
上传日期:2021-07-21 07:06:13
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  在一个独立的环境中玩ClickHouse来学习,
(Learn by playing with ClickHouse in a self contained environment,)

文件列表: (1530, 2021-07-21)
Makefile (566, 2021-07-21)
docker-compose.yml (2356, 2021-07-21)
docker/ (0, 2021-07-21)
docker/clickhouse/ (0, 2021-07-21)
docker/clickhouse/clickhouse_1.xml (200, 2021-07-21)
docker/clickhouse/clickhouse_2.xml (200, 2021-07-21)
docker/clickhouse/clickhouse_3.xml (200, 2021-07-21)
docker/clickhouse/config.xml (2174, 2021-07-21)
docker/clickhouse/users.xml (269, 2021-07-21)
docker/mariadb/ (0, 2021-07-21)
docker/mariadb/init/ (0, 2021-07-21)
docker/mariadb/init/00.sakila-schema.sql (24254, 2021-07-21)
docker/mariadb/init/01.sakila-data.sql (3351745, 2021-07-21)
docker/zookeper/ (0, 2021-07-21)
docker/zookeper/zoo.cfg (1853, 2021-07-21)
learning-units/ (0, 2021-07-21)
learning-units/ (2733, 2021-07-21)
learning-units/ (7732, 2021-07-21)
learning-units/ (3282, 2021-07-21)
learning-units/ (5807, 2021-07-21)
learning-units/ (8740, 2021-07-21)
learning-units/ (6726, 2021-07-21)
learning-units/ (7244, 2021-07-21)
learning-units/ (4246, 2021-07-21)
learning-units/ (2871, 2021-07-21)
learning-units/ (4415, 2021-07-21)
learning-units/ (6057, 2021-07-21)
learning-units/ (1332, 2021-07-21)

# ClickHouse Play and Learn This project is a `docker-compose` based playground to explore and learn `ClickHouse`' features. It does not aim to replace the official documentation ( but, instead, to offer a learning path to get familiar with the most basic concepts. It does not include installation/setup instructions. It assumes a basic knowledge of `SQL`. - [ClickHouse playground]( - [Requirements]( - [Versions]( - [Installing the project]( - [Working with the project]( - [Learning units]( ## Requirements - docker-compose - make **Important**: this has been only tested in Linux. ## Versions This project starts containers with the following versions: - ClickHouse (Altinity Certified) - Zookeeper 3.6.3 - MinIO 2021.6.17 - MariaDB 10.4.20 - Redis 6.2 - RabbitMQ 3.8.9 ## Installing the project Clone or download this repository and `cd` inside of it. ## Working with the project You will be asked to type (mostly copy and paste) things either in the terminal, either using `docker-compose`, `make` or, most of the times, inside ClickHouse after executing `make clickhouse`. **IMPORTANT CONVENTION**: if a code snippet starts with `docker-compose` we expect it to be executed in a terminal inside the folder where the project sits. If the snippet is a SQL sentence, instead, we expect it to be launched after logging in ClickHouse (`make clickhouse`). The most important operations are mapped to a `Makefile` recipe. Typing simple `make` will print out the available recipes and their description. The most basic ones are: - `make up`: Starts all the containers required to develop this project - `make down`: Shuts down all the containers and removes their volume - `make clickhouse`: Log into one ClickHouse instance These three you might need to remember since will be used frequently across this learning project. ## Learning units All units are under the folder [learning-units]( Units assume you have learned what explained in previous units, so it is recommended to follow them in order.


