud ssh-key list -o=noheader -ocolumns=name); do args+=("--ssh-key=$k") done for datacenter in nbg1-dc3 fsn1-dc14 hel1-dc2; do hcloud server create "${args[@]}" \ --datacenter="${datacenter}" \ --type="${server_type}" \ --image="${image}" \ --label=env="${env_id}" \ --name="${env_id}-${datacenter}" done ``` ### Inventory Next you need to prepapre an inventory file with the 3 servers we created in `inventories/inventory.yml`: Run `hcloud server list -l env=wireguard-test`: ``` ID NAME STATUS IPV4 IPV6 DATACENTER 10889123 wireguard-test-nbg1-dc3 running 2a01:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::/64 nbg1-dc3 10889126 wireguard-test-fsn1-dc14 running 2a01:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::/64 fsn1-dc14 10889127 wireguard-test-hel1-dc2 running 2a01:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::/64 hel1-dc2 ``` And use the server names and IPv4s to build your inventory: ```yml all: hosts: host1: pipelining: true ansible_ssh_user: root ansible_host: "$host1_public_ip" ansible_ssh_port: 22 wireguard_ip: host2: pipelining: true ansible_ssh_user: root ansible_host: "$host2_public_ip" ansible_ssh_port: 22 wireguard_ip: host3: pipelining: true ansible_ssh_user: root ansible_host: "$host3_public_ip" ansible_ssh_port: 22 wireguard_ip: vars: ansible_become_method: su wireguard_mask_bits: 24 wireguard_port: 51871 ``` ### Apply Run `make apply` ### Test connectivity Run `make test`, which will perform ping tests between the 3 servers using their wireguard private IPs. You could also ssh to each/any host and run `ping` manually if you prefer.


