
上传日期:2021-02-21 21:02:48
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  D编程语言的简单Twitter API包装库。,
(The Simple Twitter API Wrapper Library For D Programming Language.,)

LICENSE (1108, 2016-12-20)
dub.json (379, 2016-12-20)
source/ (0, 2016-12-20)
source/test.d (1056, 2016-12-20)
source/twitter4d.d (7627, 2016-12-20)

# Twitter4D ## About this The Simple Twitter API Wrapper Library For D Programming Language. ## Sample You can access twitter api with simple way. ### This Sample Requirements ```d import std.stdio, std.regex, std.json, std.conv; ``` ### Create Instance ```d Twitter4D t4d = new Twitter4D([ "consumerKey" : "Your Consumer Key", "consumerSecret" : "Your Consumer Secret", "accessToken" : "Your Access Token", "accessTokenSecret" : "Your Access Token Secret"]); ``` or ```d Twitter4D t4d = new Twitter4D( ["Your Consumer Key", "Your Consumer Secret", "Your Access Token", "Your Access Token Secret"]); ``` ### POST API SAMPLE : statuses/update.json `t4d.request("POST", "statuses/update.json", ["status" : "test"]);` ### GET API SAMPLE : account/verify_credentials.json `writeln(parseJSON(t4d.request("GET", "account/verify_credentials.json", ["":""])));` ### STREAMING API SAMPLE : UserStream ```d foreach(line;{ if(match(!string, regex(r"\{.*\}"))){ auto parsed = parseJSON(!string); if("text" in parsed.object)//tweet writefln("\r[%s]:%s - [%s]", parsed.object["user"].object["name"], parsed["created_at"], parsed.object["text"]); } } ``` ## Documents ### POST API `(Instance of Twitter4D).request("POST", "endPoint", ["additional" : "parameters"]);` Retrun value : plain json String ### GET API `(Instance of Twitter4D).request("GET", "endPoint", ["additional": "parameters"]);` Return value : plain json String ### STREAMING API default streaming api is UserStream `(Instance of Twitter4D).stream("endPoint URL(Full)");` Return value : streaming api session ###GET ACCESS TOKEN ```d Twitter4D t4d = new Twitter4D([ "consumerKey" : "Your Consumer Key", "consumerSecret" : "Your Consumer Secret"]); //Array style is also ok: //Twitter4D t4d = new Twitter4d(["Your Consumer Key", "Your Consumer Secret"]); string[string] accessTokens = t4d.getAccessToken; //getAccessToken returns hash of accesstokens //Return Value : ["accessToken" : "accessToken value", // "accessTokenSecret" : "accessTokenSecret value"] //If you want to set accesstokens to twitter4d instance t4d.setAccessToken(accessTokens); ``` ## How to compile with Twitter4D `$ dmd FileName.d twitter4d.d -L-lcurl` ## LICENSE The MIT LICENSE Copyright (C) 2014 alphaKAI ## Author alphaKAI Twitter:[@alpha\_kai\_NET]( WebSite:[](


