
上传日期:2023-07-16 10:49:44
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  用于娱乐对话的Talkative命令行助手,
(The Talkative Command Line Companion for Amusing Dialogues,)

.vscode/ (0, 2023-07-16)
.vscode/launch.json (982, 2023-07-16)
.vscode/tasks.json (301, 2023-07-16)
LICENSE (1060, 2023-07-16)
build.zig (1505, 2023-07-16)
example/ (0, 2023-07-16)
example/c-example-plugin.c (1862, 2023-07-16)
example/zig-example-plugin.zig (5206, 2023-07-16)
include/ (0, 2023-07-16)
include/dial-plugin.h (981, 2023-07-16)
src/ (0, 2023-07-16)
src/ConfigParser.zig (2378, 2023-07-16)
src/CredentialsParser.zig (1016, 2023-07-16)
src/HttpClient.zig (14312, 2023-07-16)
src/PluginsManager.zig (1867, 2023-07-16)
src/c.zig (64, 2023-07-16)
src/config.zig (383, 2023-07-16)
src/credentials.zig (72, 2023-07-16)
src/main.zig (14470, 2023-07-16)
src/plugin.zig (5162, 2023-07-16)
src/request.zig (3635, 2023-07-16)
src/response.zig (413, 2023-07-16)

# dial > _The Talkative Command Line Companion for Amusing Dialogues_ `dial` is a command line tool to interact with [openai](https://openai.com/)'s chat api. It supports custom [function calling](https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/gpt/function-calling) plugins written in any language that can expose a C api. It is released under the [MIT Licence](LICENSE). ## Build Currently only tested on MacOS and zig version `0.11.0-dev.3947+89396ff02`. The only dependency is [`curl`](https://curl.se/). ```sh $ zig build -Doptimize=ReleaseSafe ``` The executable will be found in `zig-out/bin/dial` and you can move it to your `$PATH`. ## Usage ``` $ dial Welcome to dial v0.0.1 (gpt-3.5-turbo-0613) Type ".help" for more information. user> Say this is a test This is a test. user> .exit ``` ## Configuration ### credentials.json You will need an [openai api key](https://platform.openai.com/overview). Create a file `~/.dial/credentials.json` with the content ```json { "openai_api_key": "YOUR API KEY", "openai_organization_id": "YOUR ORG ID" } ``` `openai_organization_id` is optional. ### config.json You can also create a `~/.dial/config.json` file with the content ```json { "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613", "editor": ["emacs"] } ``` This file (including all top level keys) is optional. ## Plugins ### Configuration The default plugin search path is `~/.dial/plugins` and you can add additional search paths to your configuration file using the `plugin_search_paths` key: ```json "plugin_search_paths": ["/absolute-path-to/my-plugin/out"] ``` To enable a plugin, add the shared library (`.dll`, `.so` or `.dylib`) to one of the folders in your `plugin_search_paths` and add an entry in your configuration file: ```json "plugins": [ { "name": "my-plugin", "args": {}, "enabled": true, "auto_confirm": false, } ] ``` where - `"name"` -- Required. Omit the file-extension and the "lib" prefix. For example, if your plugin file is named 'libmy-plugin.dylib' the correct value would be 'my-plugin' - `"args"` -- Optional, default null. Arguments passed to the plugin on initialization. Check the plugin's documentation for details - `"enabled"` -- Optional, default true. Set to false to disable this plugin, but keep it in the configuration file - `"auto_confirm"` -- Optional, default false. Set to true to make dial not ask for confirmation before running a plugin function ### Creating plugins A plugin is a dynamic library implementing the C API as described in [`include/dial-plugin.h`](include/dial-plugin.h). You can find a minimal example (in C) at [`example/c_example_plugin.c`](example/c_example_plugin.c) and an example (in zig) at [`example/zig_example_plugin.zig`](example/zig_example_plugin.zig)


