
上传日期:2021-09-10 15:23:08
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  InsultBot是一个使用LuvIT框架用Lua编写的开源Discord Bot。它以独特的方式侮辱和烘烤其他用户,以娱乐和娱乐为目的
(InsultBot is an open-source Discord Bot written in Lua using LuvIT Framework. It insults and roasts other users in a unique way for fun and entertainment purposes)

LICENSE (1066, 2021-09-10)
bot.lua (5909, 2021-09-10)
config.json (42, 2021-09-10)
deps/ (0, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/ (0, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/docgen.lua (7825, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/examples/ (0, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/examples/appender.lua (852, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/examples/basicCommands.lua (725, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/examples/embed.lua (944, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/examples/helpCommandExample.lua (1115, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/examples/pingPong.lua (445, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/init.lua (542, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/ (0, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/class.lua (3137, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/client/ (0, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/client/API.lua (23017, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/client/Client.lua (17882, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/client/EventHandler.lua (19961, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/client/Resolver.lua (4127, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/client/Shard.lua (5748, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/client/WebSocket.lua (2785, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/constants.lua (390, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/containers/ (0, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/containers/Activity.lua (4515, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/containers/AuditLogEntry.lua (5544, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/containers/Ban.lua (1139, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/containers/Emoji.lua (4087, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/containers/GroupChannel.lua (2966, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/containers/Guild.lua (24382, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/containers/GuildCategoryChannel.lua (2253, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/containers/GuildTextChannel.lua (4444, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/containers/GuildVoiceChannel.lua (3324, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/containers/Invite.lua (5803, 2021-09-10)
deps/Discordia/libs/containers/Member.lua (13168, 2021-09-10)
... ...

# InsultBot ![lastupdate]( ![language]( ### **InsultBot** is a fully **Open-Source** Discord Bot project made by [**Adib23704**]( using [**EvilInsult**]('s API. ## Features: - Get Insulted! - Insult someone else. - Fun *(dunno how its a feature)*. ## How to install: 1. Download the whole repo by [Click Here]( 2. Extract the ZIP and go inside the folder and you should see some files named `bot.lua`, `luvit.exe`, `lit.exe` and more.. 3. Open **`config.json`** and replace **`YOUR_BOT_TOKEN`** with your bot token. Get from [here]( 4. Save **`config.json`** and close it. 5. Now, run **`run.bat`** and enjoy!. - If you want to change the prefix of the bot then open **`config.json`** and replace **`i!`** and save it to your desired prefix. - Make sure you re-run the bot after changing the prefix. Note: Make sure you **watch** this repo so you can get notified for future updates! ## Screenshots: #### Help Command ![help]( #### Insult Yourself ![insultMe]( #### Insult Someone Else ![insultSomeone]( #### Credits Command ![credits]( ## Summery This bot was fully made by Adib23704 using LUA Language with Luvit SDK. It's fully open-source, you're allowed to change anything *(If you know what you're doing)*. But, keeping the credit of the developer is highly appreciated as it supports the developer. #### Big Thanks to EvilInsult for their free API. Speaking of supporting, You can Star this Repo and Follow me on [Github]( Thanks. ### Join my Discord Server for support and more cool project contents! [](


