array(4) { [0]=> string(66) "docs/Probabilistic Programming with Densities in SlicStanEfficient" [1]=> string(31) " Flexible and Deterministic.pdf" [2]=> string(7) "1670077" [3]=> string(21) "2020-10-22 17:37:58 " } SlicStan 联合开发网 -

上传日期:2020-10-23 00:37:59
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一种类似Stan的概率编程语言。,
(A Stan-like probabilistic programming language.,)

LICENSE (1071, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan.sln (1098, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/ (0, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/AssemblyInfo.fs (1461, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/ConstraintSimplification.fs (6374, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/ConstraintSolver.fs (18799, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/Elaborate.fs (15826, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/Enumerate.fs (6294, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/Examples.fs (21903, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/Experiment.fs (3448, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/Factorgraph.fs (14409, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/Generation.fs (7500, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/Lexer.fs (102072, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/Lexer.fsl (2218, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/MP.fs (8083, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/Map.fs (1084, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/MiniStanSyntax.fs (5416, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/Parser.fs (68425, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/Parser.fsi (2246, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/Parser.fsy (4584, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/Program.fs (4342, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/Set.fs (1169, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/Shredding.fs (3956, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/SlicStan.fsproj (1538, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/SlicStanSyntax.fs (14086, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/Transformation.fs (14235, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/Translate.fs (6262, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/Typecheck.fs (21774, 2020-10-22)
SlicStan/Util.fs (5190, 2020-10-22)
docs/ (0, 2020-10-22)
docs/Probabilistic Programming with SlicStan (MSc thesis).pdf (2251339, 2020-10-22)

# SlicStan SlicStan1 is a Stan-like probabilistic programming language that translates to [Stan]( It provides automatic program transformations that allow for a more lightweight syntax and inference optimizations. There are three main ways in which SlicStan and Stan differ: 1. SlicStan contains no program blocks, nor any annotations as to what block a variable belongs to (other than what the input data to the model is). 2. In SlicStan, there is no need to distinguish between random variables defined using `~` (e.g. `x ~ normal(0, 1)`) and those defined using pseudo-random number generators (e.g. `x = normal_rng(0, 1)`). 3. SlicStan supports discrete parameters, as long as the number of discrete parameters is fixed, known in advance, and their support is finite. For example, the following program is a valid program in SlicStan: ```Stan real phi0 ~ beta(1, 1); real theta0 ~ beta(1, 1); int<2> z1 ~ bernoulli(theta0); real phi1 = phi0 * z1 + (1 - phi0) * (1 - z1); data real y1 ~ normal(phi1, 1); real theta1 = theta0 * z1 + (1 - theta0) * (1 - z1); int<2> z2 ~ bernoulli(theta1); ``` This will translate to a Stan program with parameters `phi0` and `theta0`, and generated quantities `z1` and `z2` (with `z1` being automatically marginalized out from Stan's target density). If you are interested in reading more about SlicStan and seeing examples, you can refer to either the 2019 POPL paper [1] (which also gives the operational density-based semantics of SlicStan), or the 2017 MSc thesis [2]. > **NOTE**: SlicStan is a research repo, and as such the code is largely experimental, incomplete, > and poorly documented. If you are looking for a reliable Bayesian workflow, please > consider [Stan]( If you are interested in contributing SlicStan's or > similar ideas to Stan, please have a look at [the Stan3 repo]( 1 SlicStan stands for "Slightly Less Intensely Constrained Stan". ------------------ ## Papers [1] Gorinova, M. I., Gordon, A. D., Sutton, C., & Vákár, M. (2020). [Conditional independence by typing]( *arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.11887*. [2] Gorinova, M. I., Gordon, A. D., & Sutton, C. (2019). [Probabilistic programming with densities in SlicStan: efficient, flexible, and deterministic]( *Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages*, 3(POPL), 1-30. [3] Gorinova, M. I. (2017). [Probabilistic Programming with SlicStan]( *MSc dissertation, University of Edinburgh*.


