
上传日期:2019-02-05 11:37:20
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Android应用程序,用于移动开发人员新闻,用Kotlin.编写。,
(Android app for mobile developer news written in Kotlin.,)

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.idea/libraries/Gradle__androidx_appcompat_appcompat_1_0_2.xml (842, 2019-02-05)
.idea/libraries/Gradle__androidx_arch_core_core_common_2_0_0_jar.xml (559, 2019-02-05)
.idea/libraries/Gradle__androidx_arch_core_core_runtime_2_0_0.xml (672, 2019-02-05)
.idea/libraries/Gradle__androidx_asynclayoutinflater_asynclayoutinflater_1_0_0.xml (727, 2019-02-05)
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.idea/libraries/Gradle__androidx_collection_collection_1_0_0_jar.xml (557, 2019-02-05)
... ...

# Mobile Developer News (iOS, Android) written in Kotlin ## Overview This is a personal project for me to better keep up with mobile news. Instead of having to go to x million sites, I have the news sources all in one app. ## Getting Started Open the Android project file in Android Studio or Eclipse with Android Development Tools. Then clean, build and run on a device or emulator. ## Prerequisites Android Studio or Eclipse with Android Development Tools. ## Building 1. Open the project in Android Studio or Eclipse 2. Clean and build the project 3. Use the 'Play' (>) button to launch the app on a device or emulator ## Installing & Deployment 1. You can run the app in an Android emulator from Android Studio or 2. You can connect a Developer Mode enabled Android device via USB cable to your computer and run the app on the device. ## Usage 1. When the app is started, you can select Android or iOS news. 2. After selecting the mobile platform, you see a list of news sources. Press on the desired news source. 4. Finally, you get a list of articles that the RSS source published. When you click on the article, it opens to display the content. NOTE: Since these are RSS feeds, sometimes you need to click on a link to see the full article. The link will open in the device default browser. ## Contributers Looking for contributers to help improve the app. A couple of ideas: - Add RSS feeds for additional platforms and cross-platform tools (e.g. Xamarin, Windows) - Load RSS feed JSON remotely from GitHub - Improve article viewer. Instead of an AlertDialog open an Activity full page. ## Versioning Version 1.0 ## Authors Christian Scheid - ([] ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details ## Screenshots Phone ![Mobile News]( "Mobile News") ![Mobile News]( "Mobile News") ![Mobile News]( "Mobile News") ![Mobile News]( "Mobile News") ## Screenshots Tablet ![Mobile News]( "Mobile News") ![Mobile News]( "Mobile News") ![Mobile News]( "Mobile News") ![Mobile News]( "Mobile News")


