
上传日期:2023-07-03 16:17:32
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一个库,具有用于使用Clojure.编程的各种基本实用程序。,
(A library with various basic utilities for programming with Clojure.,)

LICENSE (11218, 2023-10-09)
dev.cljs.edn (86, 2023-10-09)
dev/ (0, 2023-10-09)
dev/active/ (0, 2023-10-09)
dev/active/clojure/ (0, 2023-10-09)
dev/active/clojure/figwheel.clj (353, 2023-10-09)
dev/active/clojure/figwheel_test_runner.cljs (198, 2023-10-09)
dev/insert-define-record-type.el (1792, 2023-10-09)
edn (185, 2023-10-09)
project.clj (4396, 2023-10-09)
src/ (0, 2023-10-09)
src/active/ (0, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/ (0, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/cljs/ (0, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/cljs/record.cljc (1861, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/cljs/record_cljs_internals.cljc (18392, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/condition.cljc (23422, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/condition_hooks.clj (2481, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/config.cljc (42854, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/debug.clj (125, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/freer_monad.cljc (23829, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/functions.cljc (9075, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/lens.cljc (24092, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/macro.cljc (433, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/match.clj (37422, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/mock_monad.cljc (5148, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/monad.cljc (22507, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/record.clj (1725, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/record_clj_internals.clj (17758, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/record_helper.cljc (15854, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/record_runtime.cljc (7071, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/record_spec.cljc (12405, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/sum_type.cljc (16248, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/test_condition.cljc (2182, 2023-10-09)
src/active/clojure/test_condition_cljs.cljc (1056, 2023-10-09)
... ...

# Active Clojure A library with various basic utilities for programming with Clojure. [![Clojars Project](]( [![Actions Status](]( [![cljdoc badge](]( ### Breaking changes in version `0.40.0` - `active.clojure.monad/run-monadic-swiss-army` was renamed to `active.clojure.monad/run-monadic`. ### Breaking changes in version `0.38` - For an RTD record `MyRecord`, `(MyRecord :meta)` will no longer return a meta data map. Use `(meta #'MyRecord)` instead. ### Breaking changes since version `0.28.0` - Clojure version 1.9.0 or higher and Clojurescript version 1.9.542 or higher are required. - The namespace of ClojureScript's `define-record-type` has changed from `active.clojure.record` to `active.clojure.cljs.record`. - To make sure that the right `active-clojure` version gets picked up by Leiningen, you should exclude previous `active-clojure` that are included in the dependencies transitively by adding `:exclusions [active-clojure]` to libraries that come with the dependency. When in doubt, check `lein deps :why active-clojure`. - Since selectors are now lenses by default, the previously used "lens triples" are no longer valid. You need to remove the parens and the third element and use the selector instead of the name of the lens everywhere in your code. ## Usage ## Records The `active.clojure.record` namespace implements a `define-record-type` form similar to Scheme's [SRFI 9]( Example: A card consists of a number and a color ```clojure (ns namespace (:require [active.clojure.record :as r])) (r/define-record-type Card (make-card number color) card? [number card-number color card-color]) ;; Creating a record with field values 3 and "hearts" (def card-1 (make-card 3 "hearts")) ;; Get number of this card via selector (card-number card-1) ;; => 3 ;; Predicate test (card? card-1) ;; => true (card? "3 of Hearts") ;; => false ``` ### Options You can provide additional options in an option-map as second argument to `define-record-type`. #### Specs By providing a value to the option key `:spec`, a spec for the record type is created. The fields of records can also be "spec'd" via meta information. ```clojure (spec/def ::color #{:diamonds :hearts :spades :clubs}) (defn is-valid-card-number? [n] (and (int? n) (> n 0) (< n 14))) (r/define-record-type Card {:spec ::card} (make-card number color) card? [^{:spec is-valid-card-number?} number card-number ^{:spec ::color} color card-color]) (spec/valid? ::card (make-card 5 :hearts)) ;; => true (spec/valid? ::card (make-card 5 "hearts")) ;; => false (spec/explain ::card (make-card 5 "hearts")) ;; => val: #namespace.Card{:number 124, :color "hearts"} fails spec: :namespace/card ;; predicate: (valid? :namespace/color (card-color %)) ``` To use `spec/def`, `spec/valid?`, and `spec/explain` you have to require `clojure.spec.alpha` in your `ns` form. You also get a spec for the constructor function. If instrumentation is enabled (via `clojure.spec.test.alpha/instrument`), the constructor is checked using the specs provided for the selector functions: ```clojure ;; Does not get checked without instrument. (make-card 20 :hearts) ;; => #namespace.Card{:number 20 :color :hearts} ;; Now, with instrumentation. (clojure.spec.test.alpha/instrument) (make-card 20 :hearts) ;; => Spec assertion failed. ;; ;; Spec: #object[clojure.spec.alpha$regex_spec_impl$reify__2436 0x31346221 ;; "clojure.spec.alpha$regex_spec_impl$reify__2436@31346221"] ;; Value: (20 :hearts) ;; ;; Problems: ;; ;; val: 20 ;; in: [0] ;; failed: is-valid-card-number? ;; at: [:args :number] ``` #### Non generative option If you provide a value (uid) to the `nongenerative` option, the record-creation operation is nongenerative i.e., a new record type is created only if no previous call to `define-record-type ` was made with the uid. Otherwise, an error is thrown. If uid is `true`, a uuid is created automatically. If this option is not given (or value is falsy), the record-creation operation is generative, i.e., a new record type is created even if a previous call to `define-record-type` was made with the same arguments. #### Arrow constructor Default is `true`. If you provide the key:val pair `:arrow-constructor?`:`false`, the creation of the arrow-constructor of the `defrecord` call is omitted, i.e. ```clojure (define-record-type Test {:arrow-constructor? false} (make-test a) ...) ``` won't yield a function `->Test`. #### Map protocol Default is `true`. If you don't want your records to implement the Map-protocols (in *Clojure* these are `java.util.Map` and `clojure.lang.IPersistentMap`, in *ClojureScript* `IMap` and `IAssociative`), you can provide the key:val pair `:map-protocol?`:`false` to the options map. #### Remove default interfaces/protocols There are a number of interfaces, that our records defaultly implement (like e.g. aforementioned `java.util.Map`). Providing key:val pair `:remove-interfaces`:`[interface1 interface2 ...]` will prevent the implementations of the given interfaces. #### Providing own implementations of interfaces and protocols You can implement protocols and interfaces with the `define-record-type`-statement: ```clojure (defprotocol SaySomething (say [this])) (r/define-record-type Card (make-card number color) card? [number card-number color card-color] SaySomething (say [this] (str "The card's color is " (card-color this)))) (say (make-card 3 :hearts)) ``` You can also override the defaultly implemented interfaces/protocols by the same means. You don't have to provide every method of a default interface, those left out by you will remain the default ones. #### Java Classes, RTD records By default `define-record-type` generates new types in the host language (Java for Clojure or JavaScript for ClojureScript), just like `defrecord` does. That can be changed by specifying either `:java-class? false`, or `rtd-record? true` options like so: ```clojure (r/define-record-type Foo {:rtd-record? true} ...) ``` These records have the advantage, that a hot code reload of the same definition will not create a new type in the host language. So record values created before the code reload are still compatible with the record type, unless its fields have changed of course. You cannot define protocol implementations for these kinds of record types, but you can use multi methods. Use the defined type and the result of `r/record-type` as the dispatch value for that. Above options may not work with RTD records: - Arrow: RTD records don't provide an arrow constructor - Map implementation: RTD records don't implement the map interface - Interfaces: No interfaces are implemented, you cannot provide your own implementations for RTD records #### Meta data You can provide meta data via `(define-record-type ^{:foo "bar"} MyRecord)`. This meta data is then "inherited" to all created symobls (like `->MyRecord`). If you use an RTD record (`:java-class?`, `:rtd-record?` options), this data is also retrievable via `(meta #'MyRecord)`. #### Projection lens You can provide a binding name to the option key `:projection-lens` to create a [[active.clojure.lens/record-lens]] for the record that is bound to the supplied binding name. For example: ``` (define-record-type Pare {:projection-lens pare-lens} kons pare? [a kar b kdr]) (let [data {:pare {:a "Foo" :b "Bar"}} l (pare-lens (lens/>> :pare :a) (lens/>> :pare :b))] (= (pare "Foo" "Bar") (lens/yank data l))) ``` ### Lenses The `active.clojure.lens` namespace implements *lenses*. Lenses provide a subtle way to access and update the elements of a structure and are well-known in [functional programming languages]( #### Records example If you want to update only one field in a record, it is cumbersome to write out the whole make-constructor expression: ```clojure (r/define-record-type Person make-person person? [name person-name age person-age address person-address job person-job]) (def mustermann (make-person "Max Mustermann" 35 "Hechinger Strae 12/1, 72072 Tübingen" "Software Architect")) (make-person "Max Maier" (person-age mustermann) (person-address mustermann) (person-job mustermann)) ``` With lenses you can set and update fields easily: ```clojure (lens/shove mustermann person-name "Max Maier") (lens/overhaul mustermann person-age inc) ``` **Note:** The `lens` functions don't alter the given record but create and return a new one. You can even combine lenses to update records inside records: ```clojure (r/define-record-type Address make-address adress? [street address-street number address-number city address-city postalcode address-postalcode]) (def mustermann (make-person "Max Mustermann" 35 (make-address "Hechinger Strasse" "12/1" "Tübingen" 72072) "Software Architect")) (lens/shove mustermann (lens/>> person-address address-street) "Hechinger Strae") ``` ### Conditions The `active.clojure.condition` namespace implements *conditions*, specifically crafted exception objects that form a protocol for communicating the cause of an exception, similar to the condition system in [R6RS Scheme]( ### Configuration The `active.clojure.config` namespace implements application configuration via a big map. ### Debugging The `active.clojure.debug` namespace implements some useful debugging tools such as a macro `pret` that prints and returns its argument. ### Pattern Matching The `active.clojure.match` namespace provides some syntactic sugar for map matching around `core.match`. ### Higher-order Functions The `active.clojure.functions` namespace provides the same higher order functions that `clojure.core` does, but implemented via records and `IFn`, so that the returned "functions" are `=` if created with `=` arguments. These can be very handy for using React-based libraries like [Reacl](, which can optimize work based on the equality of values. ### Monad An example usage of the `active.clojure.monad` namespace can be found at ### Applicative Validation The `active.clojure.validation` namespace provides utilities for applicative data validation. It is useful to create validation functions that collect all errors that occured (as opposed to finding only specific or one error) in a purely functional way. The main building-blocks are the `validate-*` functions and `validate`. #### Applicative Validation: Example An idiomatic example, hiding the actual record constructor and exposing only a validated record constructor: ```clojure (ns validation (:require [active.clojure.record :as r] [active.clojure.validation :as v])) (r/define-record-type Config ^:private make-config config? [host config-host port config-port mode config-mode admin-users config-admin-users]) ``` Here, we define the record-type `Config`. We want to have the following rules: - The `host` is a non-empty string - The `port` must be an integer between 0 -- 65536 - The `mode` must be one of `:dev`, `:test`, and `:prod` - the `admin-users` must be a sequence of non-empty strings. First, we define a validator for ports which is not already included in the library: ```clojure (defn validate-port "Given a `candidate` value and an optional `label`, validates that `candidate` is in [1 65535]." [candidate & [label]] (v/make-validator candidate (fn [candidate] (and (< 0 candidate) (> 65536 candidate))) ::port label)) ``` `make-validator` returns a function that checks if the candidate is valid and returns either a `ValidationSuccess` or a `ValidationFailure`. This can then be combined with other validators to create a validated constructor for `Config`: ```clojure (defn create-config "Creates a validated [[Config]], wrapped in a 'ValidationSuccess'. If any arguments are invalid, returns a 'ValidationFailure' holding all 'ValidationError's." [host port mode admin-users] (v/validation make-config (v/validate-non-empty-string host :host) ;; NOTE: We could also check for pos-int in ;; `validate-port`. This is intended to show the ;; `validate-all` combinator. (v/validate-all [v/validate-pos-int validate-port] port :port) (v/validate-one-of #{:dev :test :prod} mode :mode) (v/sequence-of v/validate-non-empty-string admin-users :admin-users))) ``` We will go through the parts of this expression one by one. - `(v/validation make-config )` means that, given all `` are `ValidationSuccess`es, call the function `make-config` with the validated candidate values. - `(v/validate-non-empty-string host :host)` uses `validate-non-empty-string` from the validation library and checks if `host` is a string and not empty. If it fails, it will keep `:host` as a label to refer back to the argument. All labels are optional, but it is a good idea to state a label if you want to map back from error to cause. - `(v/validate-all [v/validate-pos-int validate-port] port :port)` uses the `v/validate-all` combinator to say that 'the candidate must satisfy all of the following validations, `v/validate-pos-int` and `validate-port`'. It will use both validators on the candidate and combine both errors if there are any into one `ValidationFailure`. - `(v/validate-one-of #{:dev :test :prod} mode :mode)` validates that `mode` is in the specified set of values. - `(v/sequence-of v/validate-non-empty-string admin-users :admin-users`) also pretty much does what it says on the label: It validates that `admin-users` is a sequence of values, each of which satisfy the `validate-non-empty-string` validation. Lets look at some results: ```clojure ;; Valid arguments, returns a ValidationSuccess holding the validated candidate. (create-config "host" 8888 :dev ["user1" "user2"]) ;; => #active.clojure.validation/ValidationSuccess{:candidate ;; #validation/Config{:host "host" ;; :port 8888 ;; :dev-mode? true ;; :admin-users ["user1" "user"2]}} ``` Hopefully the most common case: All arguments are valid, therefore the whole validation succeeds and returns the validated candidate value, wrapped in a `ValidationSuccess`. ```clojure ;; Every argument is invalid, returns a ValidationFailure with all ValidationErrors. (create-config "" -1 :staging ["user1" ""]) ;; => #active.clojure.validation/ValidationFailure{:errors ;; [#active.clojure.validation/ValidationError{:candidate "" ;; :message :active.clojure.validation/non-empty-string ;; :label :host} ;; #active.clojure.validation/ValidationError{:candidate -1 ;; :message :active.clojure.validation/pos-int ;; :label :port} ;; #active.clojure.validation/ValidationError{:candidate -1 ;; :message :validation/port ;; :label :port} ;; #active.clojure.validation/ValidationError{:candidate :staging ;; :message [:active.clojure.validation/one-of #{:prod :test :dev}] ;; :label :port} ;; #active.clojure.validation/ValidationError{:candidate "" ;; :message :active.clojure.validation/one-of #{:prod :test :dev} ;; :label [:admin-users 1]}]} ``` The dire case in which each argument is invalid. Note that the result is a `ValidationFailure` that contains a sequence of `ValidationError`s. Each error tells us which candidate was causing the error (`:candidate`), which validation was violated (`:message`) and gives us a `:label` to refer back to the cause of the error. Also note that the `-1` shows up twice. This is to be expected, because it violates both validations of our `validate-all` clause. ```clojure ;; Only some arguments are invalid (create-config "" 65537 :dev ["user1" ""]) ;; => #active.clojure.validation/ValidationFailure{:errors ;; [#active.clojure.validation/ValidationError{:candidate "" ;; :message :active.clojure.validation/non-empty-string ;; :label :host} ;; #active.clojure.validation/ValidationError{:candidate 65537 ;; :message :validation/port ;; :label :port} ;; #active.clojure.validation/ValidationError{:candidate "" ;; :message :active.clojure.validation/one-of #{:prod :test :dev} ;; :label [:admin-users 1]}]} ``` This case shows the result of only some validations failing. Take note of the `:port` validation again. This time it is only one error. This is because it satisfies the `validate-pos-int` validation but not our custom validation specifying the legal port range. ## Development ### Testing The Clojure tests can be executed via lein test For *auto-testing* the ClojureScript code, we use [figwheel-main]( In a terminal, do lein fig which starts a CLJS REPL. Opening http://localhost:9500/figwheel-extra-main/auto-testing in a browser window will then run the tests and display the results. After every code change, it will automatically reload and re-run the tests, notifying you via the browser of the result. ## License Copyright 2014-2023 Active Group GmbH Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


