
上传日期:2022-12-23 22:15:19
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  FulIStack酒店列表应用程序,能够使用SQLite数据库执行CRUD(创建、读取、更新和删除)操作。使用ejs进行服务器端前端渲染。在所有路由上实现授权和身份验证。
(A FulIStack Hotel Listing Application capable of performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations using SQLite database. Server side Frontend rendering with ejs. Implemented Authorization and Authentication on all routes.)

.DS_Store (6148, 2022-12-23)
Dockerfile (127, 2022-12-23)
bin/ (0, 2022-12-23)
bin/www (1731, 2022-12-23)
database.sqlite (20480, 2022-12-23)
dist/ (0, 2022-12-23)
dist/app.js (1980, 2022-12-23)
dist/config/ (0, 2022-12-23)
dist/config/database.config.js (275, 2022-12-23)
dist/controller/ (0, 2022-12-23)
dist/controller/hotelController.js (4606, 2022-12-23)
dist/controller/userController.js (6248, 2022-12-23)
dist/middleware/ (0, 2022-12-23)
dist/middleware/auth.js (1341, 2022-12-23)
dist/model/ (0, 2022-12-23)
dist/model/hotel.js (1373, 2022-12-23)
dist/model/user.js (2038, 2022-12-23)
dist/routes/ (0, 2022-12-23)
dist/routes/hotels.js (813, 2022-12-23)
dist/routes/index.js (456, 2022-12-23)
dist/routes/users.js (957, 2022-12-23)
dist/utils/ (0, 2022-12-23)
dist/utils/utils.js (2142, 2022-12-23)
package.json (1196, 2022-12-23)
src/ (0, 2022-12-23)
src/app.ts (1494, 2022-12-23)
src/config/ (0, 2022-12-23)
src/config/database.config.ts (179, 2022-12-23)
src/controller/ (0, 2022-12-23)
src/controller/hotelController.ts (4282, 2022-12-23)
src/controller/userController.ts (5179, 2022-12-23)
src/middleware/ (0, 2022-12-23)
src/middleware/auth.ts (1154, 2022-12-23)
src/model/ (0, 2022-12-23)
src/model/hotel.ts (1144, 2022-12-23)
src/model/user.ts (1747, 2022-12-23)
... ...

# FullStack Hotel Listing Application ### Technologies - Nodejs - Express - Typescript - Jest - Supertest - SQLite ### Setup 1. Use and setup the project with `yarn`. 2. Convert the project to Typescript. 3. Initialize tsconfig. 4. Create .gitignore file to ignore the node_modules ## Problem Description: Create A basic Express application, that makes a CRUD operation (create, read, update, delete) using SQLite database, document and publish your endpoints using postman. In this project, you’ll build a basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for an Hotel Listing Application. ## Requirements: IMPLEMENT AUTHORIZATION AND AUTHENTICATION: PROTECT ALL ROUTES. ONLY THE LOGGED-IN USERS CAN PERFORM THE FOLLOWING OPERATIONS - You can browse through listings. - You can create hotel listings - You can edit a hotel listing. - You can delete a hotel listing. ## How will I complete this project? - Your aplication should be able to perform. - `GET` Request which returns all the data in your database - `POST` Request which adds data to your database file - `PUT` Request which updates fields of a particular data using the id in database - `DELETE` Request which removes a particular data from your database using the id ``` { fullName: "Bond Michael", email: "", phoneNumber: "12345", password: "12333444", Listings:[ { description:'Clean and fully furnished apartment', image:'', address:"Edo tech park", price:10000, numOfBeds:1, numOfBaths:3, rating:5 id:"1" }, .... ] } ``` ## FRONTEND - Page to display all listings - Implement an admin/dashboard area to add, edit and delete ( User can only edit and delete listings created by the user) - Create a Login Page and Sign Up Page ## Test coverage - Make sure you write test to cover your application using Jest/supertest ### Test - Test for a GET request - Test for a POST request - Test for a PUT request - Test for a DELETE request - Test to return proper HTTP status codes ## Also - This application is hosted on render - - This application is deployed on docker, the docker image is available on docker hub -


