
上传日期:2016-09-19 04:19:44
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  以交互和编程方式添加、编辑、移动和保存SVG图表批注。,
(Interactively and programmatically add, edit, move and save SVG chart annotations.,)

.babelrc (28, 2016-09-18)
.npmignore (18, 2016-09-18)
LICENSE (1468, 2016-09-18)
d3-annotate-scatter-click-edit.gif (16101, 2016-09-18)
d3-annotate-scatter-click-rm.gif (12682, 2016-09-18)
d3-annotate-scatter-click.gif (25695, 2016-09-18)
d3-annotate-scatter-drag.gif (30104, 2016-09-18)
demo/ (0, 2016-09-18)
demo/iris.html (3807, 2016-09-18)
demo/iris.tsv (3854, 2016-09-18)
index.js (52, 2016-09-18)
package.json (1377, 2016-09-18)
src/ (0, 2016-09-18)
src/annotate.js (4681, 2016-09-18)
src/attrs.js (540, 2016-09-18)
test/ (0, 2016-09-18)
test/annotate-test.js (145, 2016-09-18)

# d3-annotate Interactively add, edit, move and save SVG chart annotations. ## Install If you use NPM, `npm install d3-annotate`. Otherwise, download the [latest release](https://github.com/cmpolis/d3-annotate/releases/latest). ## Interactions ##### Drag to move ![drag](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cmpolis/d3-annotate/master/d3-annotate-scatter-drag.gif) ##### Click an element from selection to add annotation ![click](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cmpolis/d3-annotate/master/d3-annotate-scatter-click.gif) ##### Command + Click to remove an annotation ![click](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cmpolis/d3-annotate/master/d3-annotate-scatter-click-rm.gif) ##### Shift + Click to edit annotation copy _then [Enter] or unfocus text input to save_ ![click](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cmpolis/d3-annotate/master/d3-annotate-scatter-click-edit.gif) ## API ####`d3.annotate()` Initialize a new annotation behavior. #### `.container([d3 or selection])` _(required)_ Sets container to render annotations to. _Note: should have `translate` to match data. #### `.key([fn])` _`(d) => d.id` by default_ Sets key to be used for serializing annotations and joining annotations with data #### `.text([fn])` _indentity by default_ Sets the default text for an annotation. _eg:_ ``.text((d) => `${d.name}: ${d.score}`)`` #### `.attr([attrName(eg: x, y, text-anchor, fill)], [value or fn])` (similar to `d3.select(...).attr`) `.attr` will get called on `` elements created from annotation. However, instead of only having access to the bound data(`d.data`) - you have access to what is returned from `.getBBox()` of the target element (`d.box`), _eg:_ ```js // Place labels to the left of target element (centered vertically and horizontally by default) .attr('x', (d) => d.box.x) .attr('text-anchor', 'end') // Color labels based on data in target element .attr('fill', (d) => palette(d.data.category)) ``` #### `.show([boolean or function])` Create annotations automatically(`true` will create an annotation for every datum) #### `.saved([annotation object])` Add object of annotations to be rendered on `.call(annotation)`, created from calling `annotation.serialize()` #### `.serialize()` Returns an object of annotations based on current state of annotations. ## Example Usage ```js // render some chart elements with data var bubbles = chartArea.selectAll('.bubble').data(cars) .... var annotation = d3.annotate() .continer(chartArea.append('g')) .key((d) => d.model + d.year) .text((d) => `${d.make} ${d.model}: ${d.mpg} miles per gallon`) .show((d) => d.year === 2016) // create annotations only for 2016 models, initially .saved({'prius2015':{text:'Most efficient',x:400,y:600}}) .attr('fill', (d) => makeColors(d.data.make)); d3.selectAll('.bubble').call(annotation); // elements get created [User interaction to move, edit, rewrite annotations] JSON.stringify(annotation.serialize()) // can be saved for creating inital annotation state ``` ## CSS To style annotations, use a selector _a la_: ```css #myChart .d3-an-container .annotation ``` For a better experience, add the following CSS to your page or CSS build system: ```css .d3-an-container .annotation { cursor: move; } .d3-an-container .annotation.dragging { cursor: grabbing; cursor: -moz-grabbing; cursor: -webkit-grabbing; text-decoration: underline; } .d3-an-text-edit { position: fixed; top: 40px; left: 40px; } ``` ### Author By [@ChrisPolis](https://twitter.com/ChrisPolis) ### License This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


