
上传日期:2016-07-31 18:30:09
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  安特卫普大学LaTeX光束器主题,
(A LaTeX beamer theme for the University of Antwerp,)

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doc/manual/Makefile (777, 2016-07-31)
doc/manual/beamerstyleUaDocumentation.tex (1026, 2016-07-31)
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doc/manual/figures/light-page1.png (9947, 2016-07-31)
doc/manual/figures/light-page2.pdf (20462, 2016-07-31)
doc/manual/fonts.tex (3753, 2016-07-31)
doc/manual/header.tex (4389, 2016-07-31)
doc/manual/installation.tex (3159, 2016-07-31)
doc/manual/options.tex (1591, 2016-07-31)
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source/latex/ (0, 2016-07-31)
source/latex/Makefile (911, 2016-07-31)
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source/latex/bibtex/beamerstyleUa.bib (1663, 2016-07-31)
source/latex/ltxdoc.cfg (38, 2016-07-31)
source/latex/ua-beamer.dtx (40613, 2016-07-31)
source/latex/ua-beamer.ins (2415, 2016-07-31)
theme/ (0, 2016-07-31)
theme/beamercolorthemeUniversiteitAntwerpen.sty (2685, 2016-07-31)
theme/beamerfontthemeUniversiteitAntwerpen.sty (478, 2016-07-31)
theme/beamerinnerthemeUniversiteitAntwerpen.sty (1394, 2016-07-31)
... ...

# UA beamer theme [![Build Status](]( This is a LaTeX beamer theme for the University of Antwerp. It is designed to match the official UA templates for Microsoft PowerPoint. ![dark title](/doc/manual/figures/dark-page1.png?raw=true "Optional Title") ### Installation Retrieve ua-beamer via [GitHub]( and place it in a directory where LaTeX can find it. For user installations on Unix, this is typically `~/texmf`. Running `texhash` may be required. You can check the integrity of your installation with ``` $ kpsewhich beamerfontthemeUniversiteitAntwerpen.sty /home/username/texmf/tex/latex/ua-beamer/theme/beamerfontthemeUniversiteitAntwerpen.sty ``` ### Usage Using the theme is as simple as invoking beamer's `\usetheme`: ```latex \documentclass[compress]{beamer} \usetheme[light,darktitle,framenumber,totalframenumber]{UniversiteitAntwerpen} \usepackage{lipsum} \title{Some slides with a UA beamer theme} \subtitle{This is a dummy subtitle} \author{Nico~Schl\"omer} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{frame} \frametitle{A first test frame} Some dummy text. \end{frame} \end{document} ``` See [here](/doc/example/uaBeamerExample.tex) for a more verbose example. Note that the official font of Universiteit Antwerpen is [Underware's Auto 1]( If you have access to it, you can include it by adding ``` % Fonts. Use Auto 1, the official UA font. \usepackage{fontspec,microtype} \usepackage{unicode-math} \defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures=TeX, Scale=MatchLowercase, Numbers=Lining} \setmainfont{auto1} \setsansfont{auto1} \setmathfont{XITS Math} % for math symbols, can be any other OpenType math font \setmathfont[range=\mathup] {auto1} \setmathfont[range=\mathbfup]{auto1 Bold} \setmathfont[range=\mathbfit]{auto1 Bold Italic} \setmathfont[range=\mathit] {auto1 Italic} ``` to the document preamble. All options are documented as part of the manual. To compile, ``` cd doc/manual && make ``` ### License This software is published under the [MIT license](


