
上传日期:2023-04-20 03:17:41
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  E5子机器人,

.goreleaser.yml (1107, 2021-12-30)
Dockerfile (640, 2021-12-30)
LICENSE (35149, 2021-12-30)
Makefile (75, 2021-12-30)
bots/ (0, 2021-12-30)
bots/bots.go (1883, 2021-12-30)
bots/handler_base.go (2508, 2021-12-30)
bots/handler_bind.go (4046, 2021-12-30)
bots/handler_my.go (1750, 2021-12-30)
bots/sender.go (1449, 2021-12-30)
bots/task.go (4859, 2021-12-30)
config.yml.example (297, 2021-12-30)
config/ (0, 2021-12-30)
config/config.go (1923, 2021-12-30)
config/model.go (589, 2021-12-30)
db/ (0, 2021-12-30)
db/db.go (874, 2021-12-30)
go.mod (494, 2021-12-30)
go.sum (81367, 2021-12-30)
logger/ (0, 2021-12-30)
logger/logger.go (1144, 2021-12-30)
main.go (85, 2021-12-30)
model/ (0, 2021-12-30)
model/client.go (655, 2021-12-30)
pics/ (0, 2021-12-30)
pics/office.png (16993, 2021-12-30)
pkg/ (0, 2021-12-30)
pkg/microsoft/ (0, 2021-12-30)
pkg/microsoft/graph.go (1204, 2021-12-30)
pkg/microsoft/token.go (1414, 2021-12-30)
pkg/microsoft/url.go (1020, 2021-12-30)
service/ (0, 2021-12-30)
service/srv_client/ (0, 2021-12-30)
service/srv_client/client.go (894, 2021-12-30)
... ...



> A Simple Telebot for E5 Renewal
![](https://img.shields.io/github/go-mod/go-version/iyear/E5SubBot?style=flat-square) ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-GPL-lightgrey.svg?style=flat-square) ![](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/iyear/E5SubBot?color=red&style=flat-square) ![](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/iyear/E5SubBot?style=flat-square) ![](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/iyear/E5SubBot/total?style=flat-square) ![](https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/iyear/E5SubBot/Docker%20Build?label=docker%20build&style=flat-square) ![](https://img.shields.io/docker/v/iyear/e5subbot?label=docker%20tag&style=flat-square) ![](https://img.shields.io/docker/image-size/iyear/e5subbot?style=flat-square&label=docker%20image%20size) English | [简体中文](https://github.com/iyear/E5SubBot/blob/master/README_zhCN.md) | [Telegram Chat](https://t.me/e5subbot) DEMO: https://t.me/E5Sub_bot ## Feature - Automatically Renew E5 Subscription(Customizable Frequency) - Manageable Simple Account System - Available Task Execution Feedback - Convenient Authorization - Use concurrency to speed up ## Principle E5 subscription is a subscription for developers, as long as the related API is called, it may be renewed Calling [Outlook ReadMail API](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-list-messages?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http) to renew, does not guarantee the renewal effect. ## Usage 1. Type `/bind` in the robot dialog 2. Click the link sent by the robot and register the Microsoft application, log in with the E5 master account or the same domain account, and obtain `client_secret`. **Click to go back to Quick Start**, get `client_id` 3. Copy `client_secret` and `client_id` and reply to bot in the format of `client_id(space)client_secret` (Pay attention to spaces) 4. Click on the authorization link sent by the robot and log in with the `E5` master account or the same domain account 5. After authorization, it will jump to `http://localhost/e5sub……` (will prompt webpage error, just copy the link) 6. Copy the link, and reply `link(space)alias (used to manage accounts)` in the robot dialog For example: `http://localhost/e5sub/?code=abcd MyE5`, wait for the robot to bind and then complete ## Deploy Your Own Bot Bot creation tutorial : [Microsoft](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bot-service/bot-service-channel-connect-telegram?view=azure-bot-service-4.0) ### Docker(Recommended) `Docker` Deployment used `sqlite` as database Support `amd64` `386` `arm64` `arm/v6` `arm/v7` arch ```shell #launch,you can set the time zone you want docker run --name e5sub -e TZ="Asia/Shanghai" --restart=always -d iyear/e5subbot:latest #view logs docker logs -f e5sub #set config docker cp PATH/TO/config.yml e5sub:/config.yml docker restart e5sub #import db docker cp PATH/TO/DATA.db e5sub:/data.db docker restart e5sub #backup db docker cp e5sub:/data.db . #backup config docker cp e5sub:/config.yml . ``` ### Binary Deployment Download the binary files of the corresponding system on the [Releases](https://github.com/iyear/E5SubBot/releases) page and upload it to the server Windows: Start `E5SubBot.exe` Linux: ```bash screen -S e5sub chmod +x E5SubBot ./E5SubBot (Ctrl A+D) ``` ### Compile Download the source code and install the GO environment ```shell git clone https://github.com/iyear/E5SubBot.git && cd E5SubBot && go build ``` ## Configuration Create `config.yml` in the same directory, encoded as `UTF-8` Configuration Template: ```yaml bot_token: YOUR_BOT_TOKEN # socks5: bindmax: 999 goroutine: 20 admin: 111,222,333 errlimit: 999 notice: |- aaa bbb ccc cron: "1 */1 * * *" db: sqlite table: users # mysql: # host: # port: 3306 # user: root # password: pwd # database: e5sub sqlite: db: data.db ``` `bindmax`, `notice`, `admin`,`goroutine`, `errlimit` can be hot updated, just update `config.yml` to save. | Configuration | Explanation|Default| | ---- | ---- |----| | bot_token | Change to your own `BotToken` |-| | socks5 | `Socks5` proxy,if you do not need ,you should delete it. For example: `` |-| |notice|Announcement. Merged into `/help`|-| |admin|The administrator's `tgid`, go to https://t.me/userinfobot to get it, separated by `,`; Administrator permissions: manually call the task, get the total feedback of the task|-| |goroutine|Concurrent number, don’t be too big|10| |errlimit|The maximum number of errors for a single account, automatically unbind the single account and send a notification when it is full, without limiting the number of errors, change the value to a negative number `(-1)`; all errors will be cleared after the bot restarts|5| |cron|API call frequency, using `cron` expression|-| |bindmax|Maximum number of bindable|5| |db|`mysql` or `sqlite` , Indicates the database type used and sets the corresponding configuration|-| |table|Table name (set table to `users` when upgrading the old version; otherwise, the data table cannot be read)|-| |mysql|To configure `mysql`, create a database in advance|-| |sqlite|`sqlite` configuration|-| ### Command ``` /my View bound account information /bind Bind new account /unbind Unbind account /export Export account information (JSON format) /help help /task Manually execute a task (Bot Administrator) /log Get the most recent log file (Bot Administrator) ``` ## Others > Feedback time is not as expected Change the server time zone, use `/task` to manually perform a task to refresh time. > ERROR:Can't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: 16382). Failure to close `db` leads to triggering `mysql` concurrency limit, please update to `v0.1.9`. > Long running crash Suspected memory leak. Not yet resolved, please run the daemon or restart Bot regularly. > Unable to create application via bot https://t.me/e5subbot/5201 ## Contributing - Provide documentation in other languages - Provide help for code operation - Suggests user interaction - …… ## More Functions If you still want to support new features, please initiate an issue. ## License GPLv3


