
开发工具:Jupyter Notebook
上传日期:2021-09-04 10:43:01
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  用于检查印度CoWIN API的Covid-19疫苗接种中心的可用插槽的脚本。,
(Script to check the available slots for Covid-19 Vaccination Centers from CoWIN API in India.,)

Dockerfile (143, 2021-09-04)
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cowin-api-availability.ipynb (33306, 2021-09-04)
cowin-api-availability_pincode.ipynb (4235, 2021-09-04)
demo/ (0, 2021-09-04)
demo/demo_1.gif (23305196, 2021-09-04)
demo/demo_2.gif (14267905, 2021-09-04)
district-mapping-sheet-generation-notebook.ipynb (10604, 2021-09-04)
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environment.yml (270, 2021-09-04) (1436, 2021-09-04)
requirements.txt (57, 2021-09-04) (457, 2021-09-04)

# CoWIN vaccination slot availability using Python Script to check the available slots for Covid-19 Vaccination Centers from CoWIN API in India. This CANNOT book slots automatically. The Indian Government had blocked the API for crawlers, but we are good to go.

**If you like my work, you can support me by buying me a coffee by clicking the link below** Buy Me A Coffee The [CoWin API]( currently states : "Further, these APIs are subject to a rate limit of 100 API calls per 5 minutes per IP". I tried deploying the Web Application but the API is blocking the request. You can easily run the web application on your machine by following the steps mentioned below.   # Update I am humbled to see the overwhelming response that this project has received so far. Feel free to create amazing applications on top of this project. Due to my schedule, I won't be able to allot more time to this project. So there won't be any additional commits to this project. # Installing Python Python is a programming language that is powerful but easy to learn. It is free, platform-independent, and popular among scientists. ## Recommended Method: Anaconda The Anaconda Python distribution is an easily-installable bundle of Python and many of the libraries used throughout this class. Unless you have a good reason not to, we recommend that you use Anaconda. ### Mac/Linux users 1. Download the [appropriate version]( of Anaconda 2. Follow the instructions on that page to run the installer 3. Test it out: open a terminal window, and type ``python``, you should see something like ``` Python 3.8.3 (default, Jul 2 2020, 17:30:36) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] :: Anaconda, Inc. on win32 ``` If `Anaconda` doesn't appear on the first line, you are using a different version of Python. See the troubleshooting section below. 1. Test out the IPython notebook: open a Terminal window, and type `ipython notebook`. A new browser window should pop up. 2. Click `New Notebook` to create a new notebook file 3. Update IPython to the newest version by typing `conda update ipython` at the command line ### Windows Users 1. Download the [appropriate version]( of Anaconda 2. Follow the instructions on that page to run the installer. 3. Go to Start and Run Jupyter Notebook. 4. Click `New Notebook`, which should open a new page. # Usage - Clone the repository. using `! Git Clone ` - The tool only works with Indian IP addresses so disconnect your VPN if needed. - Enter the command - `cd cowin-vaccination-slot-availability/` - Install all the dependencies - `! pip3 install -r requirements.txt` - Run Anaconda Promt (Run as Administrator) From Start Menu. - Go to your Directory Eg `cd C:\Users\lenovo\Desktop\Jupyter Notebooks\2021\Cowin\cowin-vaccination-slot-availability` - Run `streamlit run` - You can now view your Streamlit app in your browser. Local URL: http://localhost:8501 Network URL: # Demo ![]( # Articles   [Link to the article 1](   [Link to the article 2]( ## To view the video
or click on the image below [![Python Script to Track Available Slots For Covid-19 Vaccinations in India](]( [![Hits](]( ### Want to know more about me? ## Follow Me

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