
上传日期:2019-01-04 19:35:34
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  集合类(Array、Set、Map、WeakSet、WeakMap)的实现,这些集合类公开指示何时发生变异的可观察项,
(Implementations of collection classes (Array, Set, Map, WeakSet, WeakMap) which expose observables indicating when they are mutated,)

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rxjs-observable-collections.code-workspace (60, 2019-01-04)
src/ (0, 2019-01-04)
src/ArrayAction.js (4239, 2019-01-04)
src/MapAction.js (1948, 2019-01-04)
src/ObservableArray.js (5875, 2019-01-04)
src/ObservableArray.spec.js (13510, 2019-01-04)
src/ObservableClearableWeakMapWrapper.js (2306, 2019-01-04)
src/ObservableClearableWeakMapWrapper.spec.js (2171, 2019-01-04)
src/ObservableClearableWeakSetWrapper.js (2201, 2019-01-04)
... ...

The **[Observable Collections](https://www.npmjs.com/package/rxjs-observable-collections)** module provides implementations of JavaScript/ECMAScript 'collection' objects which emit [an rxjs observable action stream] as they are mutated: Array, Set, Map, WeakSet & WeakMap. Reactive applications which use **rxjs** may subscribe/observe these actions to synchronise logic with modifications to those collections. Here is *an annotated minimal example* showing the usage of an [observable Array]. You may notice that it uses ECMAScript 2015 syntax. This module is usable in any environment which [supports ECMAScript 5+]; in practice that's Internet Explorer 9+ and *all other modern browsers*. ```js const myArray = new ObservableArray(); // Immediately, the initial (empty) state // of the array will be logged const subscription = myArray.actions .subscribe(action => console.log(action)); // As the item is pushed, a 'push' action // will also be logged myArray.push('An item'); // Tidy up after ourselves subscription.unsubscribe(); ``` [**Full documentation** is available] on this repository's wiki. [an rxjs observable action stream]: https://rxjs-dev.firebaseapp.com/ [observable Array]: https://github.com/csf-dev/rxjs-observable-collections/wiki/ObservableArray [observable arrays]: https://github.com/csf-dev/rxjs-observable-collections/wiki/ObservableArray [supports ECMAScript 5+]: https://github.com/csf-dev/rxjs-observable-collections/wiki#browserenvironment-support [**Full documentation** is available]: https://github.com/csf-dev/rxjs-observable-collections/wiki ## Limitations In order to provide [the range of browser & environment support], this module has to accept *two limitations, applicable to [observable arrays]*. Specifically, no observable actions are emitted when either: * Using *brackets notation* to set array items by index * The array is *resized* via its `length` property [These limitations are covered at length], with information how they may be rectified someday. At present the solution is deemed to be too 'costly' in terms of browser support. For example, it would exclude *all* versions of Internet Explorer. [the range of browser & environment support]: https://github.com/csf-dev/rxjs-observable-collections/wiki#browserenvironment-support [These limitations are covered at length]: https://github.com/csf-dev/rxjs-observable-collections/issues/4 ### Workaround As a workaround to these limitations, two additional functions are available for observable arrays. ```js // Sets an item by index myArray.setItem(3, 'replacement item'); // Resizes the array myArray.resize(20); ``` These functions have the same functionality as the two scenarios described above but also emit the observable action as expected.


