
上传日期:2021-03-22 12:51:26
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  果树枝,,

.npmignore (18, 2021-03-22)
demo/ (0, 2021-03-22)
demo/routerServer.js (806, 2021-03-22)
demo/server.js (636, 2021-03-22)
demo/views/ (0, 2021-03-22)
demo/views/500.html (114, 2021-03-22)
demo/views/home.html (127, 2021-03-22)
demo/views/not-found.html (107, 2021-03-22)
demo/views/profile.html (97, 2021-03-22)
demo/views/template.html (397, 2021-03-22)
index.js (2634, 2021-03-22)
nodemon.json (23, 2021-03-22)
package.json (612, 2021-03-22)
yarn.lock (49654, 2021-03-22)

# koa-twig The usual way yo use a template engine with Koa is by using `koa-views`. I had an issue using it with Twig. I couldn't include or extend templates as described in [this issue](https://github.com/queckezz/koa-views/issues/99). So I created this little lib. ## Installation ```bash yarn add -E koa-twig # OR npm i --exact koa-twig ``` ## Config - `views` string|required : the views folder path - `extension` string : the files extension you want to use, by default, it's `twig` - `errors` object|boolean : this optinal parameter allows you to customize the error handling. By default you can create `404.twig`, `500.twig`, every `STATUS_CODE.twig`. You can disable this behaviour by passing `false` to this option. - `data` object : data you want to share accross all views - `functions` object : functions you want to use accross all views - `filters` object : filters you want to use accross all views ## Example Under the hood, this module is using the [twig](https://github.com/twigjs/twig.js) module. You can find an example inside the `demo` folder of the repo. ```js const Koa = require("koa"); const koaTwig = require("koa-twig"); const app = new Koa(); app.use( koaTwig({ views: `${__dirname}/views`, extension: "html", errors: { 404: "not-found" }, // A 404 status code will render the file named `not-found` data: { NODE_ENV: process.env.NODE_ENV }, // Data shared accross all views }) ); app.use(async (ctx) => { switch (ctx.path) { case "/": await ctx.render("home"); break; case "/profile": await ctx.render("profile", { user: { firstName: "jean", lastName: "smaug" }, }); break; } }); app.listen(8080); ``` ## Errors informations If you define a `500.twig` (or any other STATUS_CODE.twig file) you'll be able to get error informations : `name`, `message`, `stack`. ```js app.use(async (ctx) => { throw new Error("Smaug"); }); ``` ```html ... {{ error.name }} {{ error.message }} {{ error.stack }} ```


