
上传日期:2019-09-15 13:31:17
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Relic Toolkit顶部的低级包装器,
(Low-level wrapper on top of the Relic Toolkit,)

.travis.yml (1732, 2019-09-15)
LICENSE (1071, 2019-09-15)
Makefile (1056, 2019-09-15)
Manifest.toml (419, 2019-09-15)
Project.toml (404, 2019-09-15)
deps/ (0, 2019-09-15)
deps/build.jl (2750, 2019-09-15)
src/ (0, 2019-09-15)
src/HighLevel.jl (9115, 2019-09-15)
src/LowLevel.jl (11287, 2019-09-15)
src/Model.jl (4191, 2019-09-15)
src/RelicToolkit.jl (1323, 2019-09-15)
test/ (0, 2019-09-15)
test/PerfTests.jl (3783, 2019-09-15)
test/SysTests.jl (657, 2019-09-15)
test/UnitTests.jl (6200, 2019-09-15)
test/params.json (347, 2019-09-15)
test/runtests.jl (206, 2019-09-15)

[![Build Status](]( [![codecov](]( # Introduction Julia Wrapper for the [Relic Toolkit]( The goal is to facilitate a user-friendly, secure, and performant PBC lib for Julia. # Key Features - [x] Supports multiple Curves (BLS381 and BN254) - [x] Single-line (`using ...`) changes curve - [x] Supports both 32 and 64 bit machines - [x] Supports common operative systems (Linux, Mac, Windows) - [x] State-of-the art performance - [ ] Production Ready (timing, side-channel resistance) # Quick Start So lets implement the simplest possible BLS signature scheme in 10 lines of code! The symbols (e.g. `pk`, `H(m)`) below were chosen to be consistent with this [excellent blog]( ```julia using Pkg Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url="")) ``` Import the Curve functions you want to use (`BLS381` and `BN254` are currently supported): ```julia using RelicToolkit.BLS381 ``` Lets start by defining the following functions to remain consistent with [Stepan's blog]( ```julia # a.k.a. hash to curve function H(m) = curve_map(EP2, Vector{UInt8}(m)) # a.k.a. pairing function e(P::EP, Q::EP2) = field_final_exp(curve_miller(P, Q)) ``` Create a random private key: ```julia pk = mod(rand(BN), curve_order(EP)) ``` Generate a public key from the private key: ```julia G = curve_gen(EP) P = pk * G ``` Generate a public key from the private key: ```julia P = pk * curve_gen(EP) ``` Sign a hashed message: ``` S = pk * H("foo") ``` Validate the signature: ``` @assert e(P, H("foo")) == e(G, S) ``` # Performance You can run the performance tests with: ```julia make CURVE=BLS381 bench ``` Performance is state of the art (on par with C). You should get something like this on a 4-5 year old 2.2GHz Core i7: ``` ... [PP][field_final_exp]: 947.266 μs (alloc: 1, mem: 624 bytes, gc: 0.000 ns) [PP][curve_miller]: 1.734 ms (alloc: 1, mem: 624 bytes, gc: 0.000 ns) ... ``` Since the pairing function is defined as `field_final_exp(curve_miller(P, Q))` you can estimate its performance by adding these times together. # Configurations Cofiguration is done through environment variables. The number of configuration possibilities should be limited for simplicity. Key | Default | Description --- | --- | --- RELIC_TOOLKIT_CURVE | (all curves are loaded) | Used for limiting, which curve is loaded (saves memory) at startup. Possible values are: `BN254` and `BLS381`. # Contibutions Contributions are welcome! If you are unsure where to chip in, please see the roadmap below. ## Testing Currect code coverage is 100% and the author would like to keep it that way. Test | Purpose --- | --- `UnitTests` | Make sure the `ccall` are working and do not crash Julia. `SysTests` | Protect complete features from breaking `PerfTests` | Fair benchmarks for performance awareness ## Fixes and minor features Just create a PR (as usual in GitHub) and make sure that the code coverage stays at 100%. ## High-level API changes and new Features 1. Please start by creating an issue and explain your use-case and goal. 2. Create a PR (as usual in GitHub) with the implementation and add a new `SysTest` to protect your use-case. # Roadmap ## 0.1.0: Provide smooth API for implementing BLS Signatures - [x] PoC finished (missing Windows) - [x] Add `.travis.yml` and improve `` so that the community can help - [x] Add conversion from Integer - [x] Add syntactic sugar by overloading applicable operators (e.g. +, -, *, //, ^) - [x] Use BN(undef) and FP(undef) where safe to save some clock cycles - [x] Remove function name prefix from lib - it just make it harder to switch - [x] Make it possible to instantiate both libs in one session - [x] Implement zero and one functions - [x] Unit tests for EPX - [x] BLS Schema System Test and example in - [x] `` chapter about performance - [x] `` chapter about configuration - [x] `` chapter to contributors - [x] Tested on Windows - [x] Tested 32-bit Linux ## 0.2.0: Facilitate timing and side-channel resistance - [ ] Fix `TODO`s in code - [ ] Add `gmp-sec` libs for timing resistance. - [ ] Use timing resistent `FP`, `EP`, and `PP` configs and functions. - [ ] Add tests that measure time, CPU, Memory usage consistency over time. ## 0.x.0: PBC feature complete - [ ] Julia 1.3.x and multi-thread support - [ ] Implement all logical operators for BN, FP, and FPX - [ ] Support all ARCH/OS combos that Julia and the Relic Toolkit has in common - [ ] Support (signed) integers where BN is supported with FP and EP - [ ] BN should extend Signed and should be automatically convertible/promotable to BigInt ## 1.0.0: Production Ready - [ ] Academic/security audits (help needed)


