
上传日期:2020-11-28 17:54:25
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Delphi.中面向方面编程(AOP)的概念。,
(Concepts of aspect-oriented programming (AOP) in Delphi.,)

Clean.bat (720, 2020-11-28)
LICENSE (11364, 2020-11-28)
samples/ (0, 2020-11-28)
samples/Samples.groupproj (2335, 2020-11-28)
samples/logging/ (0, 2020-11-28)
samples/logging/App.Context.pas (1295, 2020-11-28)
samples/logging/Email.Message.pas (631, 2020-11-28)
samples/logging/Logging.Aspect.pas (2381, 2020-11-28)
samples/logging/Logging.Attribute.pas (256, 2020-11-28)
samples/logging/LoggingApp.dpr (493, 2020-11-28)
samples/logging/LoggingApp.dproj (49626, 2020-11-28)
samples/logging/LoggingApp.res (59228, 2020-11-28)
samples/logging/Main.View.dfm (745, 2020-11-28)
samples/logging/Main.View.pas (1097, 2020-11-28)
samples/logging/WhatsApp.Message.pas (892, 2020-11-28)
samples/security/ (0, 2020-11-28)
samples/security/App.Context.pas (516, 2020-11-28)
samples/security/Main.View.dfm (2618, 2020-11-28)
samples/security/Main.View.pas (2653, 2020-11-28)
samples/security/Person.Repository.pas (1353, 2020-11-28)
samples/security/Person.pas (658, 2020-11-28)
samples/security/RequiredRole.Aspect.pas (1242, 2020-11-28)
samples/security/RequiredRole.Attribute.pas (449, 2020-11-28)
samples/security/SecurityApp.dpr (502, 2020-11-28)
samples/security/SecurityApp.dproj (49923, 2020-11-28)
samples/security/SecurityApp.res (59228, 2020-11-28)
samples/transaction/ (0, 2020-11-28)
samples/transaction/App.Context.pas (476, 2020-11-28)
samples/transaction/DB.Connection.dfm (494, 2020-11-28)
samples/transaction/DB.Connection.pas (998, 2020-11-28)
samples/transaction/Invoice.Dto.pas (1430, 2020-11-28)
samples/transaction/Invoice.Model.dfm (2266, 2020-11-28)
samples/transaction/Invoice.Model.pas (1475, 2020-11-28)
samples/transaction/Invoice.Repository.pas (1436, 2020-11-28)
samples/transaction/Main.View.dfm (583, 2020-11-28)
samples/transaction/Main.View.pas (1221, 2020-11-28)
samples/transaction/TransactionApp.dpr (712, 2020-11-28)
samples/transaction/TransactionApp.dproj (50348, 2020-11-28)
... ...

# Aspect For Delphi The Aspect4Delphi consists of an library that enables the use of the concept of [aspect-oriented programming (AOP)]( in Delphi. ## About The Project AOP is a programming paradigm that aims to increase modularity by allowing the separation of cross-cutting concerns. It does so by adding additional behavior to existing code without modification of the code itself. Instead, we can declare this new code and these new behaviors separately. Aspect4Delphi helps us implement these cross-cutting concerns. ### Types of Advice * Before advice: advice that executes before a join point, but which does not have the ability to prevent execution flow proceeding to the join point (unless it throws an exception). * After advice: advice to be executed after a join point completes normally: for example, if a method returns without throwing an exception. * Exception advice: Advice to be executed if a method exits by throwing an exception. ### Built With * [Delphi Community Edition]( - The IDE used ## Getting Started To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps. ### Prerequisites To use this library an updated version of Delphi IDE (XE or higher) is required. ### Installation Clone the repo ``` git clone ``` Add the "Search Path" of your IDE or your project the following directories: ``` Aspect4Delphi\src ``` ## Usage To provide the aspect orientation paradigm in your project with Aspect4Delphi you need: * Implement a pointcut attribute. * Implement a class that represents your aspect. * Register your pointcut attribute and its aspect class in context. * Set your classes methods to virtual. * Write down your methods with the respective aspect. ### Sample To illustrate usage let's look at a solution for managing logs of an application. Implement a pointcut attribute (preferably inherits from AspectAttribute): ``` interface uses Aspect.Core; type LoggingAttribute = class(AspectAttribute) private { private declarations } protected { protected declarations } public { public declarations } end; implementation end. ``` Implement the class that represents your aspect and contains the advices methods (you must implement the IAspect interface): ``` interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Rtti, Aspect, Aspect.Core, Logging.Attribute, App.Context; type ELoggingAspectException = class(Exception) private { private declarations } protected { protected declarations } public { public declarations } end; TLoggingAspect = class(TAspectObject, IAspect) private { private declarations } protected procedure OnBefore( instance: TObject; method: TRttiMethod; const args: TArray; out invoke: Boolean; out result: TValue ); override; procedure OnAfter( instance: TObject; method: TRttiMethod; const args: TArray; var result: TValue ); override; procedure OnException( instance: TObject; method: TRttiMethod; const args: TArray; out raiseException: Boolean; theException: Exception; out result: TValue ); override; public { public declarations } end; implementation { TLoggingAspect } procedure TLoggingAspect.OnAfter(instance: TObject; method: TRttiMethod; const args: TArray; var result: TValue); var attribute: TCustomAttribute; begin inherited; for attribute in method.GetAttributes do if attribute is LoggingAttribute then begin LoggingFile.Add('After the execution of ' + instance.QualifiedClassName + ' - ' + method.Name ); Break; end; end; procedure TLoggingAspect.OnBefore(instance: TObject; method: TRttiMethod; const args: TArray; out invoke: Boolean; out result: TValue); var attribute: TCustomAttribute; begin inherited; for attribute in method.GetAttributes do if attribute is LoggingAttribute then begin LoggingFile.Add('Before the execution of ' + instance.QualifiedClassName + ' - ' + method.Name ); Break; end; end; procedure TLoggingAspect.OnException(instance: TObject; method: TRttiMethod; const args: TArray; out raiseException: Boolean; theException: Exception; out result: TValue); var attribute: TCustomAttribute; begin inherited; for attribute in method.GetAttributes do if attribute is LoggingAttribute then begin LoggingFile.Add('Exception in executing ' + instance.QualifiedClassName + ' - ' + method.Name + ' - ' + theException.Message ); Break; end; end; end. ``` Register your pointcut attribute and its aspect class in context (preferably keep this context in singleton instance): ``` interface uses Logging.Aspect; Aspect.Context; function AspectContext: IAspectContext; implementation var AspectContextInstance: IAspectContext = nil; function AspectContext: IAspectContext; begin if (AspectContextInstance = nil) then begin AspectContextInstance := TAspectContext.Create; AspectContextInstance.RegisterAspect(TLoggingAspect.Create); end; Result := AspectContextInstance; end; end. ``` In your business rule class use the attribute to define your joins points. You can use the constructor and destructor to add your class at the Weaver. ``` interface uses System.SysUtils, Logging.Attribute, App.Context; type EWhatsAppMessageException = class(Exception) private { private declarations } protected { protected declarations } public { public declarations } end; TWhatsAppMessage = class private { private declarations } protected { protected declarations } public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; [Logging] procedure Send; virtual; end; implementation { TWhatsAppMessage } constructor TWhatsAppMessage.Create; begin inherited Create; AspectContext.Weaver.Proxify(Self); end; destructor TWhatsAppMessage.Destroy; begin AspectContext.Weaver.Unproxify(Self); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TWhatsAppMessage.Send; begin //Execution of send. end; ``` ## Roadmap See the [open issues]( for a list of proposed features (and known issues). ## Contributing Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are **greatly appreciated**. 1. Fork the Project 2. Create your Feature Branch (`git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature`) 3. Commit your Changes (`git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'`) 4. Push to the Branch (`git push origin feature/AmazingFeature`) 5. Open a Pull Request ## License Distributed under the APACHE LICENSE. See `LICENSE` for more information. ## Contact To contact us use the options: * E-mail : * Twitter : [@ezequieljuliano]( * Linkedin: [ezequiel-juliano-müller](üller-43988a4a) ## Project Link [](


