
上传日期:2023-07-15 10:02:07
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  去中心化驱动:基于区块链的Dapp,支持去中心化存储和文件共享。在IPFS上安全存储文件,在t上保存哈希...,
(Decentralize-Drive: A blockchain-based Dapp enabling decentralized storage and file sharing. Safely store files on IPFS, save hashes on the blockchain, and easily share with others. Embrace the power of decentralization for secure and reliable data storage. #decentralizedstorage #filesharing #blockchain)

client/ (0, 2023-07-15)
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client/public/favicon.ico (3870, 2023-07-15)
client/public/index.html (1721, 2023-07-15)
client/public/logo192.png (5347, 2023-07-15)
client/public/logo512.png (9664, 2023-07-15)
client/public/manifest.json (492, 2023-07-15)
client/public/robots.txt (67, 2023-07-15)
client/src/ (0, 2023-07-15)
client/src/App.js (2165, 2023-07-15)
client/src/App.test.js (246, 2023-07-15)
client/src/components/ (0, 2023-07-15)
client/src/components/Display.js (1093, 2023-07-15)
client/src/components/FileUpload.js (1813, 2023-07-15)
client/src/components/Modal.js (3874, 2023-07-15)
client/src/index.css (59, 2023-07-15)
client/src/index.js (541, 2023-07-15)
client/src/logo.svg (2632, 2023-07-15)
client/src/reportWebVitals.js (362, 2023-07-15)
client/src/setupTests.js (241, 2023-07-15)
client/tailwind.config.js (163, 2023-07-15)
contract.sol (1670, 2023-07-15)
contracts/ (0, 2023-07-15)
contracts/Upload.sol (1670, 2023-07-15)
hardhat.config.js (1205, 2023-07-15)
package-lock.json (344322, 2023-07-15)
package.json (418, 2023-07-15)
scripts/ (0, 2023-07-15)
scripts/deploy.js (299, 2023-07-15)

# Decentralize-Drive Decentralize-Drive is a decentralized file storage application that allows users to save and share data in a decentralized network. It leverages the power of blockchain technology, IPFS (InterPlanetary File System), and smart contracts to provide secure and efficient storage solutions. ## Features - **Decentralized Storage**: Data is stored in a decentralized network, ensuring high availability and fault tolerance. - **IPFS Integration**: IPFS is used to save files in a decentralized manner, utilizing Pinata to obtain file hashes. - **Blockchain Integration**: The application uses a blockchain (deployed using Hardhat) to store the hashes of the files, ensuring data integrity and immutability. - **File Sharing**: Users can easily share files with others using the Dapp. ## Prerequisites To run this application locally, you need to have the following dependencies installed: - Node.js (v12 or higher) - npm (v6 or higher) ## Installation 1. Clone the repository: ```bash git clone ``` 2. Navigate to the project directory: ```bash cd Decentralize-Drive ``` 3. Install the required packages: ```bash npm install ``` ## Configuration Before running the application, you need to configure some parameters: 1. Set up a blockchain network using Hardhat and obtain the connection details (RPC URL, private keys, etc.). Update the configuration file (`hardhat.config.js`) accordingly. 2. Obtain API credentials from Pinata and update the configuration file (`config.js`) with your Pinata API key and secret API key. 3. Make sure you have a running IPFS node or use a public IPFS gateway. Update the configuration file (`config.js`) with the appropriate IPFS gateway URL. ## Usage 1. Compile the smart contracts: ```bash npx hardhat compile ``` 2. Deploy the smart contracts: ```bash npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js ``` 3. Start the application: ```bash npm start ``` 4. Access the application in your web browser at `http://localhost:3000`. ## Contributing Contributions to Decentralize-Drive are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please create an issue or submit a pull request. ## Acknowledgments Decentralize-Drive builds upon various open-source technologies and libraries. We would like to thank the developers and contributors of the following projects: - [Hardhat]( - [IPFS]( - [Pinata]( We appreciate your interest in Decentralize-Drive and look forward to your feedback!


