
上传日期:2023-07-20 12:52:42
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Racket到JavaScript编译器,
(Racket to JavaScript Compiler,)

.eslintrc (1666, 2023-09-02)
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md (3216, 2023-09-02)
CONTRIBUTING.md (7724, 2023-09-02)
COPYING.md (1057, 2023-09-02)
Makefile (2188, 2023-09-02)
codecov.yml (61, 2023-09-02)
logo.svg (4749, 2023-09-02)
package-lock.json (100323, 2023-09-02)
package.json (137, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/ (0, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/bin/ (0, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/bin/racks (92, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/info.rkt (892, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/ (0, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/base.rkt (87, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/base/ (0, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/base/lang/ (0, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/base/lang/reader.rkt (133, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/base/main.rkt (214, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/boot.rkt (1242, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/boot/ (0, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/boot/lang/ (0, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/boot/lang/private/ (0, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/boot/lang/private/interop.rkt (2929, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/boot/lang/reader.rkt (794, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/browser.rkt (208, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/compiler/ (0, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/compiler/absyn.rkt (4889, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/compiler/assembler.rkt (17231, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/compiler/case-lambda.rkt (7522, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/compiler/config.rkt (4160, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/compiler/directive.rkt (640, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/compiler/environment.rkt (410, 2023-09-02)
racketscript-compiler/racketscript/compiler/expand.rkt (39775, 2023-09-02)
... ...

# RacketScript [![MIT licensed](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)](COPYING.md) [![Tests](https://github.com/racketscript/racketscript/actions/workflows/racket.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/racketscript/racketscript/actions/workflows/racket.yml) [![ESLint](https://github.com/racketscript/racketscript/actions/workflows/node.js.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/racketscript/racketscript/actions/workflows/node.js.yml) [![Coverage Status](https://codecov.io/gh/racketscript/racketscript/coverage.svg?branch=master)](https://codecov.io/gh/racketscript/racketscript?branch=master) [![Try Online](https://img.shields.io/badge/try_it-online!-ff9900.svg)](http://play.racketscript.org) [![Racket](https://img.shields.io/badge/-Racket-darkred?logo=racket)](https://racket-lang.org) [![Discourse users](https://img.shields.io/discourse/users?label=Discuss%20on%20Racket%20Discourse&logo=racket&server=https%3A%2F%2Fracket.discourse.group)](https://racket.discourse.group/) [![Racket Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/571040468092321801?label=Chat%20on%20Racket%20Discord&logo=racket)](https://discord.gg/6Zq8sH5) RacketScript is an **experimental** lightweight Racket to JavaScript (ECMAScript 6) compiler. RacketScript aims to leverage both JavaScript and Racket's ecosystem, and make interoperability between them clean and smooth. RacketScript takes in Racket source files, uses Racket's macro expander to produce [Fully Expanded Programs](https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/syntax-model.html#%28part._fully-expanded%29), and then compile these fully expanded programs to JavaScript. RacketScript currently supports only a subset of Racket. ## Try RacketScript You can try RacketScript in your browser at [RacketScript Playground](http://play.racketscript.org). You may alo be interested in [Rackt](https://rackt-org.github.io) - An ultrasmall (~70 loc) React wrapper written in RacketScript. ## Disclaimer RacketScript is **work-in-progress** and is not mature and stable. Several Racket features and libraries are not yet implemented (eg. number pyramid, contracts, proper tail calls, continuations). There are also quite a few missing primitive functions. That said, we encourage experimentation, user feedback, discussions, bug reports and pull requests. ## Installation Following system packages are required: - [Racket](http://www.racket-lang.org/) 6.12 or higher - [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/) (14.0 or higher) and NPM - Make ### Quick Install RacketScript can be installed using the Racket package manager `raco`: ```sh raco pkg install racketscript ``` See [Basic Usage](#basic-usage) to get started. ### Install from Github ```sh # Clone RacketScript git clone git@github.com:racketscript/racketscript.git` cd racketscript # Build and install make setup ``` If you do not wish to pollute your root NPM directory, you can set a custom global location by changing your `npmrc` (eg. `echo "prefix = $HOME/.npm-packages" >> ~/.npmrc`. Then add `/prefix/path/above/bin` to your `PATH`. ## Basic Usage RacketScript compiler is named `racks`. ```sh racks -h # show help ``` To compile a Racket source file: ```sh # Installs all NPM dependencies and compile file.rkt racks /path/to/file.rkt ``` The above command will create a output build directory named `js-build`, copy RacketScript runtime, copy other support files, install NPM dependencies, compile `file.rkt` and its dependencies. The compiled JavaScript modules typically goto one of following three folders: - "modules": The normal Racket files. - "collects": Racket collects source files. - "links": Other third party packages. - "dist": Contains sources compiled to ES6 or bundled JavaScript ready for distribution. Here are few other examples that would come in handy: ```sh # To skip `npm install` step. Useful when building # for second time. racks -n /path/to/module-name.rkt # Run the assembled JavaScript module. node js-build/modules/module-name.rkt.js # Use `-b` to format the assembled JavaScript code use `-b`. Assumes # `js-beautify` is available in `$PATH`. racks -b /path/to/module-name.rkt # Override default output directory racks -d /path/to/output/dir /path/to/module-name.rkt # Print JavaScript output to stdout racks --js --js-beautify /path/to/module-name.rkt ``` By default tail call optimization is turned off. To enable translation of self recursive tail calls to loop, pass `--enable-self-tail` flag. ```sh racks --enable-self-tail /path/to/source.rkt ``` ### Browser Most browsers can load RacketScript modules directly without any external dependencies ``. ### Module Bundler (Webpack) For deployment, you may want to bundle all generated modules into single JavaScript file. RacketScript can generate some boiler-plate for using Webpack/Babel, however we recommend you to use your own configuration. ```sh # Use `--target` or `-t` flag. racks --target webpack /path/to/source.rkt # Call webpack to bundle in `js-build` directory. Will produce # single JavaScript bundle in `js-build/dist` directory. npx webpack ``` ## Contributing to RacketScript Please read [Contribution Guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Troubleshooting Please read the [Troubleshooting Wiki](https://github.com/racketscript/racketscript/wiki/Troubleshooting). ## Related Work - [Whalesong](https://github.com/soegaard/whalesong) - [Urlang](https://github.com/soegaard/urlang)


