
上传日期:2023-07-10 05:25:18
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  AI文本到图像应用程序,,

文件列表: (1050, 2023-07-09)
dockerfile (299, 2023-07-09)
packages.txt (2298, 2023-07-09)

# AI Text-to-Image App This Python script implements an AI Text-Image App using the Streamlit framework. The app allows users to generate images based on text prompts using a StableDiffusionPipeline model. ## Model - The model used in this app is the StableDiffusionPipeline from the `diffusers` package. - The specific model ID used is "CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4". - The model is loaded using the `from_pretrained()` function, which loads the pre-trained weights of the model. - The model is then moved to the accelerator device for efficient computation. ## App Functionality - The app displays a user interface with the title "AI Text-Image App" using `st.title()`. - The user can enter a text prompt in the provided input field using `st.text_input()`. - Upon clicking the "Generate Image" button, the app checks if the prompt is valid (not empty or containing only whitespace) using `strip()` and displays a warning if it is not valid using `st.warning()`. - If the prompt is valid, the app generates an image based on the prompt using the StableDiffusionPipeline model. - The generated image is saved as "Saved_img.png" using ``. - A success message is displayed using `st.success()` to indicate that the image generation and saving were successful. - The generated image is displayed using `st.image()` with the caption "Generated Image" and `use_column_width=True` for proper visualization. ## Running the App To clone the repo execute the following command in your Terminal: ``` git clone ``` To run the app, execute the Python script using the following command: ``` streamlit run ``` The Streamlit server will start, allowing you to access the AI Text-Image App in your web browser. --- The AI Text-Image App leverages the StableDiffusionPipeline model to generate images based on text prompts, providing users with an interactive and visually appealing experience.


