
上传日期:2023-05-15 05:36:13
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Zig编程语言中的简单RakNet服务器实现。,
(A simple RakNet server implementation in the Zig programming language.,)

LICENSE (1063, 2023-09-13)
build.zig (1930, 2023-09-13)
build.zig.zon (325, 2023-09-13)
examples/ (0, 2023-09-13)
examples/client_example.zig (714, 2023-09-13)
examples/server_example.zig (2770, 2023-09-13)
src/ (0, 2023-09-13)
src/Client.zig (2522, 2023-09-13)
src/Server.zig (6512, 2023-09-13)
src/connection.zig (5276, 2023-09-13)
src/message/ (0, 2023-09-13)
src/message/AcknowledgeList.zig (587, 2023-09-13)
src/message/connected.zig (6167, 2023-09-13)
src/message/frame.zig (5093, 2023-09-13)
src/message/message.zig (3153, 2023-09-13)
src/message/unconnected.zig (12498, 2023-09-13)
src/raknet.zig (1302, 2023-09-13)
src/tests.zig (389, 2023-09-13)
src/utils/ (0, 2023-09-13)
src/utils/Logger.zig (1170, 2023-09-13)
src/utils/helpers.zig (8333, 2023-09-13)

# zig-raknet A simple RakNet implementation in the [Zig](https://ziglang.org) programming language. ## Note At the moment, this library only supports the master branch of Zig, meaning that it is prone to breaking changes. ## Installation The library can be installed using Zig's in-progress package manager: ```js // build.zig.zon .{ .name = "your-project-name", .version = "your-project-version", .dependencies = .{ .raknet = .{ .url = "https://github.com/sylvrs/zig-raknet/archive/refs/heads/master.tar.gz", // this hash value can be fetched from the error message when trying to build the project // there is no current way to get the hash value automatically as the package manager is // still very much so an *in-progress* project. .hash = "HASHED_VALUE_HERE", }, }, } ``` ```js // build.zig pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void { const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{}); const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{}); // add the dependency to the build script const network_module = b.dependency("network", .{ .target = target, .optimize = optimize }).module("network"); const raknet_module = b.dependency("raknet", .{ .target = target, .optimize = optimize }).module("raknet"); // ... // your executable should be defined already // i'll be using the name "executable" for the sake of this example executable.addModule("raknet", module); executable.addModule("network", network_module); } ``` ## Usage Example usage of the library can be found in the `examples` directory. Here is what a simple server looks like: ```zig const raknet = @import("raknet"); const network = @import("network"); const std = @import("std"); pub fn main() !void { var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}; // create a server var server = raknet.Server.init(.{ // the allocator to use for the server .allocator = gpa.allocator(), // the data to be sent to clients when they ping the server .pong_data = "Hello, World!" // the address to start listening on .endpoint = .{ .address = .{ .ipv4 = try network.Address.IPv4.parse("") }, .port = 19132, }, // whether to print messages from the server into stderr .verbose = true, }); defer server.deinit(); std.debug.print("Listening to data on {any}\n", .{server.address}); // start the server and listen for incoming connections try server.accept(); } ```


