
上传日期:2020-03-26 08:10:39
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  kotlin内置Android新闻应用程序:MVI+Dagger+NetworkBoundResource+ViewModel+Livedata。,
(Android News Application built in kotlin: MVI+Dagger+NetworkBoundResource+ViewModel+Livedata.,)

.idea/ (0, 2020-03-26)
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.idea/codeStyles/codeStyleConfig.xml (142, 2020-03-26)
.idea/gradle.xml (748, 2020-03-26)
.idea/kotlinCodeInsightSettings.xml (201, 2020-03-26)
.idea/markdown-navigator-enh.xml (4493, 2020-03-26)
.idea/markdown-navigator.xml (2998, 2020-03-26)
.idea/misc.xml (199, 2020-03-26)
.idea/vcs.xml (180, 2020-03-26)
app/ (0, 2020-03-26)
app/build.gradle (5156, 2020-03-26)
app/ (751, 2020-03-26)
app/src/ (0, 2020-03-26)
app/src/androidTest/ (0, 2020-03-26)
app/src/androidTest/java/ (0, 2020-03-26)
app/src/androidTest/java/com/ (0, 2020-03-26)
app/src/androidTest/java/com/android/ (0, 2020-03-26)
app/src/androidTest/java/com/android/myapplication/ (0, 2020-03-26)
app/src/androidTest/java/com/android/myapplication/newsfeed/ (0, 2020-03-26)
app/src/androidTest/java/com/android/myapplication/newsfeed/ExampleInstrumentedTest.kt (696, 2020-03-26)
app/src/main/ (0, 2020-03-26)
app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml (962, 2020-03-26)
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app/src/main/java/com/android/ (0, 2020-03-26)
app/src/main/java/com/android/myapplication/ (0, 2020-03-26)
app/src/main/java/com/android/myapplication/newsfeed/ (0, 2020-03-26)
app/src/main/java/com/android/myapplication/newsfeed/BaseApplication.kt (380, 2020-03-26)
app/src/main/java/com/android/myapplication/newsfeed/api/ (0, 2020-03-26)
app/src/main/java/com/android/myapplication/newsfeed/api/NewsApi.kt (1264, 2020-03-26)
app/src/main/java/com/android/myapplication/newsfeed/api/data/ (0, 2020-03-26)
app/src/main/java/com/android/myapplication/newsfeed/api/data/ArticleNetwork.kt (634, 2020-03-26)
app/src/main/java/com/android/myapplication/newsfeed/api/data/SourceNetwork.kt (504, 2020-03-26)
app/src/main/java/com/android/myapplication/newsfeed/api/responses/ (0, 2020-03-26)
app/src/main/java/com/android/myapplication/newsfeed/api/responses/HeadlinesResponse.kt (513, 2020-03-26)
app/src/main/java/com/android/myapplication/newsfeed/api/responses/SourcesResponse.kt (335, 2020-03-26)
... ...

# NewsFeed-MVI-Dagger ## Project Overview NewsFeed, provides live top and breaking headlines for a country, specific category in a country, single source, or multiple sources, by interacting to [News API]( ## Screenshots ![Headlines]( ![headline_dialog]( ![Sources]( ![source-articles]( ![favorites]( ## API Key Note **Define key in build.gradle** In your Android studio root directory, locate the `` under `.gradle` folder and add the following: Add `NEWS_APIKEY = "YOUR-API-KEY"`. ## Language [Kotlin]( ## Features - MVI with Android Architecture Components(Room, LiveData, ViewModel) - Leverage `NetworkBoundResource` - `Dagger2` for Dependency injection architectural pattern - Discover the top headlines news in a country - Look for top headlines news based on Sources and categories - Users can mark an article as favorite in the details view by tapping a heart icon - Pagination and endless scrolling using custom pagination. - Handle network status and network failures - ConstraintLayout(guidelines, barriers... etc) - ViewPager2 - Material design. - Custom Navigation Controller for Multiple navigation graph - Bottom Navigation Bar - `Kotlin Coroutines` ## Libraries - [AndroidX]( - Previously known as 'Android support Library' - [Glide]( - for loading and caching images - [Retrofit 2]( - Type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java by Square, Inc. - [Gson]( - for serialization/deserialization Java Objects into JSON and back - [Dagger 2]( - for dependency injection - [Android Architecture Components]( - [Room]( - [ViewModel]( - [LiveData]( - [Navigation]( - [Material Design]( ## External Resources - [CodingWithMitch/courses]( **NewsFeed uses the News API but is not endorsed or certified by NewsApi.**


