
上传日期:2022-10-13 23:08:24
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  去中心化的社交媒体。使用Next.js.Web3与Moralis、Metamask和Ethers.js集成构建。还使用Lens Protofcol来获取...,
(Decentralized Social Media. Built using Next.js. Web3 integration with Moralis, Metamask and Ethers.js. Also uses Lens Protofcol to get the profile data.)

abi.json (43181, 2022-10-13)
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pages/api/lensCalls.js (1643, 2022-10-13)
pages/index.js (3401, 2022-10-13)
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yarn.lock (187325, 2022-10-13)

# DecentraGram > Decentralized Social Media. Built using Next.js. Web3 integration with Moralis, Metamask and Ethers.js. Also uses Lens Protofcol to get the profile data. ## Built With - Next.js - Moralis - Lens Protocol ## Live Demo [Check out here]( This is a [Next.js]( project bootstrapped with [`create-next-app`]( ## Getting Started First, run the development server: ```bash npm run dev # or yarn dev ``` Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the result. You can start editing the page by modifying `pages/index.js`. The page auto-updates as you edit the file. [API routes]( can be accessed on [http://localhost:3000/api/hello](http://localhost:3000/api/hello). This endpoint can be edited in `pages/api/hello.js`. The `pages/api` directory is mapped to `/api/*`. Files in this directory are treated as [API routes]( instead of React pages. ## Learn More To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources: - [Next.js Documentation]( - learn about Next.js features and API. - [Learn Next.js]( - an interactive Next.js tutorial. You can check out [the Next.js GitHub repository]( - your feedback and contributions are welcome! ## Deploy on Vercel The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the [Vercel Platform]( from the creators of Next.js. Check out our [Next.js deployment documentation]( for more details. ## Authors **Author1** - GitHub: [@didierganthier]( - Twitter: [@didierganthier_]( - LinkedIn: [didierganthier]( ## Contributing Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the [issues page](../../issues/). ## Show your support Give a if you like this project! ## Acknowledgments - Hat tip to anyone whose code was used - Inspiration - etc ## License This project is [MIT](./LICENSE) licensed.


