
上传日期:2022-02-12 14:39:23
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  这是一个电子商务网站,用户可以在那里购买香水。我将其构建为我的mca项目。一个由我开发的购物应用程序。我添加了谷歌身份验证、Facebook身份验证、贝宝购物车、贝宝和Razorpay支付等功能。
(It is an e-com website, where users can shop for perfumes. I built it as my mca project.A shopping application developed by me. I added features like Google Authentication, Facebook Authentication, paypal cart, paypal & Razorpay payment etc.)

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public/LNCART.gif (236007, 2022-02-12)
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public/blossom (2).jpeg (35825, 2022-02-12)
public/couple.png (129898, 2022-02-12)
public/deperfume.jpeg (18625, 2022-02-12)
public/facebook.jpg (25494, 2022-02-12)
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public/github1.png (60428, 2022-02-12)
public/home-background.jpg (69081, 2022-02-12)
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public/home-page-picc (2).jpg (113156, 2022-02-12)
public/home-pagepic.jpg (52917, 2022-02-12)
public/homebg.png (56870, 2022-02-12)
public/homebg1.png (53570, 2022-02-12)
public/homepage-pic2.jpeg (21755, 2022-02-12)
public/instagram.jpg (59130, 2022-02-12)
public/lipsa (2).jpg (1085877, 2022-02-12)
public/logo.png (66221, 2022-02-12)
public/lotion (2).jpeg (46642, 2022-02-12)
public/menemoji.png (43451, 2022-02-12)
public/nkp(1).jpg (580107, 2022-02-12)
public/paypal.png (3646, 2022-02-12)
public/perfume (2).jpg (67288, 2022-02-12)
public/perfume1.jpeg (27334, 2022-02-12)
public/perfumes/ (0, 2022-02-12)
public/perfumes/denver-blackcode-ladies.jpeg (16252, 2022-02-12)
public/perfumes/denver-insight-ladies.jpeg (11049, 2022-02-12)
public/perfumes/denver-mystic-men.png (154848, 2022-02-12)
public/perfumes/denver-noir-men.png (127635, 2022-02-12)
... ...

--- # LN Collection Project --- # Welcome --- ## About this project: > This is a project, built by me as MCA major project. --- ## Deploy Link: - **[Click here to run the app](https://lncollection.herokuapp.com/)** --- --- ### Pages & Features - `Home Page`: Common Nav Bar for all pages. - `Sign-Up`: User sign up can be done using Google oauth. - `Sign-In`: User authentication to check whether user phone number and password match with details existing on the server. - `Product Category Page`: New products created dynamically. - `Add Review Page` : Add review about app. - `Cart`: User can see or remove products added in the cart. - `Checkout Page`: Users can add the delivery address. - `Payment Page`: Users can checkout usning razorpay in test mode. - `Order Successful`:This page will show order details. --- ### Tech Stack Used - `EJS` - `CSS` - `JavaScript` - `Node.js` - `Express.js` - `Bootstrap` - `mongoDB` - `mongoose` - `Google Authentication API` ![Top Langs](https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api/top-langs/?username=nandakishorpalei&hide=html&theme=tokyonight) --- --- ### How To Use First you have to have to go to the `Home Page`. There you have to click on account icon to get to the sign up & login page. There you can explore the home page or go to the New section on the sidebar to browse products. The products can be sorted according to Categories & Price. Click on heart icon to add item to wishlist or to go to its product page click on the product image there you can add it to cart by clicking on the add to cart button. You can add multiple items to the cart. Then click on cart to check out which is a pop-up slider. Then Proceed to cart page where coupouns can applied or items can be deleted. To proceed to checkout click on `Proceed to Checkout` button on the top of cart which will redirect you to address page where address details can be added. After clicking on proceed to buy we get redirected to `Payment` page where card details can be added and buying process can be completed using Razorpay payment gateway. --- ### Screenshots :camera: --- - **Home Page** --- ![1 1](https://images2.imgbox.com/90/4f/GwY28xr6_o.png) ![1 2](https://images2.imgbox.com/85/b6/kUqbyHgC_o.png) ![1 3](https://images2.imgbox.com/4d/aa/BzWyg6eb_o.png) ![1 4](https://images2.imgbox.com/2a/7e/yo09JKbk_o.png) --- - **Login & Signup** --- ![2 1](https://images2.imgbox.com/50/7f/jTyHhWnc_o.png) --- - **Categories & Products** --- ![4 1](https://images2.imgbox.com/9a/11/cQMajQbL_o.png) --- - **Address --- ![7](https://images2.imgbox.com/76/d2/uMm1vliz_o.png) --- - **Checkout & Payment** --- ![9](https://images2.imgbox.com/c9/ac/OkUXt4X5_o.png) ![10](https://images2.imgbox.com/7b/3b/h8Mnvx9L_o.png) --- - **Order Details --- ![11](https://images2.imgbox.com/fc/37/xmKmI0qX_o.png) ---


