
上传日期:2020-09-16 12:20:14
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说明:  用Prolog进行关系编程的基础——LOGic^_^中的PROGRAMING,
(Basics of relational programming with Prolog —PROgramming in LOGic ^_^,)

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Basics of relational programming with Prolog —PROgramming in LOGic ^\_^ [Try Prolog online]( **The listing sheet, as PDF, can be found [here]()**, while below is an unruly html rendition. This reference sheet is built around the system . # Table of Contents 1. [Administrivia](#org944e9a2) 2. [Syntax](#org1631a81) 1. [`name` and `atom_chars`](#org01cff87) 3. [Facts & Relations](#org11a6a80) 4. [Mixfix Syntax](#org7e5c51a) 5. [Trace & Backtracking](#org7b75a05) 6. [What is a Prolog Program Exactly?](#orgd201c75) 1. [One point rule](#org67c9d9a) 2. [Overloading](#org0bf2d9a) 7. [Modus Ponens — Computation ≈ Deduction](#org3dc81b4) 8. [Conjunction ≈ Constraints — Disjunction ≈ Alternatives](#org0815789) 9. [Unification](#orgaabb8fb) 1. [Operational Semantics](#org15dfa67) 2. ['symbol' = symbol](#org8ef5c60) 3. [Unification performs no simplification, whence no arithmetic](#orga3a1299) 10. [Algebraic Datatypes](#org6447078) 11. [Arithmetic with `is` —Using Modules](#org4994886) 1. [Using Modules](#org86bbea7) 12. [Lists](#orge54ab30) 13. [Declaration Ordering Matters —Recursion](#org9e00a34) 14. [The Cut](#org0df11fd) 1. [Examples](#orgba67465) 2. [Disjoint Clauses](#org23e01e5) 3. [Conditional](#org0e85739) 4. [Cut-fail Combination](#orgdbae64d) 5. [Good Exercise](#org84fe2d7) 15. [Higher-order Support with `call`](#orgc8294a3) 16. [Meta-Programming](#org3072386) 1. [`Print, var, nonvar, arg`](#org17ed3b0) 17. [Reads](#orge425102) # Administrivia *Everything is a relation!* —I.e., a table in a database! Whence programs are [unidirectional]( and can be ‘run in reverse’: Input arguments and output arguments are the same thing! Only perspective shifts matter. For example, defining a relation `append(XS, YS, ZS)` *intended* to be true precisely when `ZS` is the catenation of `XS` with `YS`, gives us three other methods besides being a predicate itself! List construction: `append([1, 2], [3, 4], ZS)` ensures `ZS` is the catenation list. List subtraction: `append([1,2], YS, [1, 2, 3, 4])` yields all solutions `YS` to the problem `[1, 2] ++ YS = [1, 2, 3, 4]`. Partitions: `append(XS, YS, [1, 2, 3, 4])` yields all pairs of lists that catenate to `[1,2, 3, 4]`. **Four methods for the price of one!**
Prolog is PROgramming in LOGic.
In Prolog, the task of the programmer is simply to *describe* problems —write down, logically, the situation— rather than telling the computer what to do, then obtains information by asking questions —the logic programming system *figures out how* to get the answer. - Prolog is declarative: A program is a collection of ‘axioms’ from which ‘theorems’ can be proven. For example, consider how sorting is performed: - Procedurally: Find the minimum in the remainder of the list, swap it with the head of the list; repeat on the tail of the list. - Declaratively: `B` is the sorting of `A` *provided* it is a permutation of `A` and it is ordered. Whence, a program is a theory and computation is deduction! - `swipl -s` –Load your program into a REPL, `?-….` - `make.` –Reload your program. - `halt.` –Exit the REPL. - `consult('').` –Load the contents of the given file as the new knowledge base. - `assert(()).` –Add a new rule to the knowledge base, from within the REPL. Use `retract(())` to remove rules from the knowledge base. - `assert` is useful when we want to [cache]( computations. - `listing.` –Display the contents of the current knowledge base; i.e., what Prolog ‘knows’. - `listing(name)`. –List all information in the knowledge base about the `name` predicate. # Syntax There are three types of terms: - Constants: Numbers such as -24, and atoms such as `jasim`, `'hello world'`, `'&^%&#@$ &*',` and `' '` —a space in quotes. - Variables: Words starting with a capital letter or an underscore. - The variable `_` is called the *anonymous variable*. It's for when we need a variable, say when pattern matching, but don't care about the value. - Structures: Terms of the form `functor(term,...,term)`. ## `name` and `atom_chars` The characters between single quotes are the *name* of an atom and so Prolog admits `symbol = 'symbol'` as true. - Atoms, or nullary predicates, are represented as a lists of numbers; ASCII codes. - We can use this to compare two atoms lexicographically. - We can obtain the characters in an atom by using the built-in `atom_chars`. ?- name(woah, X). % X = [119,111,97,104] ?- atom_chars(nice, X). % X = [n, i, c, e]. # Facts & Relations We declare relations by having them begin with a lowercase letter; variables are distinguished by starting with a capital letter.
/* Some facts of our world */ jasim_is_nice. it_is_raining. % ?- jasim_is_nice. % true: We declared it so. eats(fred, mangoes). eats(bob, apples). eats(fred, oranges). % Which foods are eaten by fred? % ?- eats(fred, what). % false; “what” is a name! % ?- eats(fred, What). % mangoes oranges
Relational constraints are formed using `:-`, which acts as the “provided”, , operator from logic. Read `P :- Q` as *P is true, provided Q is true.*
% All men are mortal. mortal(X) :- man(X). % Socrates is a man. man(socrates). % Hence, he's expected to be mortal. % ?- mortal(socrates). % true % What about Plato? ?- mortal(plato). % false, plato's not a man. % Let's fix that … in the REPL! ?- assert((man(plato))). % Who is mortal? ?- mortal(X). % socrates plato
# [Mixfix Syntax](
It may feel awkward to write `father_of(homer, bart)` and instead prefer `homer father_of bart`. We may declare relations to be prefix, infix, or postfix with patterns `xf`, `xfx`, and `fx` respectively. For left associativity we use pattern `yfx` and use `xfy` for right associativity. :- op(35,xfx,father_of). father_of(me, you). homer father_of bart. homer father_of lisa.
- Precedence, or binding power, is lowest at 1200 and highest at 0. - Note: `father_of(X,Y) = X father_of Y` is true. We may learn about existing operators too; e.g., `?- current_op(Prec, Fixity, =:=)` ^\_^ # Trace & Backtracking We can see what Prolog does at each step of a computation by invoking `trace`; we turn off this feature with `notrace.`
*This’ an excellent way to learn how Prolog proof search works! (Debugging!)*
Suppose we have the following database. q(1). q(2). q(3). r(2). r(3). p(X) :- q(X), r(X). With trace, query `p(X)` and press *SPACE* each time to see what Prolog is doing. At one point, the goal `r(1)` will *fail* and that choice \(X = 1\) will be redone with the next possibility for `q`, namely \(X = 2\).
The line marked `redo` is when Prolog realizes its taken the wrong path, and backtracks to instantiate the variable to 2. Operationally, query `p(X)` is answered by: 1. Find match for the first goal: `q` at `1`. 2. Then see if matches the second: `r` at `1`. 3. (Redo) If not, find another match for the first: `q` at `2`. 4. See if this matches the second, `r`. 5. Etc. - `findall(X, Goal, L)` succeeds if `L` is the list of all those `X`'s for which `Goal` holds. - `fail/0` immediately fails when encountered. Remember: Prolog tries to backtrack when its fails; whence `fail` can be viewed as an instruction to force backtracking. The opposite of forcing backtracking is to block it, which is done with ‘cut’ `!` —see below. # What is a Prolog Program Exactly? A program *denotes* all true facts derivable from its clauses using **modus ponens, unification, term rewriting, and logical or-&-and** for the execution model. Hidden Quantifiers:
Syntax Semantics
`head(X) :- body(X,Y).` \( X.\, head(X) \,\, Y.\, body(X,Y)\)
`?- Q(X)` \( X.\, Q(X)\)
1. “ `head(X)` is true provided there's some `Y` such that `body(X,Y)` is true ” - `head.` is an abbreviation for `head :- true.` - Indeed, \(p \;≡\; (p true)\). 2. “ Is there an `X` so that `Q(X)` is true? ” ## One point rule “One-Point Rule”: Provided `X` is a fresh variable,
`f(X) :- X = .` `f().`
## Overloading *Overloading!* Predicates of different arities are considered different.
Documentation Convention: `f/N` *relation `f` takes `N`-many arguments*
# Modus Ponens — Computation ≈ Deduction The logical rule \(p ∧ (p q) \;\; q\) says if we have \(p\), and from that we know we can get a \(q\), then we have a \(q\). From the following program on the left, we get `q(a)` is true.
p(a). q(X) :- p(X). We *rewrite* term `X` with atom `a` to obtain `q(a) :- p(a)` from the second rule, but we know `p(a)`, and so we have *computed* the new fact `q(a)` by using the deduction rule modus ponens.
# Conjunction ≈ Constraints — Disjunction ≈ Alternatives Conjunction: `p(X), q(X)` means “let `X` be *a* solution to `p`, then use it in query `q`.”
Operational semantics: Let `X` be the first solution declared, found, for `p`, in the user's script, then try `q`; if it fails, then *backtrack* and pick the next declared solution to `p`, if any, and repeat until `q` succeeds —if possible, otherwise fail. yum(pie). yum(apples). yum(maths). % ?- yum(Y), writeln(Y), fail. % pie apples maths false.
“Fail driven loop” `p(X), print(X), fail.` gets a solution to `p`, prints it, then fails thereby necessitating a backtrack to obtain a different solution `X` for `p`, then repeats. In essence, this is prints all solutions to `p`. “Let Clauses”: Provided `X` is a fresh variable,
`` `X = , XX`
A Prolog program is the conjunction of all its clauses, alternatives ‘;’.
% (head body) ∧ (head body) head :- body. head :- body. ≈ % head body ∨ body head :- body ; body. Read ‘’ as ‘≥’, and ‘∨’ as maximum, then the following is the “characterisation of least upper bounds”.
  \((p q) ∧ (p r)\)
  \(p (q ∨ p)\)
“And binds stronger than Or”: `a,b;c ≈ (a,b);c`. # [Unification]( A program can be written by having nested patterns, terms, then we use matching to pull out the information we want! Two terms *match* or *unify*, if they are equal or if they contain variables that can be instantiated in such a way that the resulting terms are equal. - **Unification:** Can the given terms be made to represent the same structure? - This is how type inference is made to work in all languages. - **Backtracking:** When a choice in unification causes it to fail, go back to the most recent choice point and select the next available choice. - Nullary built-in predicate `fail` always fails as a goal and causes backtracking. ## Operational Semantics
The unification predicate is `=/2`. It can be written with the usual notation `=(L, R)` but can also be written infix `L = R`. % Query: Who is loved by Jay? ?- loves(jay, X) = loves(jay, kathy). % X = kathy
Operationally ` = ` behaves as follows: 1. If either is an unbound variable, assign it to the other one. - A constant unifies only with itself. - A variable unifies with anything. 2. Otherwise, they are both terms. - Suppose \( ≈ f(e,…,e)\) and \( ≈ g(d,…,d)\). - If `f` is different from `g`, or `n` different from `m`, then crash. - Recursively perform `e = d`. Ensure the variable instantiations are compatible in that a variable is associated with at most one value —which is not true in `f(1,2) = f(X,X).`
**Thus variables are single ‘assignment’!**
Exception! Each occurrence of the anonymous variable `_` is independent: Each is bound to something different. 3. If two terms can't be shown to match using the above clauses, then they don't match.
*Unification lets us solve equations!* It lets us **compute!**
## 'symbol' = symbol The query `'symbol' = symbol` is true since both are considered to be the same atom. Whereas `'2' = 2` is false since `'2'` is a symbolic atom but `2` is a number. The *discrepancy predicate* `\=/2` succeeds when its arguments don't unify; e.g., `'5' \= 5` is true. ## Unification performs no simplification, whence no arithmetic
Unification performs no simplification, whence no arithmetic. This means, for example, we can form pairs by sticking an infix operator between two items; moreover we can form distinct kinds of pairs by using different operators. ?- C + "nice" = woah + Z. C = woah, Z = "nice". % ‘+’ and ‘/’ are different, % so no way to make these equal. ?- C + "nice" = woah / Z. false.
# Algebraic Datatypes Uniform treatment of all datatypes as predicates! Enumerations, pairs, recursives:
Haskell data Person = Me | You | Them data Pair a b = MkPair a b data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat sum Zero n = n sum (Succ m) n = Succ (sum m n) Prolog person(me). person(you). person(them). pair(_, _). nat(zero). nat(succ(N)) :- nat(N). sum(zero, N, N). sum(succ(M), N, succ(S)) :- sum(M, N, S).
Exercise: Form binary trees. # Arithmetic with `is` —Using Modules Use `is` to perform arithmetic with `+, -, *, /, **, mod`, and `//` for integer division. % How do we make this equation equal? ?- X = 3 + 2. % X = 3 + 2; this choice of variables make its equal! % Everything is a term! Terms don't ‘compute’! ?- +(3, 2) = 3 + 2. % true ?- +(3, 2) = 6 - 1. % false
?- X is 3 + 2. % X = 5 ?- 5 is 6 - 1. % true ?- 5 is X. % CRASH! ?- 3 + 2 is 6 - 1. % CRASH! ?- +(3, 2) =:= 6 - 1. % true ?- 1 =:= sin(pi/2). % true ?- X =:= 3 + 2. % CRASH! ?- X = 2, Y = 3, X + Y =:= 5. % true
- `is` takes a *variable, or a numeric constant,* and an arithmetical expression as arguments. - `L is R` means “ unify `L` with the result of simplifying `R` ” - If `R` mentions an unbound variable, crash! - `=:=` has both arguments as *concrete terms*, it evaluates them and compares the results.
` =:= ` `L is , R is , L = R`.
## Using Modules
The [Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains]( library provides a number of useful functions, such as `all_distinct` for checking a list has unique elements. See [here]( for a terse solution to Sudoku. In particular, `=:=` is too low level —e.g., it d ... ...


