
上传日期:2023-04-15 07:40:47
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  对于JavaScript和TypeScript中的 React编程,没有任何依赖性,几乎不可见。,
(Tiny observable for reactive programming in JavaScript and TypeScript without any dependencies.,)

index.ts (2882, 2023-04-15)

# Observable Tiny Tiny observable for reactive programming in JavaScript and TypeScript without any dependencies. It allows you to create a simple observable and add some subscribers to it. Whenever any updates happen on the observable it gets broadcasted to all subscribers. ## Creating Observable Default initial value of the observable is `null`. You can create the obsersable easily with some initial value in it: ```ts const observable = new Observables(initialValue, isBehaviorObservable); ``` Second parameter `isBehaviorObservable` is a boolean value whose default value is `false`. Behavior observable means that whenever a subscriber is registered it is executed immediately with current observable value. **Example:** ```ts const observable = new Observables(0); // creating with initial value zero ``` **Example 2:** ```ts const observable = new Observables(0, true); // creating behavior observable with initial value zero ``` ## Adding Subscribers You can add any number of subscribers for an observable. These are the callback functions which gets executed on every value update. ```ts observable.subscribe({ func: callbackFunction, isImmediate: boolean, key: string, before: beforeCallbackFunction, after: afterCallbackFunction, }); ``` * **func:** Subscriber callback function to execute on every update. The parameter passed to the function is value in observable. * **before:** Callback function to execute before the subscriber callback function. **Optional**. * **after:** Callback function to execute after the subscriber callback function. **Optional**. * **isImmediate:** If the value is `true` the callback function is executed immediately with current value in observer. `isBehaviorObservable` is the default value of this option. Setting this value will override the behavior of `isBehaviorObservable` option set during initialization. **Optional**. * **key:** Key is used to make sure no duplicate subscriber is registered. Default key is `main` and every subscriber is registered with a key. **Optional**. **Example:** ```ts observable.subscribe({ before: (val) => console.log("before: ", val), func: (val) => { console.log("val: ", val); }, after: (val) => console.log("after: ", val), key: 'index', }); ``` ## Updating Value The `next` method allows you to update value in an observable. For every call to this method all subscriber function is executed. ```ts observable.next(value); ``` **Example:** ```ts observable.next(2); ``` ## Unsubscribing Subscribers By Key Removing subscribers from observable is very easy using `unsubscribe` method. It has an optional parameter key whose default value is `main`. ```ts observable.unsubscribe(key); ``` **Example:** ```ts observable.unsubscribe('index'); ``` ## Unsubscribing All Subscribers The `dispose` method allows you to remove all subscribers from observables. ```ts observable.dispose(); ``` ## Resetting Observable The `reset` method allows you to reset value of observable to the passed initial value. ```ts observable.reset(); ``` ## Getting Protected Observable The `pipe` method allows you to get protected version of observable which does not allows changing values except reset functionality. It provides only these methods: `subscribe`, `unsubscribe` and `reset`. ```ts observable.pipe(); ```


