上传日期:2023-03-31 23:20:41
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  鲁棒ABC(ActionScript字节码)[Dis-]汇编程序,
(Robust ABC (ActionScript Bytecode) [Dis-]Assembler,)

CHANGELOG.md (7653, 2023-03-11)
COPYING (35147, 2023-03-11)
abcexport.d (1635, 2023-03-11)
abcfile.d (54171, 2023-03-11)
abcreplace.d (1578, 2023-03-11)
asasm.hrc (13858, 2023-03-11)
asprogram.d (40143, 2023-03-11)
assembler.d (31778, 2023-03-11)
autodata.d (8159, 2023-03-11)
build_rabcdasm.d (4477, 2023-03-11)
common.d (2514, 2023-03-11)
deimos/ (0, 2023-03-11)
deimos/lzma.d (2447, 2023-03-11)
deimos/lzma_/ (0, 2023-03-11)
deimos/lzma_/base.d (21117, 2023-03-11)
deimos/lzma_/bcj.d (2482, 2023-03-11)
deimos/lzma_/block.d (19589, 2023-03-11)
deimos/lzma_/check.d (3947, 2023-03-11)
deimos/lzma_/container.d (16696, 2023-03-11)
deimos/lzma_/delta.d (1774, 2023-03-11)
deimos/lzma_/filter.d (15760, 2023-03-11)
deimos/lzma_/hardware.d (1995, 2023-03-11)
deimos/lzma_/index.d (22098, 2023-03-11)
deimos/lzma_/index_hash.d (3630, 2023-03-11)
deimos/lzma_/lzma.d (14450, 2023-03-11)
deimos/lzma_/stream_flags.d (7943, 2023-03-11)
deimos/lzma_/version_.d (3091, 2023-03-11)
deimos/lzma_/vli.d (6434, 2023-03-11)
disassembler.d (44137, 2023-03-11)
liblzma.lib (16384, 2023-03-11)
lzma.d (4039, 2023-03-11)
murmurhash2a.d (1795, 2023-03-11)
rabcasm.d (1167, 2023-03-11)
rabcdasm.d (1222, 2023-03-11)
swf7zcompress.d (2514, 2023-03-11)
swfbinexport.d (1525, 2023-03-11)
swfbinreplace.d (1450, 2023-03-11)
swfdecompress.d (1191, 2023-03-11)
... ...

Robust ABC (ActionScript Bytecode) [Dis-]Assembler ================================================== [RABCDAsm][] is a collection of utilities including an ActionScript 3 assembler/disassembler, and a few tools to manipulate SWF files. These are: * `rabcdasm` - ABC disassembler * `rabcasm` - ABC assembler * `abcexport` - extracts ABC from SWF files * `abcreplace` - replaces ABC in SWF files * `swfdecompress` - decompresses zlib-compressed SWF files * `swf7zcompress` - (re-)compress the contents of a SWF using 7-Zip * `swflzmacompress` - compress the contents of a SWF using LZMA * `swfbinexport` / `swfbinreplace` - extract/replace contents of binary data tags from SWF files `abcexport` and `abcreplace` are reimplementations of similar utilities from my [swfutilsex][] Java package, however these work faster as they do not parse the SWF files as deeply. `swfdecompress` is ancillary and is only useful for debugging and studying of the SWF file format, and not required for ABC manipulation. It is functionally equivalent to [flasm][]'s `-x` option. If you frequently work on compressed SWF files, you may want to decompress them to speed processing up. `swf7zcompress` is an utility to further reduce the size of SWF files. It uses [7-Zip][] to compress the data better than the standard zlib library would. It requires that the `7z` command-line program be installed and in `PATH`. `swflzmacompress` compresses SWF files using the [LZMA][] algorithm, support for which was introduced in Flash 11. It will only work with SWF files with version 13 or higher. `swfbinexport` and `swfbinreplace` aid in the manipulation of `DefineBinaryData` tags in SWF files (some files may contain nested SWF files stored in these tags). [RABCDAsm]: http://github.com/CyberShadow/RABCDAsm [swfutilsex]: http://github.com/CyberShadow/swfutilsex [flasm]: http://flasm.sourceforge.net/ [7-Zip]: http://www.7-zip.org/ [LZMA]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lempel-Ziv-Markov_chain_algorithm Motivation and goals -------------------- This package was created due to lack of similar software out there. Particularly, I needed an utility which would allow me to edit ActionScript 3 bytecode with the following properties: 1. Speed. Less waiting means more productivity. `rabcasm` can assemble large projects (>200000 LOC) in under a second on modern machines. 2. Comfortably-editable output. Each class is decompiled to its own file, with files arranged in subdirectories representing the package hierarchy. Class files are `#include`d from the main file. 3. Most importantly - robustness! If the Adobe AVM can load and run the file, then it must be editable - no matter if the file is obfuscated or otherwise mutilated to prevent reverse-engineering. RABCDAsm achieves this by using a textual representation closer to the ABC file format, rather than to what an ActionScript compiler would generate. Compiling from source --------------------- RABCDAsm is written in the [D programming language, version 2][d2]. Assuming you have [git][] and a D2 compiler, such as [dmd][] or [gdc][] installed, compiling should be as straight-forward as: git clone git://github.com/CyberShadow/RABCDAsm.git cd RABCDAsm dmd -run build_rabcdasm.d Substitute `dmd` with `gdmd` if you're using gdc. You can use the `DC` and `DCFLAGS` environment variables to override the detected compiler and default compilation flags (`-O -inline`). To be able to manipulate SWF files packed with LZMA compression, you'll need to have the [liblzma library][] and development files installed on your system. Note: DMD 2.066 is required for long path support on Windows since RABCDAsm 1.16. [d2]: http://dlang.org/ [dmd]: http://www.digitalmars.com/d/download.html [gdc]: http://bitbucket.org/goshawk/gdc/ [git]: http://git-scm.com/ [liblzma library]: http://tukaani.org/xz/ Pre-compiled binaries --------------------- You can find pre-compiled Windows binaries on [my website][downloads]. However, please don't expect them to be up-to-date with the latest source versions. [downloads]: http://files.thecybershadow.net/RABCDAsm/ Usage ----- To begin hacking on a SWF file: abcexport file.swf This will create `file-0.abc` ... `file-N.abc` (often just `file-0.abc`). Each file corresponds to an ABC block inside the SWF file. To disassemble one of the `.abc` files: rabcdasm file-0.abc This will create a `file-0` directory, which will contain `file-0.main.asasm` (the main program file) and files for ActionScript scripts, classes, and orphan and script-level methods. To assemble the `.asasm` files back, and update the SWF file: rabcasm file-0/file-0.main.asasm abcreplace file.swf 0 file-0/file-0.main.abc The second `abcreplace` argument represents the index of the ABC block in the SWF file, and corresponds to the number in the filename created by `abcexport`. `swfbinexport` and `swfbinreplace` are used in the same manner as `abcexport` and `abcreplace`. Syntax ====== The syntax of the disassembly was designed to be very simple and allow fast and easy parsing. It is a close representation of the `.abc` file format, and thus it is somewhat verbose. All constant pool elements (signed/unsigned integers, doubles, strings, namespaces, namespace sets, multinames) are always *expanded inline*, for ease of editing. Similarly, classes, instances, methods and method bodies are also defined inline, in the context of their "parent" object. By-index references of classes and methods (used in the `newclass`, `newfunction` and `callstatic` instructions) are represented via automatically-generated unique "reference strings", declared as `refid` fields. If you haven't yet, I strongly recommend that you look through Adobe's [ActionScript Virtual Machine 2 (AVM2) Overview][avm2]. You will most likely need to consult it for the instruction reference anyway (although you can also use [this handy list][avm2i] as well). You will find it difficult to understand the disassembly without good understanding of concepts such as namespaces and multinames. [avm2]: https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/pdf/avm2overview.pdf [avm2i]: https://web.archive.org/web/20160215185222/www.anotherbigidea.com/javaswf/avm2/AVM2Instructions.html Overview -------- In order to guarantee unambiguity and data preservation, all strings read from the input file - including identifiers (variable/function/class names) - are represented as string literals. Thus, the syntax does not have any "reserved words" or such - an unrecognized word is treated as an error, not as an identifier. Whitespace (outside string literals, of course) is completely ignored, except where required to separate words. Comments are Intel-assembler-style: a single `;` demarks a comment until the next end-of-line. Control directives (such as `#include`) are allowed anywhere where whitespace is allowed. The syntax is comprised of hierarchical blocks. Each block contains a number of fields - starting with a keyword specifying the field type. A block is terminated with the `end` keyword. Some fields contain a limited number of parameters, and others are, or contain blocks. Hierarchy --------- The topmost block in the hierarchy is the `program` block. This must be the first block in the file (thus, `program` must be the first word in the file as well). The `program` block contains `script` fields, and `class` / `method` fields for "orphan" classes and methods (not owned by other objects in the hierarchy). Orphan methods are usually anonymous functions. The file version is also specified in the `program` block, using the `minorversion` and `majorversion` fields (both unsigned integers). `script` blocks have one mandatory `sinit` field (the script initialization method) and `trait` fields. A "trait" can be one of several kinds. The kind is specified right after the `trait` keyword, followed by the trait name (a multiname). Following the name are the trait fields, varying by trait kind: * `slot` / `const` : `slotid` (unsigned integer), `type` (multiname), `value` * `class` : `slotid`, `class` (the actual class block) * `function` : `slotid`, `method` (the actual method block) * `method` / `getter` / `setter` : `dispid` (unsigned integer), `method` Additionally, all traits may have `flag` fields, describing the trait's attributes (`FINAL` / `OVERRIDE` / `METADATA`), and `metadata` blocks. `metadata` blocks (which are ignored by the AVM) consist of a name string, and a series of `item` fields - each item having a key and value string. `class` blocks have mandatory `instance` and `cinit` fields, defining the class instance and the class initializer method respectively. They may also have `trait` fields and a `refid` field (the `refid` field is not part of the file format - it's an unique string to allow referencing the class, see above). `instance` blocks - always declared inline of their `class` block - must contain one `iinit` field (the instance initializer method), and may contain one `extends` field (multiname), `implements` fields (multinames), `flag` fields (`SEALED` / `FINAL` / `INTERFACE` / `PROTECTEDNS`), one `protectedns` field (namespace), and `trait` fields. `method` blocks may contain one `name` field (multiname), a `refid` field, `param` fields (multinames - this represents the parameter types), one `returns` field (multiname), `flag` fields (`NEED_ARGUMENTS` / `NEED_ACTIVATION` / `NEED_REST` / `HAS_OPTIONAL` / `SET_DXNS` / `HAS_PARAM_NAMES`), `optional` fields (values), `paramname` fields (strings), and a `body` field (method body). `body` blocks - always declared inline of their `method` block - must contain the `maxstack`, `localcount`, `initscopedepth` and `maxscopedepth` fields (unsigned integers), and a `code` field. It may also contain `try` and `trait` fields. `code` blocks - always declared inline of their `body` block - are somewhat different in syntax from other blocks - mostly in that they may contain labels. Labels follow the most common syntax - a word followed by a `:` character, optionally followed by a relative byte offset (in case of pointers inside instructions). Multiple instruction arguments are comma-separated. Instruction arguments' types depend on the instruction - see the `OpcodeInfo` array in `abcfile.d` for a reference. `try` blocks - always declared inline of their `body` block - represent an "exception" (try/catch) block. They contain five mandatory fields: `from`, `to` and `target` (names of labels representing start and end of the "try" block, and start of the "catch" block respectively), and `type` and `name` (multinames), representing the type and name of the exception variable. Values have the syntax *type* `(` *value* `)` . *type* can be one of `Integer`, `UInteger`, `Double`, `Utf8`, `Namespace`, `PackageNamespace`, `PackageInternalNs`, `ProtectedNamespace`, `ExplicitNamespace`, `StaticProtectedNs`, `PrivateNamespace`, `True`, `False`, `Null` or `Undefined`. The type of the value depends on *type*. Types `True`, `False`, `Null` and `Undefined` have no value. Constants --------- Multinames have the syntax *type* `(` *parameters* `)` . *type* can be one of `QName` / `QNameA`, `RTQName` / `RTQNameA`, `RTQNameL` / `RTQNameLA`, `Multiname` / `MultinameA`, `MultinameL` / `MultinameLA`, or `TypeName`. *parameters* depends on *type*: * `QName` / `QNameA` `(` *namespace* `,` *string* `)` * `RTQName` / `RTQNameA` `(` *string* `)` * `RTQNameL` / `RTQNameLA` `(` `)` * `Multiname` / `MultinameA` `(` *string* `,` *namespace-set* `)` * `MultinameL` / `MultinameLA` `(` *namespace-set* `)` * `TypeName` `(` *multiname* `<` *multiname [* `,` *multiname ... ]* `>` `)` Namespace sets have the syntax `[` *[ namespace [* `,` *namespace ... ] ]* `]` (that is, a comma-separated list of namespaces in square brackets). Empty namespace sets can be specified using `[]`. Namespaces have the syntax *type* `(` *string [* `,` *string ]* `)` . The first string indicates the namespace name. In the case that there are multiple distinct namespaces with the same type and name (as `PrivateNamespace` namespaces usually are), a second parameter may be present to uniquely distinguish them. Internally (the ABC file format), namespaces are distinguished by their numerical index. When disassembling, `rabcdasm` will attempt to assign descriptive labels to homonym namespaces based on their context. Strings have a syntax similar to C string literals. Strings start and end with a `"`. Supported escape sequences (a backslash followed by a letter) are `\n` (generates ASCII 0x0A), `\r` (ASCII 0x0D), and `\x` followed by two hexadecimal digits, which inserts the ASCII character with that code. Any other characters following a backslash generate that character - thus, you can escape backslashes using `\\` and double quotes using `\"`. When decompiling, high-ASCII characters (usually UTF-8) are not escaped - if you see gibberish instead of international text, configure your editor to open the files in UTF-8 encoding. Additionally, constant pool types (signed/unsigned integers, doubles, strings, namespaces, namespace sets and multinames) may also have the value `null` (which represents the index 0 in the ABC file). Note that `null` is conceptually different from zero, an empty string or empty namespace set. Macros ------ RABCDAsm has some basic macro-like capabilities, controlled by directives and variables. These bear some similarity to the C preprocessor, however these are processed in-loop rather than as a separate pre-processing step. ### Directives Directives start with a `#`, followed by a word identifying the directive: * `#include` *string* - inserts the contents of the file by the specified filename inline. Functionally equivalent to `#mixin #get` *string* , but faster. * `#mixin` *string* - inserts the contents of the specified string inline. Not very useful on its own. * `#call` *string* `(` *[ string [* `,` *string ... ] ]* `)` - same as `#mixin`, however it additionally sets the special variables `$1`, `$2` etc. to the contents of the specified arguments. When the end of the inserted string is reached, the old values of `$1`, `$2` etc. are restored. * `#get` *string* - inserts **a string containing** the contents of the file by the specified filename inline. Similar to #include, but it inserts a string (surrounded by `"` etc.) instead. * `#set` *word* *string* - assigns the contents of the string to the variable *word*. * `#unset` *word* - deletes the variable *word*. * `#privatens` *number* *string* - deprecated, currently ignored. * `#version` specifies the syntax version of the disassembly. Newer RABCDAsm versions may emit disassembly output that is not backwards-compatible, but should still understand older disassemblies. The versions are: 1. The first version. 2. Introduced in v1.11 to work around error in ABC format specification. 3. Introduced in v1.12 to support multiple non-private namespaces with the same name. This is the current version. ### Variables Variables are manipulated with the `#set` and `#unset` directives, and can be instantiated in two ways: 1. `$`*name* - this inserts the contents of the variable inline. Note that although variables are defined using a string syntax, they are not inserted as a string using this syntax. Thus, the code: #set str "Hello, world!" ... pushstring $str will expand to `pushstring Hello, world!`, which will result in an error. To correct the problem, add escaped quotes around the variable contents ( `#set str "\"Hello, world!\""` ), or use the second syntax: 2. `$"`*name*`"` - this inserts a string containing the contents of the variable inline. This syntax also works for `#call` arguments (e.g. `$"1"`). ### Example Here's an example of how to use the above features to create a macro which logs a string literal and the contents of a register: #set log " findpropstrict QName(PackageNamespace(\"\"), \"log\") pushstring $\"1\" getlocal $2 callpropvoid QName(PackageNamespace(\"\"), \"log\"), 2 " ; ... pushbyte 2 pushbyte 2 add_i setlocal1 #call $"log"("two plus two equals", "1") Highlighting ------------ Included with the project is the file `asasm.hrc`, a simple syntax definition for the [Colorer take5][] syntax highlighting library. It should be straight-forward to adapt it to other syntax highlighting systems. [Colorer take5]: http://colorer.sourceforge.net/ Hacking ======= ABC is internally represented in two forms. The `ABCFile` class stores the raw data structures, as they appear in the binary file. `ASProgram` uses pointers instead of indexes, allowing easy manipulation without having to worry about record order or constant pools. Conversion between various states is done as follows: file.abc | ^ ------ ABCReader | | ABCWriter ---- / v | \ / ABCFile \ / | ^ \ rabcdasm---------- ABCtoAS | | AStoABC --------rabcasm \ v | / \ ASProgram / \ | ^ / --- Disassembler | | Assembler ---- v | file.asasm `AStoABC` will rebuild the constant pools, in a manner similar to Adobe's compilers (reverse-sorted by reference count). The exact order will almost surely be different, however. Should you need to write an utility to manipulate ABC, you can use the existing code to load the file to either an `ABCFile` or `ASProgram` instance, and perform the necessary manipulations using those classes. Tips ==== The following tips come from the author's experience and may be useful for RABCDAsm users. 1. Once you have disassembled a SWF file you intend to modify, you should immediately add the directory to a distributed source control system, such as [Git][] or [Mercurial][]. This will allow you to easily track and undo your changes, and easily merge your changes with new versions of SWF files. [Git]: http://git-scm.com/ [Mercurial]: http://mercurial.selenic.com/ 2. If you plan on making non-trivial changes to SWF files, you should install the [debug Flash Player][]. This will allow you to see validation and run-time error messages, instead of simply getting an empty window. [debug Flash Player]: http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html 3. The [Fiddler][] Web Debugging Proxy can be very useful for analyzing websites with SWF content. The following script fragment (which is to be placed in the `OnBeforeResponse` function) will automatically save all SWF files while preserving the directory structure. if (oSession.oResponse.headers.ExistsAndContains("Content-Type", "application/x-shockwave-flash")) { // Set desired path here ... ...


