
上传日期:2017-10-08 01:37:01
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  在WebVR中玩台球!,
(Play pool billiards in WebVR!,)

Gruntfile.js (1995, 2016-01-24)
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fonts/OFL.txt (4521, 2016-01-24)
images/ (0, 2016-01-24)
images/deck.png (1196, 2016-01-24)
images/mouseParticle.png (1361, 2016-01-24)
images/nx.png (223053, 2016-01-24)
images/ny.png (293499, 2016-01-24)
images/nz.png (238462, 2016-01-24)
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images/pz.png (432645, 2016-01-24)
index.html (49262, 2016-01-24)
lib/ (0, 2016-01-24)
lib/Primrose.js (285773, 2016-01-24)
lib/leap-widgets-0.1.0.js (48773, 2016-01-24)
lib/leap.transform.js (6036, 2016-01-24)
lib/three-r73.js (811837, 2016-01-24)
lib/three.js (906062, 2016-01-24)
lib/webvr-manager.js (124482, 2016-01-24)
lib/webvr-polyfill.js (72298, 2016-01-24)
obj/ (0, 2016-01-24)
obj/poolvr.js (90525, 2016-01-24)
package.json (1455, 2016-01-24)
pyserver/ (0, 2016-01-24)
pyserver/__init__.py (0, 2016-01-24)
pyserver/flask_app.py (5072, 2016-01-24)
pyserver/pool_table.py (18764, 2016-01-24)
pyserver/site_settings.py (64, 2016-01-24)
pyserver/templates/ (0, 2016-01-24)
... ...

# **poolvr** Play pool / billiards with your [Leap Motion controller](https://www.leapmotion.com) in VR (or fullscreen mode), in a web browser! ![screenshot](http://jzitelli.github.io/poolvr/images/poolvr-0.1.0.png) ## About: **poolvr** uses [three.js](http://threejs.org) to provide WebGL graphics and [Cannon.js](http://www.cannonjs.org) to provide real-time physics. If you use a WebVR-enabled browser, you can play in VR! This feature uses [webvr-boilerplate](https://github.com/borismus/webvr-boilerplate). The three.js pool table scene and Cannon.js world is defined procedurally via a Python script. This project began as an experimental example that I introduced into my fork of [Primrose](http://www.primroseeditor.com), which was my own starting point for WebVR development. [**poolvr** became my entry](http://subvr.itch.io/poolvr) into the [Leap Motion 3D Jam](http://itch.io/jam/leapmotion3djam) (at literally the last minute). **poolvr** is the main WebVR project that I'm working on now. It's been improved since the [Leap Motion 3D Jam](http://itch.io/jam/leapmotion3djam) ended! Some amazing features are planned! ## Obtaining the latest WebVR-enabled browsers: - Mozilla Firefox supports WebVR in its nightly builds, [see MozVR for more info](http://mozvr.com) - [WebVR-enabled builds of Chrome / Chromium](http://blog.tojicode.com/2014/07/bringing-vr-to-chrome.html) ## Configuration: You can configure the graphics and other aspects of **poolvr** via URL parameters. Some of the recognized URL parameters are: - `useBasicMaterials`: defaults to `true`, which configures bare-bones, low-expectation setting "EGA" graphics for max performance and compatibility - `useShadowMap`: defaults to `false`, shadows will be rendered as projected meshes. If `true`, shadows are rendered via three.js shadow maps. - `host`: network address of the Leap Motion WebSocket server ## How to host locally (tested under Windows 7, Windows 10, Ubuntu 14, Fedora 22): 1. Clone this repository 2. From your cloned **poolvr** root directory: ```bash git submodule init git submodule update``` 3. Follow either A or B: A. Serving the static file `index.html`: ** BROKEN AT THE MOMENT ** 1. Start a Python HTTP server from the root directory: - using Python 2: `python -m SimpleHTTPServer` - using Python 3: `python -m http.server` 2. Point your browser to `` B. Tornado / Flask application serving dynamically generated HTML: This method requires some extra Python packages, but offers more functionality. 1. Set up a Python environment with the required packages. I recommend using the [Miniconda Python distribution](http://conda.pydata.org/miniconda.html), which will let you easily install the Python dependencies (using the `conda` Python package manager): ```bash conda install tornado conda install flask conda install numpy``` 2. Run the Python script `pyserver/tornado_app.py`: ```bash python pyserver/tornado_app.py``` 3. Point your browser to `` The Tornado server is configured to also serve any file within the project tree (nice for local development, but probably a bad idea to deploy to an actual web server). For instance, you can access the static `index.html` that you would obtain with method A via ``. ## Acknowledgements: The following amazing open-source projects have helped make **poolvr** possible: JavaScript libraries: - [Leap Motion JavaScript framework](https://github.com/leapmotion/leapjs) - [LeapJS-Plugins](https://github.com/leapmotion/leapjs-plugins) - [three.js](http://threejs.org) - [Cannon.js](http://www.cannonjs.org) - [Primrose](https://www.primroseeditor.com) - [webvr-boilerplate](https://github.com/borismus/webvr-boilerplate) - [Shader Particle Engine](https://github.com/squarefeet/ShaderParticleEngine) Python packages: - [Tornado](http://www.tornadoweb.org) - [Flask](http://flask.pocoo.org/) - [NumPy](http://www.numpy.org) The space nebula cube map background was created with [Space 3D](http://wwwtyro.github.io/space-3d/#animationSpeed=1&fov=90&nebulae=true&pointStars=true&resolution=1024&seed=1bblx79ds&stars=true&sun=false). ## TODO list: - add 8-ball / other pool/billiards game logic - Leap Motion hand interactions (e.g. point at the ball you want to pocket next) - improve and add more sounds - menu / menus - tweak cannon.js parameters - multi-user - render balls as sphere imposters - improve cardboard / mobile experience


