
上传日期:2018-11-26 12:05:40
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一个开源新闻机器人,帮助非洲新闻机构提供个性化新闻,并通过消息传递平台更有效地参与。,
(An open source newsbot to help African news organisations deliver personalized news and engage more effectively via messaging platforms.,)

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... ...

# Sourcebot An open source Facebook Messenger news bot for your Wordpress website To help African news organisations deliver personalized news and engage more effectively via messaging platforms. - [Develop]( - [Test]( - [Build]( - [Deploy]( - [Run]( - [Contribute]( - [Notes]( ## Sourcebot version 1.X ## Develop ### Requirements - A [Facebook Page]( - A [Facebook App]( with the Facebook Messenger product - [PHP 7.1+]( - [Xdebug]( - [Composer]( - A local web-server e.g. [Apache]( - A publicly accessible URL e.g. [ngrok]( - A Wordpress instance with the [Wordpress REST API]( ### First time - Run `composer install` - Visit localhost to confirm you see `index.php` - Run `cp .env.example .env` - Edit `.env` - Run `phpunit` - Run `ngrok http 80` to get the publicly accessible URL - Go to your [Facebook App]( - Click `Webhooks` - Select `Page` from the drop-down - Click `Subscribe to this topic` - Enter the publicly accessible URL of your app and `/webhook.php` - Enter the `FACEBOOK_VERIFY_TOKEN` - Click `Verify and Save` - Visit [Facebook Messenger]( - Search for your Facebook Page and send it a message ## Test Tests are run with `phpunit` ## Build Sourcebot is configured to build on [CircleCI]( You can run local CircleCI builds with `circleci build` using the [CircleCI CLI]( ## Deploy ### Sourcebot Setup and Deploy Video Tutorial [![Setup Video](]( Here is the full setup process on [Medium]( You can deploy Sourcebot to your own web-server or quickly and for free to Heroku. [![Deploy](]( The latest release of Sourcebot is now supported! Changes include: * Requires PostgresSQL database, available through add-ons: * [Heroku-Postgresql]( (deploy default) * It also requires an instance of Elasticsearch * [Bonsai-Elasticsearch]( (deploy default) * `HEROKU_URL` config var renamed to `PUBLIC_URL` to avoid using Heroku's namespace * `DATABASE_URL` config var will be set for you to access your database ### Things you should know ### Requirements - A [Facebook Page]( - A [Facebook App]( with the Facebook Messenger product - [PHP 7.1+]( - [Composer]( - A web-server e.g. [Apache]( - SSL must be configured - A Wordpress instance with the [Wordpress REST API]( ### Before Deploy Before deploying you probably want to give your bot a nice home page as `web/index.php` currently displays this ``. ### After Deploy Once you have Sourcebot running on a publicly accessible URL you need to set and verify your Facebook App's Webhook. ## Local - Go to your [Facebook App]( - Click `Webhooks` - Select `Page` from the drop-down - Click `Subscribe to this topic` - Enter the URL of your app and `/webhook.php` - Enter the `FACEBOOK_VERIFY_TOKEN` - If you are using Heroku then it was autogenerated and you can get it from the `Reveal Config Vars` section of your Heroku app's `Settings` - Click `Verify and Save` - Visit [Facebook Messenger]( - Search for your Facebook Page and send it a message ## HEROKU_URL - Go to your [Facebook App]( - Click `Webhooks` - Select `Page` from the drop-down - Click `Subscribe to this topic` - Enter the URL of your app and `` - Visit [Facebook Messenger]( - Search for your Facebook Page and send it a message ## Run To check Sourcebot can connect to your Wordpress go to /wordpress-api-status.php ## Contribute Contributions are welcome and follows the straightforward Github pull request process: - Fork - Code - Test - Submit a pull request ## Notes ### Facebook Page and App - Facebook Messenger requires SSL/HTTPS to communicate with Sourcebot. - The [quickstart]( guide is useful for setting up your Facebook Page and Facebook App. You do not need to follow the Node.js instructions. - Make sure you associate your Facebook App with your Facebook Page in `Settings -> Advanced -> App Page`. - Your Facebook App has to be reviewed for the `pages_messaging` permission. Before it is approved only Administrators, Developers, and Testers on the Facebook App's Roles page can interact with the bot. - You can only have one webhook endpoint setup per Facebook App so you probably want a `development` and a `production` Facebook App at least. - You can only associate one Facebook App per Facebook Page so you probably want a `development` and a `production` Facebook Page at least.


