
上传日期:2023-06-26 22:32:16
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  以情节提要和原型单元格为中心的基于块的UITableView控制器,用于管理复杂布局。,
(Storyboard and Prototype Cells-centric block-based UITableView controller to manage complex layouts.,)

.travis.yml (397, 2017-11-07)
AMBTableViewController.podspec (1526, 2017-11-07)
Demo/ (0, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Podfile (184, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Podfile.lock (318, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/ (0, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Local Podspecs/ (0, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Local Podspecs/AMBTableViewController.podspec.json (1278, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Manifest.lock (318, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj/ (0, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj (25807, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Target Support Files/ (0, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Target Support Files/AMBTableViewController/ (0, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Target Support Files/AMBTableViewController/AMBTableViewController-dummy.m (148, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Target Support Files/AMBTableViewController/AMBTableViewController-prefix.pch (195, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Target Support Files/AMBTableViewController/AMBTableViewController-umbrella.h (371, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Target Support Files/AMBTableViewController/AMBTableViewController.modulemap (134, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Target Support Files/AMBTableViewController/AMBTableViewController.xcconfig (495, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Target Support Files/AMBTableViewController/Info.plist (828, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-TableDemo/ (0, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-TableDemo/Info.plist (828, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-TableDemo/Pods-TableDemo-acknowledgements.markdown (11517, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-TableDemo/Pods-TableDemo-acknowledgements.plist (12414, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-TableDemo/Pods-TableDemo-dummy.m (132, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-TableDemo/ (4718, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-TableDemo/ (5528, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-TableDemo/Pods-TableDemo-umbrella.h (320, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-TableDemo/Pods-TableDemo.debug.xcconfig (624, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-TableDemo/Pods-TableDemo.modulemap (118, 2017-11-07)
Demo/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-TableDemo/Pods-TableDemo.release.xcconfig (624, 2017-11-07)
Demo/TableDemo.xcodeproj/ (0, 2017-11-07)
Demo/TableDemo.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj (19366, 2017-11-07)
Demo/TableDemo.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/ (0, 2017-11-07)
Demo/TableDemo.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata (154, 2017-11-07)
Demo/TableDemo.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/ (0, 2017-11-07)
Demo/TableDemo.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/ (0, 2017-11-07)
Demo/TableDemo.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/TableDemo.xcscheme (3803, 2017-11-07)
Demo/TableDemo.xcworkspace/ (0, 2017-11-07)
Demo/TableDemo.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata (227, 2017-11-07)
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AMBTableViewController ====================== Storyboard and Prototype Cells-centric block-based UITableView controller to manage complex layouts. [![Platform: iOS](]( [![Version: 1.2.1](]( [![License: Apache 2.0](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![Build Status](]( _Developed as part of [Pecolly iOS]( ## Demo A demo project is [included](Demo) in the repository. ## Features - Use Storyboards' Prototype Cells to design your cells. - Separate table code with [`AMBTableViewSection`](Source/AMBTableViewController.h#L149)'s. - Use blocks instead of delegate calls and avoid having section code separated through multiple methods. - Individual hide/shown, add/remove sections and rows. - Support for dynamic height cells. - Support for special "No Content Cell"'s for empty sections. ![Screenshot 1]( ![Screenshot 2]( ## Installation Add the following to your [CocoaPods](' [Podfile]( ```ruby platform :ios, '8.0' use_frameworks! pod 'AMBTableViewController' ``` ## Documentation ## Sample Code Part of the included [demo project](Demo/TableDemo/PEPhotosDetailViewController.m#L24). ### Creating and configuring sections A section with a single "static" cell of custom height: ```obj-c footerSection = [AMBTableViewSection sectionWithObjects:@[[AMBCellIdentifier identifierFromString:@"footer"]] sectionUpdateBlock:NULL cellHeightBlock:^CGFloat(id object, NSIndexPath * indexPath) { return 120.0; } cellIdentifierBlock:NULL cellConfigurationBlock:NULL]; ``` A section with a single "static" cell hidden when post is `nil`: ```obj-c writeSection = [AMBTableViewSection sectionWithObjects:@[[AMBCellIdentifier identifierFromString:@"write_comment"]] sectionUpdateBlock:^(AMBTableViewSection * section) { section.hidden = ( == nil); } cellHeightBlock:NULL cellIdentifierBlock:NULL cellConfigurationBlock:NULL]; ``` A section with a single row of one of two kinds: ```obj-c authorSection = [AMBTableViewSection sectionWithObjects:@[@"author_cell"] sectionUpdateBlock:^(AMBTableViewSection * section) { [section reloadObjectAtIndex:0]; } cellHeightBlock:NULL cellIdentifierBlock:^NSString *(id object, NSIndexPath *indexPath) { BOOL ownPost = [ isEqualToString:@"Me"]; return ownPost ? @"author_self" : @"author_other"; } cellConfigurationBlock:^(id object, UITableViewCell * cell, NSIndexPath * indexPath) { PEPhotosDetailAuthorCell * authorCell = (PEPhotosDetailAuthorCell *)cell; authorCell.authorLabel.text =; }], ``` A section with hideable cells: ```obj-c NSArray * sectionObjects = @[[AMBCellIdentifier identifierFromString:@"title"], // 0 [AMBCellIdentifier identifierFromString:@"image"], // 1 [AMBCellIdentifier identifierFromString:@"tags"], // 2 [AMBCellIdentifier identifierFromString:@"recipe"]]; // 3 topSection = [AMBTableViewSection sectionWithObjects:sectionObjects sectionUpdateBlock:^(AMBTableViewSection *section) { [section reloadObjectAtIndex:0]; } cellHeightBlock:^CGFloat(id object, NSIndexPath * indexPath) { switch ([sectionObjects indexOfObject:object]) // Shouldn't use indexPath.row because we hide/show rows { case 0: return 40.0; case 1: return 160.0; case 3: return 170.0; default: return -1.0; // Table view's default height } } cellIdentifierBlock:NULL cellConfigurationBlock:^(id object, UITableViewCell * cell, NSIndexPath * indexPath) { switch ([sectionObjects indexOfObject:object]) // Shouldn't use indexPath.row because we hide/show rows { case 0: { PEPhotosDetailTitleCell * titleCell = (PEPhotosDetailTitleCell *)cell; titleCell.titleLabel.text =; break; } case 1: { //PEPhotosDetailImageCell * imageCell = (PEPhotosDetailImageCell *)cell; break; } } }]; // Initial state [topSection setObjectsAtIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(2, 2)] hidden:YES]; ``` A section with a dynamic number of cells of dynamic height and a special "no content cell": ```obj-c commentsSection = [AMBTableViewSection sectionWithObjects:@[[AMBCellIdentifier identifierFromString:@"loading_comments"]] sectionUpdateBlock:NULL cellHeightBlock:^CGFloat(id object, NSIndexPath * indexPath) { if ([object isKindOfClass:[AMBCellIdentifier class]]) { return -1.0; // Loading comments (default height) } if (!object) { return 88.0; // No content cell } // Dynamic height comments return [weakSelf heightForResizableCellWithIdentifier:@"comment" text:object limitedToNumberOfLines:0]; } cellIdentifierBlock:^NSString *(id object, NSIndexPath * indexPath) { return (object ? @"comment" : // A comment @"no_comments"); // No content cell } cellConfigurationBlock:^(id object, UITableViewCell * cell, NSIndexPath * indexPath) { if ([cell isKindOfClass:[PEPhotosDetailCommentCell class]] && [object isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { ((PEPhotosDetailCommentCell *)cell).bodyLabel.text = (NSString *)object; } }]; // Enable "no content cell" commentsSection.presentsNoContentCell = YES; ``` ### Configuring the initial table configuration ```obj-c tableViewController.sections = @[topSection, authorSection, writeSection, commentsSection, footerSection]; ``` ### Updating the table Updating all sections: ```obj-c - (void)setPost:(PEPost *)post { _post = post; [self updateAllSections]; } ``` Toggling rows: ```obj-c - (IBAction)toggleDetails:(id)sender { // Hide if all hiddeable rows are hidden, show all otherwise [topSection setObjectsAtIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(1, 3)] hidden:(![topSection isObjectAtIndexHidden:1] && ![topSection isObjectAtIndexHidden:2] && ![topSection isObjectAtIndexHidden:3])]; } ``` ## License Copyright (c) 2014-2017 CyberAgent Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


