
上传日期:2018-08-02 15:20:47
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  亮点:在2小时内开发的学习曲线-骑马炒作-向Angular教程大喊-自学编程成就。安...,
(Highlights: Developed in 2 hours-Learning curve - Riding hype - Shoutout to Angular tutorials - Self taught Programming Achievements. Angular 2 project of Profile for an Artists Gallery that uses routerModule. Needs some more work on events ,but the project is ready to be experimented with.)

.editorconfig (297, 2018-08-02)
.travis.yml (323, 2018-08-02) (4783, 2018-08-02)
LICENSE (1078, 2018-08-02)
bs-config.e2e.json (204, 2018-08-02)
bs-config.json (104, 2018-08-02)
karma-test-shim.js (3319, 2018-08-02)
karma.conf.js (3486, 2018-08-02)
non-essential-files.osx.txt (171, 2018-08-02)
non-essential-files.txt (226, 2018-08-02)
package-lock.json (145511, 2018-08-02)
package.json (2008, 2018-08-02)
protractor.config.js (5049, 2018-08-02)
tslint.json (1896, 2018-08-02)

# Angular QuickStart Source [![Build Status][travis-badge]][travis-badge-url] **Let's [get started](** --- This repository holds the TypeScript source code of the [ quickstart](, the foundation for most of the documentation samples and potentially a good starting point for your application. It's been extended with testing support so you can start writing tests immediately. **This is not the perfect arrangement for your application. It is not designed for production. It exists primarily to get you started quickly with learning and prototyping in Angular** We are unlikely to accept suggestions about how to grow this QuickStart into something it is not. Please keep that in mind before posting issues and PRs. ## Updating to a newer version of the Quickstart Repo From time to time the QuickStart will be enhanced with support for new features or to reflect changes to the [official Style Guide]( You can update your existing project to an up-to-date QuickStart by following these instructions: - Create a new project using the [instructions below](#create-a-new-project-based-on-the-quickstart) - Copy the code you have in your project's `main.ts` file onto `src/app/main.ts` in the new project - Copy your old `app` folder into `src/app` - Delete `src/app/main.ts` if you have one (we now use `src/main.ts` instead) - Copy your old `index.html`, `styles.css` and `tsconfig.json` into `src/` - Install all your third party dependencies - Copy your old `e2e/` folder into `e2e/` - Copy over any other files you added to your project - Copy your old `.git` folder into your new project's root Now you can continue working on the new project. ## Prerequisites Node.js and npm are essential to Angular development. Get it now if it's not already installed on your machine. **Verify that you are running at least node `v4.x.x` and npm `3.x.x`** by running `node -v` and `npm -v` in a terminal/console window. Older versions produce errors. We recommend [nvm]( for managing multiple versions of node and npm. ## Create a new project based on the QuickStart Clone this repo into new project folder (e.g., `my-proj`). ```shell git clone my-proj cd my-proj ``` We have no intention of updating the source on `angular/quickstart`. Discard the `.git` folder.. ```shell rm -rf .git # OS/X (bash) rd .git /S/Q # windows ``` ### Delete _non-essential_ files (optional) You can quickly delete the _non-essential_ files that concern testing and QuickStart repository maintenance (***including all git-related artifacts*** such as the `.git` folder and `.gitignore`!) by entering the following commands while in the project folder: ##### OS/X (bash) ```shell xargs rm -rf < non-essential-files.osx.txt rm src/app/*.spec*.ts rm non-essential-files.osx.txt ``` ##### Windows ```shell for /f %i in (non-essential-files.txt) do del %i /F /S /Q rd .git /s /q rd e2e /s /q ``` ### Create a new git repo You could [start writing code](#start-development) now and throw it all away when you're done. If you'd rather preserve your work under source control, consider taking the following steps. Initialize this project as a *local git repo* and make the first commit: ```shell git init git add . git commit -m "Initial commit" ``` >Recover the deleted `.gitignore` from the QuickStart repository if you lost it in the _Delete non-essential files_ step. Create a *remote repository* for this project on the service of your choice. Grab its address (e.g. *``*) and push the *local repo* to the *remote*. ```shell git remote add origin git push -u origin master ``` ## Install npm packages > See npm and nvm version notes above Install the npm packages described in the `package.json` and verify that it works: ```shell npm install npm start ``` >Doesn't work in _Bash for Windows_ which does not support servers as of January, 2017. The `npm start` command first compiles the application, then simultaneously re-compiles and runs the `lite-server`. Both the compiler and the server watch for file changes. Shut it down manually with `Ctrl-C`. You're ready to write your application. ### npm scripts We've captured many of the most useful commands in npm scripts defined in the `package.json`: * `npm start` - runs the compiler and a server at the same time, both in "watch mode". * `npm run build` - runs the TypeScript compiler once. * `npm run build:w` - runs the TypeScript compiler in watch mode; the process keeps running, awaiting changes to TypeScript files and re-compiling when it sees them. * `npm run serve` - runs the [lite-server](, a light-weight, static file server, written and maintained by [John Papa]( and [Christopher Martin]( with excellent support for Angular apps that use routing. Here are the test related scripts: * `npm test` - compiles, runs and watches the karma unit tests * `npm run e2e` - compiles and run protractor e2e tests, written in Typescript (*e2e-spec.ts) ## Testing The QuickStart documentation doesn't discuss testing. This repo adds both karma/jasmine unit test and protractor end-to-end testing support. These tools are configured for specific conventions described below. *It is unwise and rarely possible to run the application, the unit tests, and the e2e tests at the same time. We recommend that you shut down one before starting another.* ### Unit Tests TypeScript unit-tests are usually in the `src/app` folder. Their filenames must end in `.spec.ts`. Look for the example `src/app/app.component.spec.ts`. Add more `.spec.ts` files as you wish; we configured karma to find them. Run it with `npm test` That command first compiles the application, then simultaneously re-compiles and runs the karma test-runner. Both the compiler and the karma watch for (different) file changes. Shut it down manually with `Ctrl-C`. Test-runner output appears in the terminal window. We can update our app and our tests in real-time, keeping a weather eye on the console for broken tests. Karma is occasionally confused and it is often necessary to shut down its browser or even shut the command down (`Ctrl-C`) and restart it. No worries; it's pretty quick. ### End-to-end (E2E) Tests E2E tests are in the `e2e` directory, side by side with the `src` folder. Their filenames must end in `.e2e-spec.ts`. Look for the example `e2e/app.e2e-spec.ts`. Add more `.e2e-spec.js` files as you wish (although one usually suffices for small projects); we configured Protractor to find them. Thereafter, run them with `npm run e2e`. That command first compiles, then simultaneously starts the `lite-server` at `localhost:8080` and launches Protractor. The pass/fail test results appear at the bottom of the terminal window. A custom reporter (see `protractor.config.js`) generates a `./_test-output/protractor-results.txt` file which is easier to read; this file is excluded from source control. Shut it down manually with `Ctrl-C`. [travis-badge]: [travis-badge-url]:


