
上传日期:2023-07-13 13:49:56
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Chronos-一个高效的异步编程库,
(Chronos - An efficient library for asynchronous programming,)

LICENSE-APACHEv2 (11372, 2023-12-08)
LICENSE-MIT (1109, 2023-12-08)
chronos.nim (523, 2023-12-08)
chronos.nimble (2173, 2023-12-08)
chronos/ (0, 2023-12-08)
chronos/apps.nim (339, 2023-12-08)
chronos/apps/ (0, 2023-12-08)
chronos/apps/http/ (0, 2023-12-08)
chronos/apps/http/httpagent.nim (898, 2023-12-08)
chronos/apps/http/httpbodyrw.nim (3616, 2023-12-08)
chronos/apps/http/httpclient.nim (60793, 2023-12-08)
chronos/apps/http/httpcommon.nim (12176, 2023-12-08)
chronos/apps/http/httpdebug.nim (3916, 2023-12-08)
chronos/apps/http/httpserver.nim (60330, 2023-12-08)
chronos/apps/http/httptable.nim (6494, 2023-12-08)
chronos/apps/http/multipart.nim (25846, 2023-12-08)
chronos/apps/http/shttpserver.nim (6884, 2023-12-08)
chronos/asyncloop.nim (478, 2023-12-08)
chronos/asyncproc.nim (47807, 2023-12-08)
chronos/asyncsync.nim (21403, 2023-12-08)
chronos/config.nim (5740, 2023-12-08)
chronos/debugutils.nim (2428, 2023-12-08)
chronos/futures.nim (7949, 2023-12-08)
chronos/handles.nim (11077, 2023-12-08)
chronos/internal/ (0, 2023-12-08)
chronos/internal/asyncengine.nim (47104, 2023-12-08)
chronos/internal/asyncfutures.nim (58009, 2023-12-08)
chronos/internal/asyncmacro.nim (20148, 2023-12-08)
chronos/internal/errors.nim (309, 2023-12-08)
chronos/internal/raisesfutures.nim (6557, 2023-12-08)
chronos/ioselects/ (0, 2023-12-08)
chronos/ioselects/ioselectors_epoll.nim (25402, 2023-12-08)
chronos/ioselects/ioselectors_kqueue.nim (23455, 2023-12-08)
chronos/ioselects/ioselectors_poll.nim (10163, 2023-12-08)
... ...

# Chronos - An efficient library for asynchronous programming [![Github action](]( [![License: Apache](]( [![License: MIT](]( ![Stability: experimental]( ## Introduction Chronos is an efficient [async/await]( framework for Nim. Features include: * Asynchronous socket and process I/O * HTTP server with SSL/TLS support out of the box (no OpenSSL needed) * Synchronization primitivies like queues, events and locks * Cancellation * Efficient dispatch pipeline with excellent multi-platform support * Exceptional error handling features, including `raises` tracking ## Getting started Install `chronos` using `nimble`: ```text nimble install chronos ``` or add a dependency to your `.nimble` file: ```text requires "chronos" ``` and start using it: ```nim import chronos/apps/http/httpclient proc retrievePage(uri: string): Future[string] {.async.} = # Create a new HTTP session let httpSession = try: # Fetch page contents let resp = await httpSession.fetch(parseUri(uri)) # Convert response to a string, assuming its encoding matches the terminal! bytesToString( finally: # Close the session await noCancel(httpSession.closeWait()) echo waitFor retrievePage( "") ``` ## Documentation See the [user guide]( ## Projects using `chronos` * [libp2p]( - Peer-to-Peer networking stack implemented in many languages * [presto]( - REST API framework * [Scorper]( - Web framework * [2DeFi]( - Decentralised file system * [websock]( - WebSocket library with lots of features `chronos` is available in the [Nim Playground]( Submit a PR to add yours! ## TODO * Multithreading Stream/Datagram servers ## Contributing When submitting pull requests, please add test cases for any new features or fixes and make sure `nimble test` is still able to execute the entire test suite successfully. `chronos` follows the [Status Nim Style Guide]( ## License Licensed and distributed under either of * MIT license: [LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or or * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHEv2](LICENSE-APACHEv2) or at your option. These files may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.


