
上传日期:2019-06-05 06:55:19
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  在OpenShift 4 web控制台中启用以开发人员为中心的视图
(Enable a developer-focused view in OpenShift 4 web console)

.dockerignore (4, 2019-05-24)
.editorconfig (110, 2019-05-24)
.travis.yml (1876, 2019-05-24)
.yamllint (663, 2019-05-24)
Dockerfile (2950, 2019-05-24) (357, 2019-05-24)
Dockerfile.registry (504, 2019-05-24)
Gopkg.lock (44242, 2019-05-24)
Gopkg.toml (2801, 2019-05-24)
Makefile (2715, 2019-05-24)
OWNERS (306, 2019-05-24)
build/ (0, 2019-05-24)
build/Dockerfile (17, 2019-05-24)
cmd/ (0, 2019-05-24)
cmd/manager/ (0, 2019-05-24)
cmd/manager/main.go (3552, 2019-05-24)
deploy/ (0, 2019-05-24)
deploy/crds/ (0, 2019-05-24)
deploy/crds/devconsole_v1alpha1_component_crd.yaml (2337, 2019-05-24)
deploy/crds/devconsole_v1alpha1_gitsource_crd.yaml (3792, 2019-05-24)
deploy/crds/devconsole_v1alpha1_gitsourceanalysis_crd.yaml (3945, 2019-05-24)
deploy/operator.yaml (915, 2019-05-24)
deploy/role.yaml (909, 2019-05-24)
deploy/role_binding.yaml (284, 2019-05-24)
deploy/service_account.yaml (74, 2019-05-24)
deploy/test/ (0, 2019-05-24)
deploy/test/operator_test.yaml (835, 2019-05-24)
deploy/test/role_binding_test.yaml (291, 2019-05-24)
examples/ (0, 2019-05-24)
examples/devconsole_v1alpha1_component_cr.yaml (178, 2019-05-24)
examples/devconsole_v1alpha1_gitsource_cr.yaml (327, 2019-05-24)
examples/devconsole_v1alpha1_gitsource_with_secrets_cr.yaml (360, 2019-05-24)
examples/devconsole_v1alpha1_gitsourceanalysis_cr.yaml (164, 2019-05-24)
examples/secret_template.yaml (157, 2019-05-24)
examples/status/ (0, 2019-05-24)
examples/status/analyzed_gitsourceanalysis_cr.yaml (443, 2019-05-24)
examples/status/bad_credentials_gitsource_cr.yaml (375, 2019-05-24)
examples/status/detection_failed_gitsourceanalysis_cr.yaml (316, 2019-05-24)
... ...

# DevConsole Operator [![Go Report Card](]( [![Docker Repository on Quay]( "Docker Repository on Quay")]( [![Docker Repository on Quay]( "Docker Repository on Quay")]( ## Overview The DevConsole operator enables a developer-focused view in the OpenShift 4 web console. It provides a view switcher to transition between Administrator, the traditional administration focused console, to a new Developer perspective. This new Developer perspective provides a high-level of abstraction over Kubernetes and OpenShift primitives to allow developers to focus on their application development. ## Key Features The Developer perspective is under active development. These are the main features being developed: * **Add**: Use this page to create and build an application using one of the following methods: - Import source code from Git - Deploy an existing image - Browse the catalog to deploy or connect application services - Deploy quick-starts or samples * **Topology**: The landing page that shows the application structure and health in an easy-to-use graphic representation. * **Builds**: This page lists the OpenShift BuildConfig resources for the selected project. * **Pipelines**: This page lists the Tekton Pipeline resources for the selected project. ## Installing the latest console with the developer perspective as a non-admin user To install the latest console with the developer perspective: 1. Clone the [devconsole repository]( locally. 1. Change directory to the `hack/install_devconsole` directory and run the script: ``` sh ``` The script: * Installs the latest console with the developer perspective * Installs the devconsole operator or prompts you if it already exists * Creates a non-admin user with the suitable rolebinding * Prompts you with the credentials to log in to the console 1. Log in and create a new project. 1. Run `oc get csvs` in the suitable namespace to see the installed operator. ## Development This repository was initially bootstrapped using the [Operator Framework SDK][operator-sdk] and the project requires [Go] version 1.11 or above. **Prerequisites**: - [Operator SDK][operator-sdk] version 0.7.0 - [dep][dep_tool] version 0.5.1 - [git][git_tool] - [go][go_tool] version 1.11 or above - [docker][docker_tool] version 17.03+ - [kubectl][kubectl_tool] version v1.11.0+ or [oc] version 3.11 - Access to OpenShift 4 cluster ### Build To build the operator use: ``` make build ``` ### Test * To run unit test use: ``` make test ``` * To run e2e test: Start Minishift and run: ``` make test-e2e-local ``` **Note:** The e2e test deploys the operator in the project `devconsole-e2e-test`. If your tests timeout and you want to debug, run: ``` oc project devconsole-e2e-test oc get deployment,pod oc logs pod/devconsole-operator- ``` ## Deployment **Prerequisites:** Set up Minishift (a one time task): 1. Create a new profile to test the operator. ``` minishift profile set devconsole ``` 1. Enable the admin-user add-on. ``` minishift addon enable admin-user ``` 1. Start the instance. ``` make minishift-start ``` **NOTE:** Eventually this setup will be deprecated in favor of [Code Ready Containers]() installation. ### Deploying the operator in dev mode 1. In dev mode, simply run your operator locally: ``` make local ``` **Note:** To watch all namespaces, `APP_NAMESPACE` is set to empty string. If a specific namespace is provided only that project is watched. As we reuse `openshift`'s imagestreams for build, we need to access all namespaces. 1. Make sure minishift is running. 1. Clean previously created resources: ``` make deploy-clean ``` 1. Deploy the CR. ``` make deploy-test ``` 1. Check the freshly created resources. ``` oc get all,dc,svc,dc,bc,route,cp,gitsource,gitsourceanalysis ``` ### Deploying the operator with Deployment yaml 1. (Optional) Build the operator image and make it available in the Minishift internal registry. ``` oc new-project devconsole $(minishift docker-env) operator-sdk build $(minishift openshift registry)/devconsole/devconsole-operator ``` **Note:** To avoid pulling the image and use the docker cached image instead for local dev, in the `operator.yaml`, replace `imagePullPolicy: Always` with `imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent`. 1. Deploy the CR, role, and rbac in the `devconsole` namespace: ``` make deploy-rbac make deploy-crd make deploy-operator ``` **Note:** Make sure `deploy/operator.yaml` points to your local image: `` 1. Watch the operator pod: ``` oc logs pod/devconsole-operator-5b4bbc7d-89crs -f ``` 1. In a different shell, test CR in a different project (`local-test`): ``` make deploy-test ``` **Note:** Use `make deploy-clean` to delete `local-test` project and start fresh. 1. Check if the resources are created: ``` oc get all,dc,svc,dc,bc,route,cp,gitsource,gitsourceanalysis ``` ## Directory layout See [Operator-SDK documentation]( in order to learn about this project's structure: |File/Folders |Purpose | |--------------|--------| | cmd | Contains `manager/main.go` which is the main program of the operator. This instantiates a new manager which registers all custom resource definitions under `pkg/apis/...` and starts all controllers under `pkg/controllers/...`.| | pkg/apis | Contains the directory tree that defines the APIs of the Custom Resource Definitions(CRD). Users are expected to edit the `pkg/apis///_types.go` files to define the API for each resource type and import these packages in their controllers to watch for these resource types.| | pkg/controller | Contains the controller implementations. Users are expected to edit the `pkg/controller//_controller.go` to define the controller's reconcile logic for handling a resource type of the specified `kind`.| | build | Contains the `Dockerfile` and build scripts used to build the operator.| | deploy | Contains various YAML manifests for registering CRDs, setting up [RBAC](, and deploying the operator as a Deployment.| | Gopkg.toml Gopkg.lock | The [dep]( manifests that describe the external dependencies of this operator.| | vendor | The golang [Vendor]( folder that contains the local copies of the external dependencies that satisfy the imports of this project. [dep]( manages the vendor directly.| ## Enabling the Developer perspective in OpenShift The frontend must check for [the presence of the devconsole Custom Resource Definition]( named `` using the Kubernetes API. This CRD enables the Developer perspective in the OpenShift Console. Refer to the OLM test [README](test/ to run the end to end (E2E) tests. [operator-sdk]: [dep_tool]: [git_tool]: [kubectl_tool]: [oc]: [go_tool]: [docker_tool]: [Go]: [Code Ready Containers]:


