
上传日期:2021-07-12 08:35:36
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  显示新闻并更新过时的github R包,
(Display news and update outdated github R packages,)

.Rbuildignore (96, 2019-10-25)
.travis.yml (356, 2019-10-25)
DESCRIPTION (918, 2019-10-25)
LICENSE.md (10456, 2019-10-25)
NAMESPACE (226, 2019-10-25)
NEWS.md (1150, 2019-10-25)
R/ (0, 2019-10-25)
R/addins.R (261, 2019-10-25)
R/check.R (2408, 2019-10-25)
R/utils.R (6659, 2019-10-25)
appveyor.yml (860, 2019-10-25)
codecov.yml (176, 2019-10-25)
docs/ (0, 2019-10-25)
docs/cran_update.png (49406, 2019-10-25)
docs/demo.gif (1558231, 2019-10-25)
docs/screenshot.png (168771, 2019-10-25)
docs/screenshot2.png (170682, 2019-10-25)
inst/ (0, 2019-10-25)
inst/rstudio/ (0, 2019-10-25)
inst/rstudio/addins.dcf (86, 2019-10-25)
inst/scripts/ (0, 2019-10-25)
inst/scripts/upnews.R (8982, 2019-10-25)
inst/test/ (0, 2019-10-25)
inst/test/bifag_news.md (378, 2019-10-25)
inst/test/outdated_pks.rds (1169, 2019-10-25)
man/ (0, 2019-10-25)
man/compare_sha1.Rd (306, 2019-10-25)
man/extract_gh_sha1.Rd (274, 2019-10-25)
man/extract_version.Rd (264, 2019-10-25)
man/fetch_news.Rd (265, 2019-10-25)
man/get_remote_sha1.Rd (286, 2019-10-25)
man/get_user_repo.Rd (270, 2019-10-25)
man/local_gh.Rd (332, 2019-10-25)
man/local_gh_pkg.Rd (277, 2019-10-25)
man/remote_version.Rd (348, 2019-10-25)
man/upnews.Rd (371, 2019-10-25)
tests/ (0, 2019-10-25)
tests/testthat.R (56, 2019-10-25)
... ...

# upnews [![Travis-CI Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ginolhac/upnews.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ginolhac/upnews) [![AppVeyor build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/ginolhac/upnews?branch=master&svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/ginolhac/upnews) [![Coverage status](https://codecov.io/gh/ginolhac/upnews/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/github/ginolhac/upnews?branch=master) **Display news and upgrade outdated GitHub R packages** ## Motivation Get a similar output as the RStudio **Update** button for CRAN packages, but for GitHub ones. ![](docs/cran_update.png) ## Installation You can install the released version of upnews from [github](https://github.com/ginolhac/upnews) ### Console version ``` r if (!requireNamespace("remotes")) install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("ginolhac/upnews") ``` ### With add-in ``` r if (!requireNamespace("remotes")) install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("ginolhac/upnews", dependencies = TRUE) ``` ## Procedure This add-in will fetch the remote `HEAD sha1` of local github packages and compare them, to the remote `HEAD` (same branch). If some packages are outdated, fetch and display a link to a NEWS file (case insensitive `NEWS.md`). If the `Ref` is a commit, all branches are tested to find out from which branch it originate from. ## Usage and ouput ### Console ``` r > upnews::upnews() fetching 23 distant sha1 |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed = 05s 4 outdated pkgs (23 gh pkgs) fetching news... no news for jeroen/credentials/master # A tibble: 4 x 7 pkgs loc_version gh_version local remote date news * 1 ginolhac/bifag master@d490355 master@362992a 2018-11-07 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ginolhac/bifag/master/NEWS.md 2 jeroen/credentials 0.1 0.1 master@c9a4197 master@e1b2d9d 2018-11-13 NA 3 r-lib/pkgbuild master@aec4654 master@6e4ebdf 2018-10-28 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/r-lib/pkgbuild/master/NEWS.md 4 tidyverse/rlang master@f6a719a master@b8566db 2018-11-14 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/r-lib/rlang/master/NEWS.md ``` ### RStudio add-in - use the **upnews** link in the _Addins_ menu. - in the console, a progress bar display the retrieval of remote `HEAD` - finally a [`DataTable`](https://rstudio.github.io/DT/) output is displayed: ![screenshot](docs/screenshot.png) - the package name has a pophover text with `user/pkg` and a link to the GitHub repo - **loc_version** is from the `DESCRIPTION` **local** file, and a pophover text displays `branch/commit` - **gh_version** is from the `DESCRIPTION` **remote** file, and a pophover text displays `branch/commit` - **date** is the last commit date when the green buttons are used, `NEWS.md` are fetched and rendered in modals: ![screenshot2](docs/screenshot2.png) - Demo GIF below: ![demo gif](docs/demo.gif) ### increase limits to the GITHUB API If you need more request to the GitHub API, you must be authenticated. Then, the limit is **5,000** requests per hour instead of **60**. To authenticate yourself, you can follow the great [happygitwithr](http://happygitwithr.com) bookdown by Jenny Bryan. The specific chapter about the `GITHUB_PAT` env variable is [here](http://happygitwithr.com/github-pat.html). Brefly: - create a token with no rights on GitHub - write this token in your `~/.Renviron` file - from a fresh R session, check you registered token with `Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT")` ### Related packages [@Pakillo](https://github.com/Pakillo) recently made me aware of this similar package [dtupdate](https://github.com/hrbrmstr/dtupdate) by Bob Rudis. It has no add-in plus a dependency to `dplyr` but must be more stable than this one. ### Acknowledgements - this [SO answer](https://stackoverflow.com/a/23970412/1395352) for fixing the issue with commit sha as reference - [regexplain](https://github.com/gadenbuie/regexplain) by @gabenbuie for inspiration in the addin design - [addinslist](https://github.com/daattali/addinslist) by @daattali for inspiration in the addin design - [remotes](https://github.com/r-lib/remotes/blob/master/tests/testthat/test-install-github.R) for appropriate testing - [@pvictor](https://github.com/pvictor/) for contributing and insightful advices - [@koncina](https://github.com/kocina/) and [@Pakillo](https://github.com/Pakillo/) for testing and suggestions - [@AntoineGuillot2](https://github.com/AntoineGuillot2/) for his nice [tutorial](https://github.com/AntoineGuillot2/ButtonsInDataTable) about buttons in DT. ### TODO - smarter search for news - tests add-in (`shinytest`) - is it useful since `remotes` v2.0.1 allows an interactive upgrade?


