
上传日期:2023-02-03 04:52:40
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Angular应用程序,显示来自新闻API的新闻文章。,
(Angular app that displays news articles from a news API.,)

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# :zap: Angular News App * Gets API news data and displays it in a format suitable for viewing on a phone. * Displays a left hand side navigation bar that allows the user to select a news channel. A single column displays news articles from this news channel. * The News API service from [newsapi]( is used to generate the articles. It now only works on localhost. It will not work when deployed due to CORS errors (error 406) which means they want you to pay a subscription to fully access the API. * Code from [article by Rashid Sakara]( - see [:clap: Inspiration](#clap-inspiration) below * **Note:** to open web links in a new window use: _ctrl+click on link_ ![GitHub repo size]( ![GitHub pull requests]( ![GitHub Repo stars]( ![GitHub last commit]( ## :page_facing_up: Table of contents * [:zap: Angular News App](#zap-angular-news-app) * [:page_facing_up: Table of contents](#page_facing_up-table-of-contents) * [:books: General info](#books-general-info) * [:camera: Screenshots](#camera-screenshots) * [:signal_strength: Technologies](#signal_strength-technologies) * [:floppy_disk: Setup](#floppy_disk-setup) * [:computer: Code Examples](#computer-code-examples) * [:cool: Features](#cool-features) * [:clipboard: Status & To-Do List](#clipboard-status--to-do-list) * [:clap: Inspiration](#clap-inspiration) * [:file_folder: License](#file_folder-license) * [:envelope: Contact](#envelope-contact) ## :books: General info * Uses the model-view-viewmodel (MVVM) of Angular to bind the remote data that is stored in objects in the application template. The component plays the part of the controller/viewmodel. The template represents the view. * Very basic app to show news, does not use reactive programming best practices - specified function return types, typescript models, etc.... ## :camera: Screenshots ![Example screenshot](./img/news-headlines.png). ## :signal_strength: Technologies * [Angular v15]( * [RxJS Library v7]( used to [subscribe]( to the API data [observables]( * [News REST API v2]( used to search for news articles. * [Angular Material Design v15]( used for the user interface, especially [mat-menu](, [mat-sidenav](, [mat-card]( etc. ## :floppy_disk: Setup * Install dependencies using `npm i` * Get yourself a free API key from `` and add it to `news-api.service.ts` * Run `ng serve` for a dev server. Navigate to `http://localhost:4200/`. The app does automatically reload if you change any of the source files. ## :computer: Code Examples * `news-api.service.ts` to get API news data using Angular httpClient module. ```typescript import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class NewsApiService { api_key = 'YOUR API KEY'; constructor(private http: HttpClient) { } initSources() { return this.http.get('' + this.api_key); } initArticles() { return this.http.get('' + this.api_key); } getArticlesByID(source: String) { return this.http.get('' + source + '&apiKey=' + this.api_key); } } ``` ## :cool: Features * [Angular HttpClient]( module used to communicate with back-end services via the XMLHttpRequest browser interface. ## :clipboard: Status & To-Do List * Status: Working. * To-Do: Nothing. ## :clap: Inspiration * [article by Rashid Sakara on building a news application using Angular 6 and Google’s Material Design]( ## :file_folder: License * This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. ## :envelope: Contact * Repo created by [ABateman](, email:


