
上传日期:2017-04-13 03:21:55
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Swift的异步编程库,
(An asynchronous programming library for Swift,)

.travis.yml (1307, 2016-06-21) (1957068, 2016-06-21)
AsyncTask.podspec (876, 2016-06-21)
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AsyncTask.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata (154, 2016-06-21)
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AsyncTask.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/AsyncTaskDemo.xcscheme (3359, 2016-06-21)
AsyncTask.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/AsyncTaskOSX.xcscheme (2877, 2016-06-21)
AsyncTask.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/AsyncTaskOSXTests.xcscheme (3346, 2016-06-21)
AsyncTask.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/AsyncTaskTVOS.xcscheme (2880, 2016-06-21)
AsyncTask.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/AsyncTaskWatchOS.xcscheme (2889, 2016-06-21)
AsyncTask.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/AsyncTaskiOS.xcscheme (2877, 2016-06-21)
Cartfile (0, 2016-06-21)
Cartfile.private (113, 2016-06-21)
Cartfile.resolved (131, 2016-06-21)
Demo/ (0, 2016-06-21)
Demo/AppDelegate.swift (2404, 2016-06-21)
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Demo/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json (585, 2016-06-21)
Demo/Base.lproj/ (0, 2016-06-21)
Demo/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard (1664, 2016-06-21)
Demo/Info.plist (1149, 2016-06-21)
LICENSE (1075, 2016-06-21)
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Source/Base/ (0, 2016-06-21)
Source/Base/Collection.swift (5049, 2016-06-21)
Source/Base/Config.swift (218, 2016-06-21)
Source/Base/DispatchQueue.swift (1530, 2016-06-21)
Source/Base/Helper.swift (335, 2016-06-21)
Source/Base/Task.swift (1386, 2016-06-21)
Source/Base/ThrowableTask.swift (2711, 2016-06-21)
Source/Base/Thunkify.swift (778, 2016-06-21)
Source/OSX/ (0, 2016-06-21)
Source/OSX/AsyncTask.h (511, 2016-06-21)
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# AsyncTask [![CI Status](]( [![Version](]( [![Carthage compatible](]( [![License](]( [![Platform](]( An asynchronous programming library for Swift ## Features AsyncTask is much more than Future and Promise. - It is **composable**, allowing you to build complex workflow. - It supports native **error handling** with `do-catch` and `try`. - It is **protocol oriented**; so you can turn any object into a Task. Without AsyncTask: ```swift // get a global concurrent queue let queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(QOS_CLASS_USER_INTERACTIVE, 0) // submit a task to the queue for background execution dispatch_async(queue) { let enhancedImage = self.applyImageFilter(image) // expensive operation taking a few seconds // update UI on the main queue dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) { self.imageView.image = enhancedImage UIView.animateWithDuration(0.3, animations: { self.imageView.alpha = 1 }) { completed in // add code to happen next here } } } ``` With AsyncTask: ```swift Task { let enhancedImage = self.applyImageFilter(image) Task {self.imageView.image = enhancedImage}.async(.Main) let completed = UIView.animateWithDurationAsync(0.3) { self.label.alpha = 1 }.await(.Main) // add code to happen next here }.async() ``` It even allows you to extend existing types: ```swift let (data, response) = try! NSURL(string: "")!.await() ``` ## Installation ### [CocoaPods]( AsyncTask is available through [CocoaPods]( To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile: ```ruby pod "AsyncTask" ``` ### [Carthage]( **Xcode 7.1 required** Add this to `Cartfile` ``` github "zhxnlai/AsyncTask" ~> 0.1 ``` ``` $ carthage update ``` ## Tutorial * [Async Programming in Swift with AsyncTask]( ## Usage In AsyncTask, a `Task` represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation, as do Future and Promise in other libraries. It can wrap both synchronous and asynchronous APIs. To create a `Task`, initialize it with a closure. To make it reusable, write functions that return a task. ```swift // synchronous API func encrypt(message: String) -> Task { return Task { encrypt(message) } } // asynchronous API func get(URL: NSURL) -> Task<(NSData?, NSURLResponse?, NSError?)> { return Task {completionHandler in NSURLSession().dataTaskWithURL(URL, completionHandler: completionHandler).resume() } } ``` To get the result of a `Task`, use `async` or `await`. `async` is just like `dispatch_async`, and you can supply a completion handler. `await`, on the contrary, blocks the current thread and waits for the task to finish. ```swift // async encrypt(message).async { ciphertext in /* do somthing */ } get(URL).async {(data, response, error) in /* do somthing */ } // await let ciphertext = encrypt(message).await() let (data, response, error) = get(URL).await() ``` ### Composing Tasks You can use multiple await expressions to ensure that each statement completes before executing the next statement: ```swift Task { print(“downloading image”) var image = UIImage(data: downloadImage.await())! updateImageView(image).await(.Main) print(“processing image”) image = processImage(image).await() updateImageView(image).await(.Main) print(“finished”) }.async() ``` You can also call `awaitFirst` and `awaitAll` on a collection of tasks to execute them in parallel: ```swift let replicatedURLs = ["", ""] let first = let messages = ["1", "2", "3"] let all = ``` ### Handling Errors Swift provide first-class support for [error handling]( In AsyncTask, a `ThrowableTask` takes a throwing closure and propagates the error. ```swift func load(path: String) -> ThrowableTask { return ThrowableTask { switch path { case "profile.png": return NSData() case "index.html": return NSData() default: throw Error.NotFound } } } expect{try load("profile.png").await()}.notTo(throwError()) expect{try load("index.html").await()}.notTo(throwError()) expect{try load("random.txt").await()}.to(throwError()) ``` ### Extending Tasks AsyncTask is [protocol oriented](; it defines `TaskType` and `ThrowableTaskType` and provides the default implementation of `async` and `await` using protocol extension. In other words, these protocols are easy to implement, and you can `await` on any object that confronts to them. Being able to extend tasks powerful because it allows tasks to encapsulate states and behaviors. In the following example, by extending `NSURL` to be `TaskType`, we make data fetching a part of the NSURL class. To confront to the `TaskType` protocol, just specify an action and the return type. ```swift extension NSURL : ThrowableTaskType { public typealias ReturnType = (NSData, NSURLResponse) public func action(completion: Result -> ()) { ThrowableTask { let session = NSURLSession(configuration: .ephemeralSessionConfiguration()) let (data, response, error) = Task { callback in session.dataTaskWithURL(self, completionHandler: callback).resume()}.await() guard error == nil else { throw error! } return (data!, response!) }.asyncResult(completion: completion) } } ``` This extension allows us to write the following code: ```swift let (data, response) = try! NSURL(string: "")!.await() ``` A Task can represent more complicated activities, even those involving UI. In the following example, we use an `ImagePickerTask` to launch a `UIImagePickerViewController` and wait for the user to choose an image. Once the user selects an image or press the cancel button, the view controller dismisses, and the task returns with the selected image. ```swift class ImagePickerDemoViewController: UIViewController { let imageView = UIImageView() func launchImagePicker() { Task { do { let data = try ImagePickerTask(viewController: self).await() } catch Error.PhotoLibraryNotAvailable { alert("Photo Library is Not Available") } guard let image = data?[UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage] as? UIImage else { self.imageView.image = nil return } self.imageView.image = image }.async() } } ``` The `ImagePickerTask` knows when the user has picked an image or canceled because it is the `UIImagePickerViewController`’s delegate. For more details, see its [implementation]( and the example folder. ## Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run `pod install` from the Example directory first. You may also want to take a look at the [test cases]( ## Author Zhixuan Lai, ## License AsyncTask is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


