
上传日期:2023-07-31 22:04:10
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Raku编程语言的包管理器,
(A Package Manager for the Raku Programming Language,)

LICENSE (8902, 2023-11-21)
META6.json (2394, 2023-11-21)
bin/ (0, 2023-11-21)
bin/pakku (141, 2023-11-21)
lib/ (0, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku.rakumod (1233, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/ (0, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Archive.rakumod (4390, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Cache.rakumod (2025, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Command/ (0, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Command/Add.rakumod (12811, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Command/Build.rakumod (2545, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Command/Config.rakumod (10894, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Command/Download.rakumod (888, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Command/Help.rakumod (12200, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Command/List.rakumod (1018, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Command/Nuke.rakumod (3072, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Command/Remove.rakumod (1214, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Command/Search.rakumod (791, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Command/State.rakumod (2193, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Command/Test.rakumod (2703, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Command/Update.rakumod (5958, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Core.rakumod (21948, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Grammar/ (0, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Grammar/Cmd.rakumod (38729, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/HTTP.rakumod (30995, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Log.rakumod (13031, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Meta.rakumod (7788, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Native.rakumod (1108, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Recman.rakumod (889, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Recman/ (0, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Recman/HTTP.rakumod (3071, 2023-11-21)
lib/Pakku/Recman/Local.rakumod (3224, 2023-11-21)
... ...

[![Linux](]( [![macOS](]( [![Windows](]( [![SparrowCI](]( Pakku ===== Package Manager for the Raku Programming Language. Installation ============
# Install
git clone
cd Pakku
raku -I. bin/pakku add .

# Install using Zef
zef install Pakku
Usage ===== Pakku manages Raku distributions with commands like `add`, `remove`, `update` etc. Full command consists of: `pakku [general-options] [command-options] ` There are two types of options: **General options:** These are the options that control the general behavior of Pakku, eg. specify the configuration file, run asynchronously or disable colors. The general options are valid for all commands, and must be placed before the command. **Command options:** These are the options that control the specified command, for example when installing a distributions one can add `notest` option to disable testing. these options must be placed after the command. ## Pakku Commands ### add Install distributions **options:**
deps                → all dependencies
deps    < build >   → build dependencies only
deps    < test >    → test dependencies only
deps    < runtime > → runtime dependencies only
deps    < only >    → install dependencies but not the dist
exclude < Spec >    → exclude Spec
test                → test distribution
xtest               → xTest distribution
build               → build distribution
serial              → add distributions in serial order
contained           → add distributions and all transitive deps (regardless if they are installed)
precomp             → precompile distribution 
to < repo >         → add distribution to repo < home site vendor core /path/to/MyApp >
nodeps              → no dependencies
nobuild             → bypass build
notest              → bypass test
noxtest             → bypass xtest
noserial            → no serial
noprecomp           → no precompile
pakku add dist                           # add dist
pakku add notest  dist                   # add dist without testing
pakku add nodeps  dist                   # add dist but dont add dependencies
pakku add serial  dist                   # add dists in serial order
pakku add deps only dist                 # add dist dependencies but dont add dist
pakku add exclude Dep1 dist              # add dist and exclude Dep1 from dependenncies
pakku add noprecomp notest  dist         # add dist without testing and no precompilation
pakku add contained to   /opt/MyApp dist # add dist and all transitive deps to custom repo
pakku add to   vendor     dist1 dist2    # add dist1 and dist2 to vendor repo even if they are installed
### remove Remove distributions **options:**
from < repo > → remove distribution from provided repo only
pakku remove dist            # remove dist from all repos
pakku remove from site dist  # remove dist from site repo only
### list List installed distributions **options:**
details               → details
repo < name-or-path > → list specific repo
pakku list                         # list all installed dists
pakku list dist                    # list installed dist
pakku list details dist            # list installed dist details
pakku list repo home               # list all dists installed to home repo
pakku list repo /opt/MyApp dist    # list installed dist in custom repo
### search Search available distributions **options:**
latest           → latest version
relaxed          → relaxed search
details          → details of dist
count < number > → number of dists to be returned
norelaxed        → no relaxed search
pakku search dist               # search distributions matching dist (ignored case) on online recman
pakku search latest dist        # show latest version
pakku search norelaxed dist     # no relaxed search
pakku search count 4 dist       # search dist and return the lates 4 versions only
pakku search details dist       # search dist and list all details
### build Build distributions Examples:
pakku build dist
pakku build .
### test Test distributions **options:**
xtest   → XTest distribution
build   → Build distribution
noxtest → Bypass xtest
nobuild → Bypass build
pakku test dist
pakku test ./dist
pakku test xtest ./dist
pakku test nobuild ./dist
### update Update distributions to latest version **options:**
clean        → clean not needed dists after update 
deps         → update dependencies
nodeps       → no dependencies
exclude Dep1 → exclude Dep1
deps only    → dependencies only
build        → build distribution
nobuild      → bypass build
test         → test distribution
notest       → bypass test
xtest        → xTest distribution
noxtest      → bypass xtest
precomp      → precompile distribution 
noprecomp    → no precompile
noclean      → dont clean unneeded dists 
in < repo >  → update distribution and install in repo < home site vendor core /path/to/MyApp >
pakku update       # update all installed distribution
pakku update dist
pakku update nodeps dist
pakku update notest dist1 dist2
### state Check the state of installed distributions **options:**
updates   → check updates for dists
clean     → clean older versions of dists
noupdates → dont check updates for dists
noclean   → dont clean older versions
pakku state
pakku state dist
pakku state clean  dist
pakku state noupdates  dist
### download Download distribution source Examples:
pakku download dist     # download dist and extract to temp directory
### nuke Nuke directories Examples:
pakku nuke cache    # nuke cache 
pakku nuke pakku    # nuke pakku home directory
pakku nuke home     # nuke home repo
pakku nuke site     # nuke site repo
pakku nuke vendor   # nuke vendor repo
### config Each Pakku command like `add`, `remove`, `search` etc. corresponds to a config module with the same name in the config file. one can use config command to `enable`, `disable`, `set`, `unset` an option in the config file. **options:**
enable        → enable option
disable       → disable option
set < value > → set option to value 
unset         → unset option
pakku config                             # view all config modules
pakku config new                         # create a new config file
pakku config add                         # view add config module
pakku config add precompile              # view precompile option in add config module
pakku config add enable xtest            # enable option xtest in add module 
pakku config add set to home             # set option to to home (change default repo to home) in add module 
pakku config pakku enable async          # enable  option async in pakku module (general options) 
pakku config pakku unset verbose         # unset option verbose in pakku module 
pakku config recman MyRec disable        # disable recman named MyRec in recman module
pakku config recman MyRec set priority 1 # set recman MyRec's priority to 1 in recman module
pakku config add reset                   # reset add config module to default
pakku config reset                       # reset all config modules to default
### help Get help on a specific command Examples:
pakku help add
pakku help list
pakku help remove
pakku add
pakku help
pakku help help
## Pakku General Options Options:
pretty              → use colors
force               → use force
async               → run asynchronously (disabled by default because some dists tests are not async safe) 
dont                → do everything but dont do it (dry run)
bar                 → use progress bar
spinner             → use spinner
verbose  < level >  → verbosity < nothing error warn info now debug all >
cores    < number > → number of cores used when run in async mode
config   < path >   → specify config file
recman              → enable all remote recommendation manager
recman   < MyRec >  → use MyRec recommendation manager only
norecman            → disable all remote recommendation manager
norecman < MyRec >  → use all recommendation managers excepts MyRec
nopretty            → no colors
noforce             → no force
nobar               → no progress bar
nospinner           → no spinner
noasync             → dont run asynchronously
nocache             → disable cache
yolo                → proceed if error occured (eg. test failure)
please              → be nice to butterflies
pakku async   add dist                # run in async mode while adding dist
pakku nocache add dist                # dont use cache
pakku dont    add dist                # dont add dist (dry run)
pakku pretty  please remove dist

Feeling Rakuish Today?

Most of `Pakku` commands and options can be written in shorter form, for example:
add    → a  update   → u  yolo     → y  nopretty → np  nothing → N 0
remove → r  download → d  exclude  → x  nodeps   → nd  all     → A 6
list   → l  help     → h  deps     → d  noforce  → nf  debug   → D 5
search → s  verbose  → v  force    → f  notest   → nt  now     → N 4
build  → b  pretty   → p  details  → d  nobuild  → nb  info    → I 3
test   → t  only     → o  norecman → nr nocache  → nc  warn    → W 2
The below are `Pakku` commands as well!
pakku   ↓   dist
## ENV Options Options can be set via environment variables as well: **General**
Pakku Output ============ Pakku output aims to be tidy and concise, uses emojis, colors and three letters key words to convey messages. For example, the `` emoji indicates that Pakku is starting a task, while `` means Pakku successfully completed a task. An output line like: ` BLD: Inline::Perl5:ver<0.60>:auth:api<>` means Pakku is starting to build `Inline::Perl5:ver<0.60>:auth:api<>`, and based on the result another output line could be: ` BLD: Inline::Perl5:ver<0.60>:auth:api<>` # build success ` BLD: Inline::Perl5:ver<0.60>:auth:api<>` # build failure Below is a list of output lines that one can see and their meaning: ``` ADD → start add command SPC → processing Spec MTA → processing Meta FTC → fetching BLD → building STG → staging TST → testing BLD → build success TST → test success BIN → binary added WAI → waiting TOT → timed out SPC → error processing Spec MTA → error processing Meta BLD → build failure TST → test failure CNF → config error CMD → command error ``` **Pakku verbosity levels:** - 1 ` all ` → All avaialble output - 2 `debug` → Debug output - 3 ` now ` → What is happenning now - 4 `info ` → Important things only - 5 `warn ` → Warnings only - 6 `error` → Errors only - 0 `nothing` → Nothing > [!WARNING] > Pakku uses emoji and ANSI escape codes, If your terminal doesn't support them, you can disable colors, bars and spinners, (eg. `pakku nopretty nobar nospinner add Foo`), or disable permanently in config file. also for emojis, eg. to change the `debug` emoji for example, in config file replace `"debug": {"prefix": ""}` with `"debug": {"prefix": "D"}`. **Command result**: - `-Ofun` - Success - `Nofun` - Failure Gotchas ======= **Caching downloaded distributions** When one installs a distribution via `pakku add dist`, Pakku first looks in the local cache to see if there is a downloaded distribution matches `dist` specification, if nothing found in the cache, Pakku then searches the configured `RecMan` and obtain the latest version of `dist` (e.g. `dist:ver<0.4.1>`), download, cache, and install it. After sometime when a new version `dist:ver<0.4.2>` is released and available in `RecMan`, if one try to install `dist` via `pakku add dist`, what happens is Pakku will find `dist:ver<0.4.1>` available in local cache and will install that version because it matches `dist` specification. so one will not get the latest version `dist:ver<0.4.2>`. There are two ways to avoid this and get the latest version, either specify the version e.g. `pakku add dist:ver<0.4.2>` or disable cache lookup e.g. `pakku nocache add dist` (also, one can permenantly disable cache in config file). **Pakku installs to _site_ repo by default** If the user doesn't have `rw` permision to `site` repo, one can change the default repo to `home` in config file using: ```pakku config add set to home``` or specify the repo in the command e.g. `pakku add to home dist` Credits ======= Thanks to `Panda` and `Zef` for `Pakku` inspiration. also Thanks to the nice `#raku` community. Motto ===== Light like a , Colorful like a Author ====== Haytham Elganiny `elganiny.haytham at` Copyright and License ===================== Copyright 2023 Haytham Elganiny This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.


