
上传日期:2020-05-09 18:14:19
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一种Web应用程序,它为趋势新闻搜集在线来源,提取关键字,并使用它们生成单词云。2019年在Hack the Valley创建。
(Web application that scrapes online sources for trending news, extracts the keywords, and uses them to generate word clouds. Created at Hack the Valley 2019.)

assets/ (0, 2020-05-09)
assets/favicon.png (19140, 2020-05-09)
index.html (2816, 2020-05-09)
news-scraper/ (0, 2020-05-09)
news-scraper/google.js (1101, 2020-05-09)
news-scraper/reddit-scraper.js (1134, 2020-05-09)
news-scraper/retrieve.js (1586, 2020-05-09)
package-lock.json (69530, 2020-05-09)
package.json (565, 2020-05-09)
scripts/ (0, 2020-05-09)
scripts/d3.js (325951, 2020-05-09)
scripts/d3.layout.cloud.js (10819, 2020-05-09)
scripts/d3.wordcloud.js (4709, 2020-05-09)
scripts/words.js (922, 2020-05-09)
server.js (3834, 2020-05-09)

# Bubble ## Description *Bubble* is a web application that scrapes online sources for trending news, extracts the keywords, and uses them to generate word clouds based on how often each keyword appears. Clicking on any of the keywords redirects the user to a trending news article on the topic. Our objective was to redesign a common feature of everyday life with simplicity, usability and attractiveness. Instead of showing images and descriptions like traditional news platforms, *Bubble* uses Google Natural Language Processing to summarize news articles into keywords. The results are displayed to the user in popularity-based word clouds in the following categories: General, Science & Technology, Canada, Politics, Entertainment, and Sports. Click [here](http://bubble-io.herokuapp.com/) to see the final product (it may take about 30 seconds to load if the Heroku web dyno has gone to sleep). ## Screenshots ![sports](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34670205/53299110-5f376000-3804-11e9-9fc3-ed5ff33d9037.png) ![sci-and-tech](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34670205/53299111-65c5d780-3804-11e9-8488-5cd3bac9b1ae.png) ![general](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34670205/53299119-74ac8a00-3804-11e9-9f6f-741ded3dbe7d.png) ## Tools This application was created using: - Node.js - Express.js - cheerio - JQuery - Google Cloud Natural Langauge API - Bootstrap - [D3 Wordcloud](https://github.com/wvengen/d3-wordcloud), created by [wvengen](https://github.com/wvengen) and licensed under the MIT License ## Contributors Frontend: [Annie Gao](https://github.com/tallspider) & [Joseph Wang](https://github.com/joseph001126) Backend: [Ian Gu](https://github.com/iangu48) & [Alice Cai](https://github.com/alice-cai) This project was created at Hack the Valley 2019. ## Development Instructions To run this app, you will need Google Cloud credentials. See [this documentation](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/getting-started) for more information. ### Developing Locally #### Setting up GCP Credentials Download your Google Cloud API credentials and put them in `auth.json` (or whatever you want to call it). Run this command in your terminal: ``` export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="[PATH]" e.g. export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="auth.json" ``` **Note:** This variable only applies to your current shell session, so if you open a new session, you have to set the variable again. #### Starting the Server In the root directory: ``` npm install node server.js ``` The app should now be running at `http://localhost:3000/`. ### Deploying to Heroku See [this documentation](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/deploying-nodejs) for a refresher on how to deploy Node.js apps on Heroku. If you don't have your environment variables configured on Heroku, go to Your Project > Settings > Reveal Config Vars. Create the `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environment variable and set it to the path to your Google API credentials file. ``` GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=auth.json ```


